| 0006804 | 9 | | Texture wrapping artifacts on minimap | | Nypyren | May 2, 2012 |
| 0007221 | 17 | | Replace "Detection Line" with an Aura | | Penumbra | May 2, 2012 |
| 0007442 | 1 | | Font gets messed up in some places when using a texture pack | | Quaix | May 2, 2012 |
| 0007416 | 2 | | Mouse capturing (AVWW) | closed | Rednax | May 2, 2012 |
| 0007435 | 3 | | Achievement issues | | gorturtle | May 2, 2012 |
| 0007439 | | | Diluter enchant tooltips need to be updated | | khadgar | May 2, 2012 |
| 0007433 | | | Custom Hotbar saves | considering | Kregoth | May 2, 2012 |
| 0007418 | 1 | | Allow for percentage increase in AIP over time | considering | GUDare | May 2, 2012 |
| 0007428 | 1 | | Enemy type that can stand on player created platforms | considering | khadgar | May 2, 2012 |
| 0007430 | 3 | | Tractor spell | considering | martyn_van_buren | May 2, 2012 |
| 0007427 | 12 | | Spell sliding | considering | Kregoth | May 2, 2012 |
| 0007426 | 1 | | Alternative targeting controls | considering | Leafy Greens | May 2, 2012 |
| 0004839 | 3 | | Make particle modification support persistent over releases | | zebramatt | May 2, 2012 |
| 0007421 | 1 | | Trapped miniboss | closed | Quaix | May 2, 2012 |
| 0007419 | | | Moving windstorms | considering | Hyfrydle | May 2, 2012 |
| 0007247 | 1 | | Explosive Espers bugged explosions | | kingisaaclinksr | May 2, 2012 |
| 0007359 | 1 | | Only tier 2 orbs dropping - higher tier orbs should be rewarded from missions but are not | | Nuck | May 2, 2012 |
| 0007362 | 4 | [Valley 1] Suggestion - Balancing Issues | Bat form trivializes Journey to Perfection missions. | | freykin | May 2, 2012 |
| 0006079 | 3 | [Valley 1] Suggestion - Balancing Issues | Global Difficulty Level versus Area Difficulty Level | | khadgar | May 2, 2012 |
| 0007329 | 7 | | Upgrading stats caused a reset | considering | Skarlath | May 2, 2012 |
| 0007434 | 6 | | Multiplayer spells should be pooled | | Kregoth | May 1, 2012 |
| 0007250 | 2 | | Shopping List for personal quests/tasks/goals | closed | Kemeno | May 1, 2012 |
| 0007400 | 5 | | Big error message after crash, unable to leave continent map | | revwhatever | May 1, 2012 |
| 0007432 | 3 | [Valley 1] Suggestion - Balancing Issues | Potential exploit | | khadgar | May 1, 2012 |
| 0007272 | 6 | | Texture Pack Support | | TheGodofCruelty | May 1, 2012 |
| 0007409 | 10 | | Creeping Death no longer possible | | Leafy Greens | May 1, 2012 |
| 0007422 | 2 | | Crash right after connecting to a multiplayer server | | khadgar | May 1, 2012 |
| 0007420 | 3 | | Abandoned towns have way too many espers, at least in new worlds | | martyn_van_buren | May 1, 2012 |
| 0007381 | 11 | [Valley 1] Suggestion - Balancing Issues | Bat form trivializes Journey to Perfection missions. Even without Storm Dash. | closed | Omosh | May 1, 2012 |
| 0007415 | 1 | [Valley 1] Suggestion - Balancing Issues | There should be some intercontinental interactivity | considering | Lokarin | May 1, 2012 |
| 0007412 | 1 | | Incentivize spells through cost | considering | Bluddy | May 1, 2012 |
| 0007410 | 7 | | AVWW fails to respond upon dying in the Overlord Lair | | Ipkins | May 1, 2012 |
| 0007395 | 4 | | Later continent unlocks ignore tier requirement. | | freykin | May 1, 2012 |
| 0006780 | 9 | | Urban Crawlers not moving | | Moo | May 1, 2012 |
| 0007388 | 4 | | (dragon?) Survivor does not vanish upon completion of rescue survivor mission | | khadgar | May 1, 2012 |
| 0007408 | | | Building Suggestion: buildings to connect settlements/allow limited trade | considering | vadatajs | May 1, 2012 |
| 0007406 | | | Galaxy Map - Seperate "My" and "Allied" ship counts | considering | Wingflier | May 1, 2012 |
| 0007403 | | | Galaxy Map - Displaying: Force Fields | considering | Wingflier | May 1, 2012 |
| 0007402 | | | Differentiate the dungeon map player/door indicators | considering | The Wuggly Ump | May 1, 2012 |
| 0007375 | 3 | | MP spell resources not shared with other players until possibly sometime (much) later | | LintMan | May 1, 2012 |
| 0007397 | | | Player-dropped items sometimes vanish in large quantities | | Fyda | May 1, 2012 |
| 0007394 | | | Interior rescue mission did not create monster spawners | closed | Ipkins | May 1, 2012 |
| 0007393 | 1 | | Renaming the player character when choosing it | considering | Ipkins | May 1, 2012 |
| 0007298 | 5 | | 200% fire resistance | | Quaix | May 1, 2012 |
| 0007390 | | | Floating one way teleporter in ice age stash room | | Penumbra | May 1, 2012 |
| 0007404 | 3 | | Allow larger font configuration | | The Wuggly Ump | May 1, 2012 |
| 0007387 | | | Some more interesting logged items from the Debug Log in a Multiplayer server, and in server chat log | | GUDare | May 1, 2012 |
| 0007363 | 3 | | Polish: Wind in the overworld | considering | Quaix | May 1, 2012 |
| 0001899 | 11 | | Human Fleet Command Station - Preferably at Murdoch! | | ShadowOTE | May 1, 2012 |
| 0007384 | | | Utahraptors get "stuck" on the player somewhat often. | | khadgar | May 1, 2012 |