Viewing Issues 451 - 500 / 28776

[Heart Of The Machine]  Bug - Gameplay
Predators don't hide, even with the stealth hoodieBJun 19, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Suggestion
Highlight large units where they are occluded
considering (Chris_McElligottPark)
TroggJun 19, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Gameplay Issue
Bulk nickelbot snipers not receiving double range when in defend and deterThe Grand MugwumpJun 19, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Gameplay Issue
Difference between sheltered and refugee humans unclear
UltrapotassiumJun 19, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Suggestion
Allow configuration of the camera distance on actor switchingColorsJun 19, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Graphical Bug
Research Progress Bar Doesn't Match Percentage.
minor fix for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
WolfierJun 19, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Bug - Other
Missing equipment notification opens the unit window, and the unit is not in the discovered unitsMarcelo MattioliJun 19, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Bug - Other
Typo in the extra info of the water fight.WolfierJun 19, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Crash/Exception
NRE on deleting Biomulch Spidersriking28Jun 19, 2024
 00287651The Bulk Harvester Drones above the daily essentials factory have a description text errorLord Of NothingJun 19, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Crash/Exception
Attempting to delete the territory claim flag for the furniture warehouse gives a repeating errorLord Of NothingJun 19, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Suggestion
Add default text for empty weapon slots
minor fix for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
PingcodeJun 19, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Suggestion
Suggestion - Fire Station Icon might be misleading
minor fix for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
mblazewiczJun 19, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Suggestion
Add a camera symbol to the camera location on the city map.
considering (Chris_McElligottPark)
WolfierJun 19, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Gameplay Issue
Losing Delivery Craft can softlock the demoStrategic SageJun 19, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Bug - Other
Other - If multiple saves with the same date/time exist their names will flickermblazewiczJun 19, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Gameplay Issue
Death Warning on 0 bots even with towers builtlordcrekitJun 19, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Bug - Gameplay
Mindport not marked as defective after decrowningRhomplestomperJun 19, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Suggestion
Project Concept: Overwhelming a target through expenditure of non-critical resources
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
TriangularBlasphemyJun 18, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Suggestion
an event where the ai encounters a human cosplaying as one of your unique androids
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
kenken244Jun 18, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Suggestion
Change "Power Armor" to "Plating" or "Armor Plating"WolfierJun 18, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Gameplay Idea
Project Concept: Pathogenic Soul
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
TriangularBlasphemyJun 18, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Crash/Exception
Exception when removing Territory Control SiteWylker_1Jun 18, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Crash/Exception
Error code for territory flag removalZealJun 18, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Crash/Exception
Deleted territory flagThatboi193Jun 18, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Note To Test
"The world is shades of grey, being alive is just adding color"
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
MintdragonJun 18, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Crash/Exception
Audio clip "Ambiance_City_Rain_01" could not be played. FMOD Error: ...AviKavJun 18, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Bug - Gameplay
Using up last mental point (MP) - sets AP of every unit to zero even if you gain more MP from Cold Blood.veevoirJun 18, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Suggestion
Suggestion - Protein canneries could produce preserved brains
feature for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
mblazewiczJun 18, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Crash/Exception
failure by lost of multiple buildingsFroGG2Jun 18, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Bug - Other
Other - Large vehicles are showing a partial highlightmblazewiczJun 18, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Bug - Other
Other - No outlines appear when inspect mode is triggeredmblazewiczJun 18, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Bug - Other
Other - Civilians carrying the furniture are marked with the red outlinemblazewiczJun 18, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Bug - Gameplay
Motionless Warrior does not unlock after Black Market Rifle researchPingcodeJun 18, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Bug - Gameplay
Alarms at military munitions depot both sounding and not sounding at the same timeCbllnJun 18, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Gameplay Issue
Computronium Factory listed under refineries, whilst being a factoryHalf PhasedJun 18, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Gameplay Issue
last android resurrection vs popupElvarienJun 18, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Bug - Gameplay
Unable to deploy unit because of ? stun ? resources ? bugs ? [save attached]BJun 18, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Bug - Gameplay
Deploying new robots seems bugged, or otherwise not clear how to deployZeusAlmightyJun 18, 2024
 00284442Android Chamber: "Deploy" hover popup doesn't show up when you click from the Unit QueueScrObotJun 18, 2024
 00283805"Deploy" button for using Android Chambers not immediately obviousAlias50Jun 18, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Gameplay Issue
Cycling units adjusts zoom levelTroggJun 18, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Bug - Other
Sheltered humans in City Statistics different from housing buildings
WolfierJun 18, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Suggestion
Double left-click to center camera from Forces menuTroggJun 18, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Gameplay Issue
A combat unit with 13 cognition can do an investigation which requires 75 cognition.The Grand MugwumpJun 18, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Suggestion
double left click unit to enter street view from mapTroggJun 18, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Suggestion
Add a handbook entry durring the furniture quest telling the player that the humans are slow on purpose
MintdragonJun 18, 2024
 00283454'Next Unit' UI Bug
minor fix for later (Chris_McElligottPark)
Strategic SageJun 18, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Suggestion
Suggestion - Current approach to Fullscreen/windowed can prove inconvenient
considering (Chris_McElligottPark)
mblazewiczJun 18, 2024
[Heart Of The Machine]  Graphical Bug
Alt tabbing on Proton Experimental Manjaro Linux KDE does not let me tab back inFeuermagierJun 18, 2024