View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryLast Update
0028064AI War 2Crash/ExceptionNov 22, 2023 7:40 pm
ReporterCrabby Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version5.573 Hotfix 
Summary0028064: GameEntity_Base deserialization error at stage 2000 from serialized version 5.574 loading into new version 5.574
DescriptionI see a bunch of things about deserialization error and inability to read strings. I'm unable to load saves after hacking AI structures (magnifier, troop accelerator, etc). is the one that is able to work. and I cannot open.
TagsNo tags attached.


duplicate of 0028072 resolvedDismiss Save games consistently fail to load (every save in campaign) 



Nov 13, 2023 8:24 pm


ArcenDebugLog.txt (1,585,550 bytes)
Autosave at 4h 5m (692,784 bytes) (652,410 bytes) (752,594 bytes) (755,680 bytes)


Nov 13, 2023 11:06 pm

reporter   ~0068001

I'm unable to reproduce with the methods you mention. Is there anything else you can recall doing that lead to the corrupt saves?
I used your "Fourth" save, reprogrammed a troop accelerator and black hole machine, and sabotaged a magnifier, and saved after each one. I can load the new saves just fine.

I even captured the Orchid nearby just in case, but still I haven't found a way to reproduce a broken save. The thing that stands out the most in the log for me would be this: "Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 14"
  And then the subsequent errors appear to be caused by overflown memory values?

Relay Bot

Nov 20, 2023 8:18 pm

reporter   ~0068012

I've been getting similar errors attempting to load any campaign with my list of mods active, the errors that I think are related to this are on lines 98-635. Playing an unmodded campaign doesn't seem to cause this issue for me, but I haven't played one long enough to know for certain.
ArcenDebugLog-2.txt (196,213 bytes)   
11/20/2023 6:53:40 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/
PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/
11/20/2023 6:53:41 PM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.3430s)
11/20/2023 6:53:41 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11
graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
graphicsMultiThreaded: False
graphicsShaderLevel: 50
operatingSystem: Windows 10  (10.0.19045) 64bit
graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630
graphicsDeviceID: 16024
graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel
graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902
graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
graphicsMemorySize: 16210
maxTextureSize: 16384
npotSupport: Full
processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz
processorCount: 16
processorFrequency: 3600
systemMemorySize: 32420
supportedRenderTargetCount: 8
supportsComputeShaders: True
supportsShadows: True
usesReversedZBuffer: True
11/20/2023 6:53:41 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Game Version: 5.574
11/20/2023 6:53:41 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.4071s)
11/20/2023 6:53:42 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.5897s)
11/20/2023 6:53:42 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Found 928 xml files in 156 folders in 100ms
11/20/2023 6:53:43 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (1.6706s)
11/20/2023 6:53:43 PM 5.574 SINGLEP 928 Xml Files Parsed in 1,566ms
11/20/2023 6:53:43 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s)
11/20/2023 6:53:43 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0030s)
11/20/2023 6:53:44 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0948s)
11/20/2023 6:53:44 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses!
11/20/2023 6:53:44 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Expansions:  The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!)  Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!)  The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!)  
11/20/2023 6:53:44 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Mods:  ClassicFusion (Disabled)  AchievementRestorer (Disabled)  AIShieldGenerators (Disabled)  AMU (Enabled!)  AstrotrainsDerailed (Enabled!)  AzaranEmpire (Enabled!)  Bonus_Assets (Enabled!)  CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled)  CityShips (Enabled!)  DarkSpireReimagined (Disabled)  DireMacrophage (Disabled)  DpsHud (Disabled)  DysonPlayerType (Disabled)  DysonSidekick (Enabled!)  ExoticShips (Enabled!)  ExowarVarietyLON (Enabled!)  ExpertMinusScaling (Enabled!)  ExtendedShipVariants (Enabled!)  ExtragalacticInvaders (Disabled)  facc_fleet_names (Disabled)  facc_ASF (Disabled)  facc_ASF_plus (Disabled)  facc_GSF (Disabled)  facc_GSF_plus (Disabled)  FrigatesFocus (Disabled)  FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled)  Generator (Disabled)  HarvesterSidekick (Disabled)  HRFAlternative (Enabled!)  HydralFedBalance (Disabled)  HydralFederation (Disabled)  JuicyJournals (Enabled!)  Leere (Disabled)  Lore (Enabled!)  LostHumans (Disabled)  LostSpireCoilbeam (Enabled!)  MacrophageAlterations (Disabled)  MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled)  MicroModCollection (Disabled)  MoreFrigates (Enabled!)  MoreStartingFleets (Disabled)  MoreSystemDefenders (Enabled!)  NanocaustRampage (Disabled)  NecromancerIsNotNeinzul (Disabled)  NecroParty (Enabled!)  OutguardParty (Enabled!)  PaladinTransports (Disabled)  PlayableFlenser (Disabled)  Poi (Disabled)  PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled)  RadiantColors (Disabled)  RadiantDysonTweaks (Disabled)  RadiantFleets (Disabled)  RadiantMaps (Disabled)  RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Enabled!)  Reclaimers (Disabled)  RogueGolems (Disabled)  SapperAlterations (Enabled!)  ShipLineUpgrades (Disabled)  SimpleOptions (Disabled)  SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled)  SuperchargeRaid (Disabled)  TameDarkSpire (Disabled)  UniversalNemesis (Enabled!)  UniversalScrap (Disabled)  VariousChanges (Enabled!)  Xushido (Enabled!)  ZombieAlterations (Disabled)  
11/20/2023 6:53:44 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0339s)
11/20/2023 6:53:44 PM 5.574 SINGLEP 928 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 7ms
11/20/2023 6:53:44 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.4677s)
11/20/2023 6:53:45 PM 5.574 SINGLEP No resolution change was required.
11/20/2023 6:53:45 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: 
11/20/2023 6:53:45 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144)
11/20/2023 6:53:45 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.5801s)
11/20/2023 6:53:45 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.7980s)
11/20/2023 6:53:46 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.3626s)
11/20/2023 6:53:46 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.4650s)
11/20/2023 6:53:47 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'.
11/20/2023 6:53:47 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (1.2033s)
11/20/2023 6:53:47 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0190s)
11/20/2023 6:53:48 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0548s)
11/20/2023 6:53:48 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.1632s)
11/20/2023 6:53:48 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0389s)
11/20/2023 6:53:49 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Ignoring Starfields (0.9930s)
11/20/2023 6:53:49 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Cleaning Distant Planets (0.6845s)
11/20/2023 6:53:49 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0140s)
11/20/2023 6:53:50 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Splitting Ship Parts Into Smaller Parts (0.9616s)
11/20/2023 6:53:51 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1735s)
11/20/2023 6:53:53 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll
11/20/2023 6:53:54 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Gathering Nuclear Power (3.5769s)
11/20/2023 6:53:54 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0477s)
11/20/2023 6:53:54 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0788s)
11/20/2023 6:53:54 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0267s)
11/20/2023 6:53:56 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (1.8593s)
11/20/2023 6:53:57 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (1.2560s)
11/20/2023 6:53:58 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.5513s)
11/20/2023 6:53:58 PM 5.574 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0
11/20/2023 6:53:57 PM 5.574 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID14 Info: will dump 2864 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt.
11/20/2023 6:53:58 PM 5.574 SINGLEP We got 14 campaign's data when deserializing
11/20/2023 6:53:58 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.3571s)
11/20/2023 6:53:58 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0080s)
11/20/2023 6:53:58 PM 5.574 SINGLEP 17.9 seconds total load time.
Boot up FleetOS (0.3s)
Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.4s)
Inspect Aft Hatches (0.6s)
Check For Extra Modules (1.7s)
Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.5s)
Remembering Alamo (0.6s)
Calculate Odds Of Success (0.8s)
Briefly Panic (0.4s)
Install Confidence Routines (0.5s)
Late Axionic Computations (1.2s)
Ignoring Starfields (1.0s)
Cleaning Distant Planets (0.7s)
Splitting Ship Parts Into Smaller Parts (1.0s)
Gathering Nuclear Power (3.6s)
Windshield Wiping (1.9s)
Last Organizational Modeling (1.3s)
Stimulate Modulation (0.6s)
Order Cores By Seniority (0.4s)
11/20/2023 6:53:59 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Obscuris'
11/20/2023 6:55:50 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/Entendre/ Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame
11/20/2023 6:55:50 PM 5.574 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts.
11/20/2023 6:55:51 PM 5.574 SINGLEP GameEntity_Base deserialization error at stage 2000 from serialized version 5.574 loading into new version 5.574, error: System.Exception: TypeData Error: DeserializeFrom_Inner DoByIndex=true nameIndex of 8152 larger than IndexSerializationInfo.SerializedNamesList.Count of 2917 on table: GameEntityTypeDataTable FieldNameForErrors: TypeData From Version: 5.574 from a dynamic table
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDynamicTable`1[T].DeserializeFrom (Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, Arcen.Universal.ArcenDeserializationBuffer Buffer, System.String& NameFound, System.Boolean DoByIndex, Arcen.Universal.LookupSwapAllowed SwapAllowed, System.String FieldNameForErrors, System.Boolean ShowErrorIfMissing) [0x00225] in <22d94cd256e648aeb121b7e6d044ef68>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDynamicTable`1[T].DeserializeByIndex (Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, Arcen.Universal.ArcenDeserializationBuffer Buffer, System.String& NameFound, System.String FieldNameForErrors) [0x00001] in <22d94cd256e648aeb121b7e6d044ef68>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Base.StartAnyEntityDeserializeFrom (Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet Planet, Arcen.AIW2.Core.PlanetFaction Faction, Arcen.Universal.ArcenDeserializationBuffer Buffer, System.Boolean HideErrors, System.Boolean& HadCatastrophicFail, System.Boolean IsLoadingForTemplate, Arcen.Universal.SerializationCommandType SerializationCmdType) [0x00029] in <4fc6a328af524c0d84a9510e3e658dae>:0 

Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
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Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
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Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
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Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 16811/20/2023 6:55:51 PM 5.574 SINGLEP GameEntity_Squad deserialization error at stage 23000 from serialized version 5.574 loading into new version 5.574, error: System.Exception: Could not read string 'TransformsIntoAfterTime', but did get this partial one: '/üK)=ö0Y0?????R????11/20/2023 7:03:30 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/Entendre/ Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame
11/20/2023 7:03:30 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Clearing player accounts.
11/20/2023 7:03:30 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	GameEntity_Base deserialization error at stage 2000 from serialized version 5.574 loading into new version 5.574, error: System.Exception: TypeData Error: DeserializeFrom_Inner DoByIndex=true nameIndex of 8152 larger than IndexSerializationInfo.SerializedNamesList.Count of 2917 on table: GameEntityTypeDataTable FieldNameForErrors: TypeData From Version: 5.574 from a dynamic table
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDynamicTable`1[T].DeserializeFrom (Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, Arcen.Universal.ArcenDeserializationBuffer Buffer, System.String& NameFound, System.Boolean DoByIndex, Arcen.Universal.LookupSwapAllowed SwapAllowed, System.String FieldNameForErrors, System.Boolean ShowErrorIfMissing) [0x00225] in <22d94cd256e648aeb121b7e6d044ef68>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDynamicTable`1[T].DeserializeByIndex (Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, Arcen.Universal.ArcenDeserializationBuffer Buffer, System.String& NameFound, System.String FieldNameForErrors) [0x00001] in <22d94cd256e648aeb121b7e6d044ef68>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Base.StartAnyEntityDeserializeFrom (Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet Planet, Arcen.AIW2.Core.PlanetFaction Faction, Arcen.Universal.ArcenDeserializationBuffer Buffer, System.Boolean HideErrors, System.Boolean& HadCatastrophicFail, System.Boolean IsLoadingForTemplate, Arcen.Universal.SerializationCommandType SerializationCmdType) [0x00029] in <4fc6a328af524c0d84a9510e3e658dae>:0 

Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 16811/20/2023 7:03:30 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	GameEntity_Squad deserialization error at stage 23000 from serialized version 5.574 loading into new version 5.574, error: System.Exception: Could not read string 'TransformsIntoAfterTime', but did get this partial one: '/üK)=ö0Y0?????R????'.
Was for field with name: 'TransformsIntoAfterTime'  Exception: System.Exception: Tried to read condensed string format index 112 which is >= the length of 109 supported characters.  Some bad data just happened prior to this!
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDeserializationBufferModern.GetBits_InnerHelperChar (System.Boolean ReadFullUnicode) [0x000c1] in <22d94cd256e648aeb121b7e6d044ef68>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDeserializationBufferModern.ReadString_Condensed (Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, System.String FieldNameForErrors) [0x00120] in <22d94cd256e648aeb121b7e6d044ef68>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDeserializationBufferModern.ReadString_Condensed (Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, System.String FieldNameForErrors) [0x002af] in <22d94cd256e648aeb121b7e6d044ef68>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.DeserializeSquadIntoSelf (Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, System.Int32 primaryKeyID, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData typeData, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet NewPlanet, Arcen.Universal.ArcenDeserializationBuffer Buffer, System.Boolean HideErrors, System.Boolean IsLoadingTemplate, Arcen.Universal.SerializationCommandType SerializationCmdType, Arcen.AIW2.Core.PlanetFaction NewPlanetFaction) [0x01e23] in <4fc6a328af524c0d84a9510e3e658dae>:0 
11/20/2023 7:03:30 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	The savegame you are trying to load had the following inner fatal error: GameEntity_Squad deserialization error at stage 23000 from serialized version 5.574 loading into new version 5.574, error: System.Exception: Could not read string 'TransformsIntoAfterTime', but did get this partial one: '/üK)=ö0Y0?????R????'.
Was for field with name: 'TransformsIntoAfterTime'  Exception: System.Exception: Tried to read condensed string format index 112 which is >= the length of 109 supported characters.  Some bad data just happened prior to this!
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDeserializationBufferModern.GetBits_InnerHelperChar (System.Boolean ReadFullUnicode) [0x000c1] in <22d94cd256e648aeb121b7e6d044ef68>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDeserializationBufferModern.ReadString_Condensed (Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, System.String FieldNameForErrors) [0x00120] in <22d94cd256e648aeb121b7e6d044ef68>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDeserializationBufferModern.ReadString_Condensed (Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, System.String FieldNameForErrors) [0x002af] in <22d94cd256e648aeb121b7e6d044ef68>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.DeserializeSquadIntoSelf (Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, System.Int32 primaryKeyID, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData typeData, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet NewPlanet, Arcen.Universal.ArcenDeserializationBuffer Buffer, System.Boolean HideErrors, System.Boolean IsLoadingTemplate, Arcen.Universal.SerializationCommandType SerializationCmdType, Arcen.AIW2.Core.PlanetFaction NewPlanetFaction) [0x01e23] in <4fc6a328af524c0d84a9510e3e658dae>:0 
11/20/2023 7:03:30 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Location 1: Go back to main menu since save load failed.
11/20/2023 7:03:30 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Clearing player accounts.
11/20/2023 7:03:30 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Failed to load save in 394ms
11/20/2023 7:03:39 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/Entendre\ Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame
11/20/2023 7:03:39 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Clearing player accounts.
11/20/2023 7:03:40 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	GameEntity_Base deserialization error at stage 2000 from serialized version 5.574 loading into new version 5.574, error: System.Exception: TypeData Error: DeserializeFrom_Inner DoByIndex=true nameIndex of 8152 larger than IndexSerializationInfo.SerializedNamesList.Count of 2917 on table: GameEntityTypeDataTable FieldNameForErrors: TypeData From Version: 5.574 from a dynamic table
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDynamicTable`1[T].DeserializeFrom (Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, Arcen.Universal.ArcenDeserializationBuffer Buffer, System.String& NameFound, System.Boolean DoByIndex, Arcen.Universal.LookupSwapAllowed SwapAllowed, System.String FieldNameForErrors, System.Boolean ShowErrorIfMissing) [0x00225] in <22d94cd256e648aeb121b7e6d044ef68>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDynamicTable`1[T].DeserializeByIndex (Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, Arcen.Universal.ArcenDeserializationBuffer Buffer, System.String& NameFound, System.String FieldNameForErrors) [0x00001] in <22d94cd256e648aeb121b7e6d044ef68>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Base.StartAnyEntityDeserializeFrom (Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet Planet, Arcen.AIW2.Core.PlanetFaction Faction, Arcen.Universal.ArcenDeserializationBuffer Buffer, System.Boolean HideErrors, System.Boolean& HadCatastrophicFail, System.Boolean IsLoadingForTemplate, Arcen.Universal.SerializationCommandType SerializationCmdType) [0x00029] in <4fc6a328af524c0d84a9510e3e658dae>:0 

Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 168
Error there are only 3 values for PlanetFactionBooleanFlag and save wants us to read 16811/20/2023 7:03:40 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	GameEntity_Squad deserialization error at stage 23000 from serialized version 5.574 loading into new version 5.574, error: System.Exception: Could not read string 'TransformsIntoAfterTime', but did get this partial one: '/üK)=ö0Y0?????R????'.
Was for field with name: 'TransformsIntoAfterTime'  Exception: System.Exception: Tried to read condensed string format index 112 which is >= the length of 109 supported characters.  Some bad data just happened prior to this!
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDeserializationBufferModern.GetBits_InnerHelperChar (System.Boolean ReadFullUnicode) [0x000c1] in <22d94cd256e648aeb121b7e6d044ef68>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDeserializationBufferModern.ReadString_Condensed (Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, System.String FieldNameForErrors) [0x00120] in <22d94cd256e648aeb121b7e6d044ef68>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDeserializationBufferModern.ReadString_Condensed (Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, System.String FieldNameForErrors) [0x002af] in <22d94cd256e648aeb121b7e6d044ef68>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.DeserializeSquadIntoSelf (Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, System.Int32 primaryKeyID, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData typeData, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet NewPlanet, Arcen.Universal.ArcenDeserializationBuffer Buffer, System.Boolean HideErrors, System.Boolean IsLoadingTemplate, Arcen.Universal.SerializationCommandType SerializationCmdType, Arcen.AIW2.Core.PlanetFaction NewPlanetFaction) [0x01e23] in <4fc6a328af524c0d84a9510e3e658dae>:0 
11/20/2023 7:03:40 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	The savegame you are trying to load had the following inner fatal error: GameEntity_Squad deserialization error at stage 23000 from serialized version 5.574 loading into new version 5.574, error: System.Exception: Could not read string 'TransformsIntoAfterTime', but did get this partial one: '/üK)=ö0Y0?????R????'.
Was for field with name: 'TransformsIntoAfterTime'  Exception: System.Exception: Tried to read condensed string format index 112 which is >= the length of 109 supported characters.  Some bad data just happened prior to this!
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDeserializationBufferModern.GetBits_InnerHelperChar (System.Boolean ReadFullUnicode) [0x000c1] in <22d94cd256e648aeb121b7e6d044ef68>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDeserializationBufferModern.ReadString_Condensed (Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, System.String FieldNameForErrors) [0x00120] in <22d94cd256e648aeb121b7e6d044ef68>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDeserializationBufferModern.ReadString_Condensed (Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, System.String FieldNameForErrors) [0x002af] in <22d94cd256e648aeb121b7e6d044ef68>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.DeserializeSquadIntoSelf (Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, System.Int32 primaryKeyID, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData typeData, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet NewPlanet, Arcen.Universal.ArcenDeserializationBuffer Buffer, System.Boolean HideErrors, System.Boolean IsLoadingTemplate, Arcen.Universal.SerializationCommandType SerializationCmdType, Arcen.AIW2.Core.PlanetFaction NewPlanetFaction) [0x01e23] in <4fc6a328af524c0d84a9510e3e658dae>:0 
11/20/2023 7:03:40 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Location 1: Go back to main menu since save load failed.
11/20/2023 7:03:40 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Clearing player accounts.
11/20/2023 7:03:40 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Failed to load save in 452ms
11/20/2023 7:05:42 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/ Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings
11/20/2023 7:05:42 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Clearing player accounts.
11/20/2023 7:05:42 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Clearing player accounts.
11/20/2023 7:05:42 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Clearing player accounts.
11/20/2023 7:05:43 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	loading as template
11/20/2023 7:05:43 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/20/2023 7:05:43 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/20/2023 7:05:43 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/20/2023 7:05:43 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/20/2023 7:05:43 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/20/2023 7:05:43 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/20/2023 7:05:43 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/20/2023 7:05:43 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/20/2023 7:05:43 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Finish load save in 357ms
11/20/2023 7:05:43 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED2 TID14 Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 1005088680 and planet count 80 and 25 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF
11/20/2023 7:05:43 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED3 TID14 Map structure generated in 24ms.
11/20/2023 7:05:43 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED4 TID14 PlayerAccount Husk has now been put in control of faction 1 - Spire-Infused Empire.
11/20/2023 7:05:43 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED5 TID14 Generate Partial Map Complete  75ms Seed: 1005088680
11/20/2023 7:05:48 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED6 TID15 Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 1005088680 and planet count 80 and 42 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
11/20/2023 7:05:48 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED7 TID15 PlayerAccount Husk is controlling faction 1 - Spire-Infused Empire already.
11/20/2023 7:05:48 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED8 TID15 Generate Partial Map Complete  28ms Seed: 1005088680
11/20/2023 7:05:49 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED9 TID8 Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 1005088680 and planet count 80 and 38 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
11/20/2023 7:05:49 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED10 TID8 PlayerAccount Husk is controlling faction 1 - Spire-Infused Empire already.
11/20/2023 7:05:49 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED11 TID8 Generate Partial Map Complete  21ms Seed: 1005088680
11/20/2023 7:05:53 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED12 TID19 Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 1005088680 and planet count 80 and 36 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
11/20/2023 7:05:53 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED13 TID19 PlayerAccount Husk is controlling faction 1 - Spire-Infused Empire already.
11/20/2023 7:05:53 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED14 TID19 Generate Partial Map Complete  21ms Seed: 1005088680
11/20/2023 7:05:54 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED15 TID24 Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 1005088680 and planet count 80 and 35 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
11/20/2023 7:05:54 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED16 TID24 PlayerAccount Husk is controlling faction 1 - Spire-Infused Empire already.
11/20/2023 7:05:54 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED17 TID24 Generate Partial Map Complete  19ms Seed: 1005088680
11/20/2023 7:05:55 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED18 TID7 Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 1005088680 and planet count 80 and 34 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
11/20/2023 7:05:55 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED19 TID7 PlayerAccount Husk is controlling faction 1 - Spire-Infused Empire already.
11/20/2023 7:05:55 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED20 TID7 Generate Partial Map Complete  20ms Seed: 1005088680
11/20/2023 7:05:56 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED21 TID23 Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 1005088680 and planet count 80 and 33 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
11/20/2023 7:05:56 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED22 TID23 PlayerAccount Husk is controlling faction 1 - Spire-Infused Empire already.
11/20/2023 7:05:56 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED23 TID23 Generate Partial Map Complete  19ms Seed: 1005088680
11/20/2023 7:05:57 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED24 TID14 Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 1005088680 and planet count 80 and 32 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
11/20/2023 7:05:57 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED25 TID14 PlayerAccount Husk is controlling faction 1 - Spire-Infused Empire already.
11/20/2023 7:05:57 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED26 TID14 Generate Partial Map Complete  19ms Seed: 1005088680
11/20/2023 7:05:58 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED27 TID8 Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 1005088680 and planet count 80 and 31 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
11/20/2023 7:05:58 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED28 TID8 PlayerAccount Husk is controlling faction 1 - Spire-Infused Empire already.
11/20/2023 7:05:58 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED29 TID8 Generate Partial Map Complete  18ms Seed: 1005088680
11/20/2023 7:05:59 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED30 TID17 Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 1005088680 and planet count 80 and 28 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
11/20/2023 7:05:59 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED31 TID17 PlayerAccount Husk is controlling faction 1 - Spire-Infused Empire already.
11/20/2023 7:05:59 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED32 TID17 Generate Partial Map Complete  18ms Seed: 1005088680
11/20/2023 7:06:00 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED33 TID8 Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 1005088680 and planet count 80 and 27 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
11/20/2023 7:06:00 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED34 TID8 PlayerAccount Husk is controlling faction 1 - Spire-Infused Empire already.
11/20/2023 7:06:00 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED35 TID8 Generate Partial Map Complete  18ms Seed: 1005088680
11/20/2023 7:06:01 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED36 TID10 Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 1005088680 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
11/20/2023 7:06:01 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED37 TID10 PlayerAccount Husk is controlling faction 1 - Spire-Infused Empire already.
11/20/2023 7:06:01 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED38 TID10 Generate Partial Map Complete  18ms Seed: 1005088680
11/20/2023 7:06:03 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED39 TID24 Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 1005088680 and planet count 80 and 25 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
11/20/2023 7:06:03 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED40 TID24 PlayerAccount Husk is controlling faction 1 - Spire-Infused Empire already.
11/20/2023 7:06:03 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED41 TID24 Generate Partial Map Complete  16ms Seed: 1005088680
11/20/2023 7:06:05 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED42 TID28 Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 1005088680 and planet count 80 and 24 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
11/20/2023 7:06:05 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED43 TID28 PlayerAccount Husk is controlling faction 1 - Spire-Infused Empire already.
11/20/2023 7:06:05 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED44 TID28 Generate Partial Map Complete  17ms Seed: 1005088680
11/20/2023 7:06:06 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED45 TID7 Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 1005088680 and planet count 80 and 23 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
11/20/2023 7:06:06 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED46 TID7 PlayerAccount Husk is controlling faction 1 - Spire-Infused Empire already.
11/20/2023 7:06:06 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED47 TID7 Generate Partial Map Complete  19ms Seed: 1005088680
11/20/2023 7:06:10 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Clearing player accounts.
11/20/2023 7:06:12 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/ Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings
11/20/2023 7:06:12 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Clearing player accounts.
11/20/2023 7:06:12 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Clearing player accounts.
11/20/2023 7:06:12 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Clearing player accounts.
11/20/2023 7:06:12 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	loading as template
11/20/2023 7:06:12 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/20/2023 7:06:12 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/20/2023 7:06:12 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/20/2023 7:06:12 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/20/2023 7:06:12 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/20/2023 7:06:12 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/20/2023 7:06:12 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/20/2023 7:06:12 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/20/2023 7:06:12 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Finish load save in 297ms
11/20/2023 7:06:12 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED48 TID20 Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 750595429 and planet count 80 and 11 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF
11/20/2023 7:06:12 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED49 TID20 Map structure generated in 4ms.
11/20/2023 7:06:12 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED50 TID20 PlayerAccount Husk has now been put in control of faction 1 - Spire-Infused Empire.
11/20/2023 7:06:12 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED51 TID20 Generate Partial Map Complete  22ms Seed: 750595429
11/20/2023 7:06:14 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Clearing player accounts.
11/20/2023 7:06:20 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED52 TID13 Update mod and expansion statuses!
11/20/2023 7:06:20 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED53 TID13 Expansions:  The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!)  Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!)  The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!)  
11/20/2023 7:06:20 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED54 TID13 Mods:  ClassicFusion (Disabled)  AMU (Disabled)  Bonus_Assets (Disabled)  UniversalScrap (Disabled)  AchievementRestorer (Disabled)  AIShieldGenerators (Disabled)  AstrotrainsDerailed (Disabled)  AzaranEmpire (Disabled)  CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled)  CityShips (Disabled)  DarkSpireReimagined (Disabled)  DireMacrophage (Disabled)  DpsHud (Disabled)  DysonPlayerType (Disabled)  DysonSidekick (Disabled)  ExoticShips (Disabled)  ExowarVarietyLON (Disabled)  ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled)  ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled)  ExtragalacticInvaders (Disabled)  facc_ASF (Disabled)  facc_ASF_plus (Disabled)  facc_fleet_names (Disabled)  facc_GSF (Disabled)  facc_GSF_plus (Disabled)  FrigatesFocus (Disabled)  FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled)  Generator (Disabled)  HarvesterSidekick (Disabled)  HRFAlternative (Disabled)  HydralFedBalance (Disabled)  HydralFederation (Disabled)  JuicyJournals (Disabled)  Leere (Disabled)  Lore (Disabled)  LostHumans (Disabled)  LostSpireCoilbeam (Disabled)  MacrophageAlterations (Disabled)  MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled)  MicroModCollection (Disabled)  MoreFrigates (Disabled)  MoreStartingFleets (Disabled)  MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled)  NanocaustRampage (Disabled)  NecromancerIsNotNeinzul (Disabled)  NecroParty (Disabled)  OutguardParty (Disabled)  PaladinTransports (Disabled)  PlayableFlenser (Disabled)  Poi (Disabled)  PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled)  RadiantColors (Disabled)  RadiantDysonTweaks (Disabled)  RadiantFleets (Disabled)  RadiantMaps (Disabled)  RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled)  Reclaimers (Disabled)  RogueGolems (Disabled)  SapperAlterations (Disabled)  ShipLineUpgrades (Disabled)  SimpleOptions (Disabled)  SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled)  SuperchargeRaid (Disabled)  TameDarkSpire (Disabled)  UniversalNemesis (Disabled)  VariousChanges (Disabled)  Xushido (Disabled)  ZombieAlterations (Disabled)  
11/20/2023 7:06:20 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Reload All Tables That Allow For That
11/20/2023 7:06:20 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED55 TID10 Reset All Pools From Xml Reload
11/20/2023 7:06:29 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED56 TID10 Reuse And Ready (9.0923s)
11/20/2023 7:06:29 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED57 TID10 Found 926 xml files in 154 folders in 87ms
11/20/2023 7:06:30 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED58 TID10 Clear And Reload Xml (0.7699s)
11/20/2023 7:06:30 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED59 TID10 926 Xml Files Parsed in 681ms
11/20/2023 7:06:30 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED60 TID10 Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0120s)
11/20/2023 7:06:30 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED61 TID10 926 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 11ms
11/20/2023 7:06:30 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED62 TID10 Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0000s)
11/20/2023 7:06:30 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED63 TID10 Prep Tables (0.0189s)
11/20/2023 7:06:30 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Tables Are Prepped (0.0050s)
11/20/2023 7:06:30 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'.
11/20/2023 7:06:30 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Outer error while initializing a table Arcen.AIW2.Core.AddonObjectOrParticleFieldTable debugStage 1700: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenAssetBundlePath.get_CombinedPath () [0x0004c] in <22d94cd256e648aeb121b7e6d044ef68>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.AddonObjectOrParticleFieldPool.GetOrCreatePoolFor (System.String InternalNameOfParent, Arcen.Universal.ArcenAssetBundlePath File, Arcen.AIW2.Core.AddonObjectOrParticleField MainData) [0x00001] in <4fc6a328af524c0d84a9510e3e658dae>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.AddonObjectOrParticleField.Load () [0x00001] in <4fc6a328af524c0d84a9510e3e658dae>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.AddonObjectOrParticleFieldTable.DoPostInitializationPreSortingLogic_MainThread () [0x00017] in <4fc6a328af524c0d84a9510e3e658dae>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDynamicTable`1[T].Initialize () [0x000e5] in <22d94cd256e648aeb121b7e6d044ef68>:0 
  at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp) [0x00000] in <22d94cd256e648aeb121b7e6d044ef68>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <22d94cd256e648aeb121b7e6d044ef68>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDynamicTable`1[T].Initialize () [0x00000] in <22d94cd256e648aeb121b7e6d044ef68>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDynamicTableAggregator+<ReloadAllTablesThatAllowForThat>d__11.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <22d94cd256e648aeb121b7e6d044ef68>:0 
  at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in <6efa3bca41284615a5ec71875f8706fb>:0 

11/20/2023 7:06:31 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Initialize Tables (0.6396s)
11/20/2023 7:06:31 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Do Table Post-Init (0.0080s)
11/20/2023 7:06:31 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll
11/20/2023 7:06:32 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Re-Scan For Hostile Intelligences (0.8033s)
11/20/2023 7:06:32 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Post-Proton Surge (0.0179s)
11/20/2023 7:06:32 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0189s)
11/20/2023 7:06:32 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0260s)
11/20/2023 7:06:32 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Windshield Wiping (0.0977s)
11/20/2023 7:06:32 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Last Organizational Modeling (0.4513s)
11/20/2023 7:06:32 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Stimulate Modulation (0.2254s)
11/20/2023 7:06:32 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	No resolution change was required.
11/20/2023 7:06:32 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Applied graphics settings: 
11/20/2023 7:06:32 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144)
11/20/2023 7:11:56 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/ Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings
11/20/2023 7:11:56 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Clearing player accounts.
11/20/2023 7:11:56 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Clearing player accounts.
11/20/2023 7:11:56 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Warning: Could not find AIWar2GalaxySetting 'CapturableRepositioning_Enabled', so its data was discarded.
11/20/2023 7:11:56 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Warning: Could not find AIWar2GalaxySetting 'CapturableRepositioning_AffectAsteroidMines', so its data was discarded.
11/20/2023 7:11:56 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Warning: Could not find AIWar2GalaxySetting 'StartingOutguard', so its data was discarded.
11/20/2023 7:11:56 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Warning: Could not find AIWar2GalaxySetting 'FavorNewOutguard', so its data was discarded.
11/20/2023 7:11:56 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Warning: Could not find AIWar2GalaxySetting 'DysonAutoDefend', so its data was discarded.
11/20/2023 7:11:56 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Clearing player accounts.
11/20/2023 7:11:56 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	loading as template
11/20/2023 7:11:56 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/20/2023 7:11:56 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/20/2023 7:11:56 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/20/2023 7:11:56 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/20/2023 7:11:56 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/20/2023 7:11:56 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/20/2023 7:11:56 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/20/2023 7:11:56 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/20/2023 7:11:56 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Finish load save in 201ms
11/20/2023 7:11:56 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED64 TID37 Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 429975053 and planet count 80 and 11 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF
11/20/2023 7:11:56 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED65 TID37 Map structure generated in 4ms.
11/20/2023 7:11:56 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED66 TID37 PlayerAccount Husk has now been put in control of faction 1 - Spire-Infused Empire.
11/20/2023 7:11:56 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED67 TID37 Generate Partial Map Complete  16ms Seed: 429975053
11/20/2023 7:11:58 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED68 TID31 Start Generate FULL Map with Clusters and seed 429975053 and planet count 80 and 23 factions (StartingMainGameAfterLobby NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
11/20/2023 7:11:59 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED69 TID31 Generate FULL Map Complete  503ms Seed: 429975053
11/20/2023 7:11:59 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED70 TID39 Fixed incorrect count of ships to be granted.  Was 3, now 15 Implosion Minefield from Other Defensive Schematic Server
11/20/2023 7:11:59 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED71 TID38 Added new fleet: countOfFleetsActuallyHere: 0 intendedNumberOfFleets: 1 PlayerCustomCityFedMobile
11/20/2023 7:12:36 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	
Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit:
Game Version: 5574_SettingsHotfix
Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly

11/20/2023 7:12:36 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Clearing player accounts.
11/20/2023 7:12:37 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/test/ Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame
11/20/2023 7:12:37 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Clearing player accounts.
11/20/2023 7:12:38 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Finish load save in 309ms
11/20/2023 7:12:45 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Clearing player accounts.
11/20/2023 7:12:47 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/test/ Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame
11/20/2023 7:12:47 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Clearing player accounts.
11/20/2023 7:12:47 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Finish load save in 293ms
11/20/2023 7:13:38 PM	SINGLEP	Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/
PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/
11/20/2023 7:13:39 PM	SINGLEP	Boot up FleetOS (0.3022s)
11/20/2023 7:13:39 PM	SINGLEP	graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11
graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
graphicsMultiThreaded: False
graphicsShaderLevel: 50
operatingSystem: Windows 10  (10.0.19045) 64bit
graphicsDeviceName: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630
graphicsDeviceID: 16024
graphicsDeviceVendor: Intel
graphicsDeviceVendorID: 32902
graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
graphicsMemorySize: 16210
maxTextureSize: 16384
npotSupport: Full
processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz
processorCount: 16
processorFrequency: 3600
systemMemorySize: 32420
supportedRenderTargetCount: 8
supportsComputeShaders: True
supportsShadows: True
usesReversedZBuffer: True
11/20/2023 7:13:39 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Game Version: 5.574
11/20/2023 7:13:39 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.2228s)
11/20/2023 7:13:39 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Inspect Aft Hatches (0.0838s)
11/20/2023 7:13:39 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Found 928 xml files in 156 folders in 77ms
11/20/2023 7:13:40 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Check For Extra Modules (0.9241s)
11/20/2023 7:13:40 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	928 Xml Files Parsed in 842ms
11/20/2023 7:13:40 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s)
11/20/2023 7:13:40 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0040s)
11/20/2023 7:13:40 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0449s)
11/20/2023 7:13:40 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Update mod and expansion statuses!
11/20/2023 7:13:40 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Expansions:  The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!)  Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!)  The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!)  
11/20/2023 7:13:40 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Mods:  ClassicFusion (Disabled)  AchievementRestorer (Disabled)  AIShieldGenerators (Disabled)  AMU (Disabled)  AstrotrainsDerailed (Disabled)  AzaranEmpire (Disabled)  Bonus_Assets (Disabled)  CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled)  CityShips (Disabled)  DarkSpireReimagined (Disabled)  DireMacrophage (Disabled)  DpsHud (Disabled)  DysonPlayerType (Disabled)  DysonSidekick (Disabled)  ExoticShips (Disabled)  ExowarVarietyLON (Disabled)  ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled)  ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled)  ExtragalacticInvaders (Disabled)  facc_fleet_names (Disabled)  facc_ASF (Disabled)  facc_ASF_plus (Disabled)  facc_GSF (Disabled)  facc_GSF_plus (Disabled)  FrigatesFocus (Disabled)  FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled)  Generator (Disabled)  HarvesterSidekick (Disabled)  HRFAlternative (Disabled)  HydralFedBalance (Disabled)  HydralFederation (Disabled)  JuicyJournals (Disabled)  Leere (Disabled)  Lore (Disabled)  LostHumans (Disabled)  LostSpireCoilbeam (Disabled)  MacrophageAlterations (Disabled)  MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled)  MicroModCollection (Disabled)  MoreFrigates (Disabled)  MoreStartingFleets (Disabled)  MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled)  NanocaustRampage (Disabled)  NecromancerIsNotNeinzul (Disabled)  NecroParty (Disabled)  OutguardParty (Disabled)  PaladinTransports (Disabled)  PlayableFlenser (Disabled)  Poi (Disabled)  PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled)  RadiantColors (Disabled)  RadiantDysonTweaks (Disabled)  RadiantFleets (Disabled)  RadiantMaps (Disabled)  RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled)  Reclaimers (Disabled)  RogueGolems (Disabled)  SapperAlterations (Disabled)  ShipLineUpgrades (Disabled)  SimpleOptions (Disabled)  SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled)  SuperchargeRaid (Disabled)  TameDarkSpire (Disabled)  UniversalNemesis (Disabled)  UniversalScrap (Disabled)  VariousChanges (Disabled)  Xushido (Disabled)  ZombieAlterations (Disabled)  
11/20/2023 7:13:40 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0539s)
11/20/2023 7:13:40 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	928 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 23ms
11/20/2023 7:13:40 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0724s)
11/20/2023 7:13:40 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	No resolution change was required.
11/20/2023 7:13:40 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Applied graphics settings: 
11/20/2023 7:13:40 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Applied Framerate Type: 144 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:144)
11/20/2023 7:13:40 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Remembering Alamo (0.1041s)
11/20/2023 7:13:41 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Calculate Odds Of Success (0.2504s)
11/20/2023 7:13:41 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Briefly Panic (0.1717s)
11/20/2023 7:13:41 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Install Confidence Routines (0.3231s)
11/20/2023 7:13:41 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'.
11/20/2023 7:13:41 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Late Axionic Computations (0.2433s)
11/20/2023 7:13:41 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Acquiring Towel (0.0170s)
11/20/2023 7:13:41 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0170s)
11/20/2023 7:13:41 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0908s)
11/20/2023 7:13:41 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Grouping Flow Fields (0.0379s)
11/20/2023 7:13:42 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Weepinig Over Starfields (0.1366s)
11/20/2023 7:13:42 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Pillaging Distant Planets (0.1574s)
11/20/2023 7:13:42 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Calculating Firing Cones (0.0170s)
11/20/2023 7:13:43 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Ejecting Ship Parts Into Space (0.8353s)
11/20/2023 7:13:43 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1267s)
11/20/2023 7:13:45 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll
11/20/2023 7:13:45 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Collecting Solar Wind (2.3960s)
11/20/2023 7:13:45 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Post-Proton Surge (0.0548s)
11/20/2023 7:13:45 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0608s)
11/20/2023 7:13:45 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0321s)
11/20/2023 7:13:45 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Windshield Wiping (0.1935s)
11/20/2023 7:13:46 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Last Organizational Modeling (0.9716s)
11/20/2023 7:13:47 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Stimulate Modulation (0.4547s)
11/20/2023 7:13:47 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0
11/20/2023 7:13:46 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	DELAYED1 TID25 Info: will dump 2130 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt.
11/20/2023 7:13:47 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	We got 14 campaign's data when deserializing
11/20/2023 7:13:47 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Order Cores By Seniority (0.2971s)
11/20/2023 7:13:47 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Load Historical Documents (0.0057s)
11/20/2023 7:13:47 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	8.7 seconds total load time.
Boot up FleetOS (0.3s)
Check For Extra Modules (0.9s)
Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3s)
Install Confidence Routines (0.3s)
Ejecting Ship Parts Into Space (0.8s)
Collecting Solar Wind (2.4s)
Last Organizational Modeling (1.0s)
Stimulate Modulation (0.5s)
Order Cores By Seniority (0.3s)
11/20/2023 7:13:47 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Hello Steam user 'Obscuris'
11/20/2023 7:14:02 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/test/ Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame
11/20/2023 7:14:02 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Clearing player accounts.
11/20/2023 7:14:03 PM	5.574	SINGLEP	Finish load save in 607ms
ArcenDebugLog-2.txt (196,213 bytes)   

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
Nov 13, 2023 8:24 pm Crabby New Issue
Nov 13, 2023 8:24 pm Crabby File Added: ArcenDebugLog.txt
Nov 13, 2023 8:24 pm Crabby File Added: Autosave at 4h 5m
Nov 13, 2023 8:24 pm Crabby File Added: Autosave at 4h 10m
Nov 13, 2023 8:24 pm Crabby File Added:
Nov 13, 2023 8:24 pm Crabby File Added:
Nov 13, 2023 8:24 pm Crabby File Added:
Nov 13, 2023 11:06 pm Mac Note Added: 0068001
Nov 20, 2023 8:18 pm Relay Bot Note Added: 0068012
Nov 20, 2023 8:18 pm Relay Bot File Added: ArcenDebugLog-2.txt
Nov 22, 2023 7:40 pm Mac Relationship added duplicate of 0028072