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IDProjectCategoryLast Update
0027634AI War 2Bug - GameplayNov 5, 2022 12:11 pm
ReporterSkye Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version5.522 Secret Factions 
Summary0027634: Singleplayer game stuck, IsRunningProcessCoreLogicForArbitraryFrameOnMainThread Path A busy
DescriptionI was playing the "Scenario 4 - Classic Fleet - Difficulty 6 - Double AIs - Human Resistance Fighters - Marauders" quickstart and around 38 minutes in the game became stuck right after I unloaded a transport to respond to a wave. I could still look around but the game was not progressing. Trying to do actions like building turrets or saving would simply do nothing. Pressing the "Log All Threads" button in the debug menu appended the following lines to the ArcenDebugLog.txt file:
11/3/2022 2:48:29 PM 5.522 SINGLEP Logging all current threads...
11/3/2022 2:48:29 PM 5.522 SINGLEP ************** Thread Stack Traces: **************
11/3/2022 2:48:29 PM 5.522 SINGLEP ************** ThreadingExchanger Statuses: **************
11/3/2022 2:48:29 PM 5.522 SINGLEP Busy for: 763.0 IsRunningProcessCoreLogicForArbitraryFrameOnMainThread Path A
After pressing then "Abort All Threads" button the game began running again and the actions I had attempted to do while the game was stuck happened (the turrets were built and the game was saved).
I have attached the relevant section of the ArcenDebugLog.txt (all the messages from the boot that got stuck) as well as the save file that I tried to make while stuck (and which was made the instant the game became unstuck). Unfortunately I have not had any luck so far reproducing the issue from an earlier save file.
TagsNo tags attached.



Nov 3, 2022 4:48 pm


ArcenDebugLogTrimmed.txt (11,360 bytes)   
11/3/2022 1:04:01 PM	SINGLEP	Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/
PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/
11/3/2022 1:04:01 PM	SINGLEP	Boot up FleetOS (0.6980s)
11/3/2022 1:04:02 PM	SINGLEP	graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11
graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0]
graphicsMultiThreaded: False
graphicsShaderLevel: 50
operatingSystem: Windows 10  (10.0.19043) 64bit
graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760
graphicsDeviceID: 4487
graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA
graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318
graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.0]
graphicsMemorySize: 2007
maxTextureSize: 16384
npotSupport: Full
processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4440 CPU @ 3.10GHz
processorCount: 4
processorFrequency: 3093
systemMemorySize: 8077
supportedRenderTargetCount: 8
supportsComputeShaders: True
supportsShadows: True
usesReversedZBuffer: True
11/3/2022 1:04:03 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Game Version: 5.522
11/3/2022 1:04:03 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.7150s)
11/3/2022 1:04:05 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Inspect Aft Hatches (1.6660s)
11/3/2022 1:04:06 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Found 734 xml files in 147 folders in 1,352ms
11/3/2022 1:04:18 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Check For Extra Modules (13.5650s)
11/3/2022 1:04:18 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	734 Xml Files Parsed in 12,195ms
11/3/2022 1:04:18 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s)
11/3/2022 1:04:18 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0300s)
11/3/2022 1:04:19 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0990s)
11/3/2022 1:04:19 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Update mod and expansion statuses!
11/3/2022 1:04:19 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Expansions:  The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!)  Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!)  The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!)  
11/3/2022 1:04:19 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Mods:  AchievementRestorer (Disabled)  AiLieutenants (Disabled)  AIShieldGenerators (Disabled)  AMU (Disabled)  CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled)  DarkZenithSidekick (Disabled)  DpsHud (Disabled)  DysonSidekick (Disabled)  ExoticShips (Disabled)  ExowarVarietyLON (Disabled)  ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled)  ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled)  facc_fleet_names (Disabled)  facc_ASF (Disabled)  facc_ASF_plus (Disabled)  facc_GSF (Disabled)  facc_GSF_plus (Disabled)  FrigatesFocus (Disabled)  FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled)  Generator (Disabled)  HydralFederation (Disabled)  LostHumans (Disabled)  MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled)  MicroModCollection (Disabled)  MoreFrigates (Disabled)  MoreStartingFleets (Disabled)  MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled)  OutguardParty (Disabled)  PaladinTransports (Disabled)  Poi (Disabled)  PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled)  RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled)  RebalancingParty (Disabled)  Reclaimers (Disabled)  SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled)  SuperchargeRaid (Disabled)  TameDarkSpire (Disabled)  
11/3/2022 1:04:19 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.1340s)
11/3/2022 1:04:19 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	734 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 31ms
11/3/2022 1:04:19 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.3190s)
11/3/2022 1:04:20 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Resolution changed to windowed 1600x900
11/3/2022 1:04:20 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Applied graphics settings: 
11/3/2022 1:04:20 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Applied Framerate Type: 60 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:60)
11/3/2022 1:04:20 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Remembering Alamo (0.9110s)
11/3/2022 1:04:25 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Calculate Odds Of Success (5.3240s)
11/3/2022 1:04:29 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Briefly Panic (3.6560s)
11/3/2022 1:04:31 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Install Confidence Routines (1.6840s)
11/3/2022 1:04:31 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'.
11/3/2022 1:04:36 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Late Axionic Computations (5.9100s)
11/3/2022 1:04:37 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Acquiring Towel (0.0570s)
11/3/2022 1:04:37 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0940s)
11/3/2022 1:04:38 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Ejecting Tactical Core (1.6320s)
11/3/2022 1:04:38 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Grouping Flow Fields (0.1270s)
11/3/2022 1:04:44 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Gazing Into Starfields (5.1550s)
11/3/2022 1:04:47 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Mapping Distant Planets (3.7370s)
11/3/2022 1:04:47 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Calculating Firing Cones (0.0410s)
11/3/2022 1:04:50 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Splitting Ship Parts Into Smaller Parts (2.5000s)
11/3/2022 1:04:50 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Re-Aligning Objectives (0.3450s)
11/3/2022 1:06:13 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll
11/3/2022 1:06:15 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Replicating Terminal (85.2147s)
11/3/2022 1:06:15 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Post-Proton Surge (0.1280s)
11/3/2022 1:06:16 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Background Radiation Taste Test (0.4330s)
11/3/2022 1:06:16 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0610s)
11/3/2022 1:06:17 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Windshield Wiping (1.0540s)
11/3/2022 1:06:19 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Last Organizational Modeling (2.3990s)
11/3/2022 1:06:23 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Stimulate Modulation (3.2590s)
11/3/2022 1:06:23 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0
11/3/2022 1:06:20 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	DELAYED1 TID14 Info: will dump 2106 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt.
11/3/2022 1:06:25 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	We got 189 campaign's data when deserializing
11/3/2022 1:06:25 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Order Cores By Seniority (2.7700s)
11/3/2022 1:06:25 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Load Historical Documents (0.0200s)
11/3/2022 1:06:25 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	144.7 seconds total load time.
Boot up FleetOS (0.7s)
Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.7s)
Inspect Aft Hatches (1.7s)
Check For Extra Modules (13.6s)
Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.3s)
Remembering Alamo (0.9s)
Calculate Odds Of Success (5.3s)
Briefly Panic (3.7s)
Install Confidence Routines (1.7s)
Late Axionic Computations (5.9s)
Ejecting Tactical Core (1.6s)
Gazing Into Starfields (5.2s)
Mapping Distant Planets (3.7s)
Splitting Ship Parts Into Smaller Parts (2.5s)
Re-Aligning Objectives (0.3s)
Replicating Terminal (85.2s)
Background Radiation Taste Test (0.4s)
Windshield Wiping (1.1s)
Last Organizational Modeling (2.4s)
Stimulate Modulation (3.3s)
Order Cores By Seniority (2.8s)
11/3/2022 1:06:29 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Hello Steam user 'Skye'
11/3/2022 1:07:22 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Resolution changed to fullscreen 1200x1920
11/3/2022 1:07:22 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Applied graphics settings: 
11/3/2022 1:07:22 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Applied Framerate Type: 60 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:60)
11/3/2022 1:07:38 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Start load save: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/GameData/QuickStarts2/1-Basic\Scenario 4 - Classic Fleet - Difficulty 6 - Double AIs - Human Resistance Fighters - Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingQuickStart
11/3/2022 1:07:39 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Clearing player accounts.
11/3/2022 1:07:39 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Clearing player accounts.
11/3/2022 1:07:39 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	null possible names for planet Type: Normal so we go into Malkovich mode.
11/3/2022 1:07:39 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Clearing player accounts.
11/3/2022 1:07:39 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	loading as template
11/3/2022 1:07:39 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/3/2022 1:07:39 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/3/2022 1:07:39 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/3/2022 1:07:39 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/3/2022 1:07:39 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/3/2022 1:07:39 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/3/2022 1:07:39 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/3/2022 1:07:39 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these.
11/3/2022 1:07:40 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Finish load save in 1,616ms
11/3/2022 1:07:40 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	DELAYED2 TID9 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 77496587 and planet count 80 and 14 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingQuickStart) Logging OFF
11/3/2022 1:07:40 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	DELAYED3 TID9 Setting quickstart campaign type to: HumanityAscendant
11/3/2022 1:07:41 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	DELAYED4 TID9 Map structure generated in 503ms.
11/3/2022 1:07:41 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	DELAYED5 TID9 PlayerAccount Skye has now been put in control of faction 3 - Human Empire.
11/3/2022 1:07:41 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	DELAYED6 TID9 Generate Partial Map Complete  1311ms Seed: 77496587
11/3/2022 1:07:53 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	DELAYED7 TID24 Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 77496587 and planet count 80 and 26 factions (StartingMainGameAfterLobby NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
11/3/2022 1:07:55 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	DELAYED8 TID24 Generate FULL Map Complete  1536ms Seed: 77496587
11/3/2022 2:40:17 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Logging all current threads...
11/3/2022 2:40:17 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	************** Thread Stack Traces: **************
11/3/2022 2:40:17 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	************** ThreadingExchanger Statuses: **************
11/3/2022 2:40:17 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Busy for: 270.7   IsRunningProcessCoreLogicForArbitraryFrameOnMainThread   Path A
11/3/2022 2:43:22 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Logging all current threads...
11/3/2022 2:43:22 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	************** Thread Stack Traces: **************
11/3/2022 2:43:22 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	************** ThreadingExchanger Statuses: **************
11/3/2022 2:43:22 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Busy for: 455.3   IsRunningProcessCoreLogicForArbitraryFrameOnMainThread   Path A
11/3/2022 2:48:29 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Logging all current threads...
11/3/2022 2:48:29 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	************** Thread Stack Traces: **************
11/3/2022 2:48:29 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	************** ThreadingExchanger Statuses: **************
11/3/2022 2:48:29 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Busy for: 763.0   IsRunningProcessCoreLogicForArbitraryFrameOnMainThread   Path A
11/3/2022 2:59:36 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Aborting all current threads...
11/3/2022 2:59:36 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	************** Thread Aborts: **************
11/3/2022 2:59:36 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	************** ThreadingExchanger Status Resets: **************
11/3/2022 2:59:36 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	Busy for: 1417.2   IsRunningProcessCoreLogicForArbitraryFrameOnMainThread   Path A
11/3/2022 3:00:00 PM	5.522	SINGLEP	
Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit:
Game Version: 5522_Unnamed
Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly
ArcenDebugLogTrimmed.txt (11,360 bytes) (283,382 bytes)


Nov 3, 2022 5:23 pm

administrator   ~0067307

Thank you for the log! It doesn't have anything super specific in there. First thing to try is verifying the local file cache from Steam, because sometimes it has been doing bad downloads lately. That often solves unusual problems along these lines.


Nov 3, 2022 5:39 pm

reporter   ~0067308

Steam says "All 12627 files successfully validated"


Nov 4, 2022 12:44 am

administrator   ~0067309

Is the problem still occurring after that?


Nov 4, 2022 8:21 am

reporter   ~0067310

I haven't yet had it happened again (though I also haven't played much since). It might have been a complete fluke but I felt it was still worth reporting nonetheless. I will follow up if it happens again though


Nov 5, 2022 12:11 pm

administrator   ~0067311

Good to know -- thanks for the heads up.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
Nov 3, 2022 4:48 pm Skye New Issue
Nov 3, 2022 4:48 pm Skye File Added: ArcenDebugLogTrimmed.txt
Nov 3, 2022 4:48 pm Skye File Added:
Nov 3, 2022 5:23 pm Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0067307
Nov 3, 2022 5:39 pm Skye Note Added: 0067308
Nov 4, 2022 12:44 am Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0067309
Nov 4, 2022 8:21 am Skye Note Added: 0067310
Nov 5, 2022 12:11 pm Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0067311