View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryLast Update
0027177AI War 2Bug - OtherMay 1, 2022 9:24 am
ReporterParadoxSong Assigned ToChris_McElligottPark  
Status feedbackResolutionreopened 
Product Version5.004 Misc Polish 
Fixed in Version5.005 Threat Properly Threatens 
Summary0027177: Multiplayer Desyncs/ PKID conflict
DescriptionWe had a string of errors which we intentionally let build. We were silently desyncing severely and so the Client log has many hotjoins to the same game after erroring. (every 20-30 mins) Desyncs were mostly flagships being in the wrong place / elderlings dying way before they die for the host.

Hopefully the PKID error is a useful one to help track down the desyncs, but if not maybe the rest are more important than they looked!
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0027081 assignedChris_McElligottPark Necromancer Sidekick flagship not going through wormholes/Silent desync on 2x speed? 
related to 0027228 new Multiplayer Error Cascade 



Apr 25, 2022 9:42 pm


ArcenDebugLog (Host).txt (115,080 bytes)   
4/23/2022 10:24:13 AM	SINGLEP	Current directory used: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/
PlayerDataDirectory used: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/
4/23/2022 10:24:13 AM	SINGLEP	Boot up FleetOS (0.1680s)
4/23/2022 10:24:13 AM	SINGLEP	graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11
graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
graphicsMultiThreaded: False
graphicsShaderLevel: 50
operatingSystem: Windows 10  (10.0.19043) 64bit
graphicsDeviceName: AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series
graphicsDeviceID: 26522
graphicsDeviceVendor: ATI
graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4098
graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
graphicsMemorySize: 3051
maxTextureSize: 16384
npotSupport: Full
processorType: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor 
processorCount: 16
processorFrequency: 3800
systemMemorySize: 32678
supportedRenderTargetCount: 8
supportsComputeShaders: True
supportsShadows: True
usesReversedZBuffer: True
4/23/2022 10:24:13 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Game Version: 5.001
4/23/2022 10:24:13 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.2540s)
4/23/2022 10:24:13 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name
4/23/2022 10:24:13 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Inspect Aft Hatches (0.0310s)
4/23/2022 10:24:13 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Found 601 xml files in 143 folders in 58ms
4/23/2022 10:24:14 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Check For Extra Modules (0.7290s)
4/23/2022 10:24:14 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	601 Xml Files Parsed in 665ms
4/23/2022 10:24:14 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0030s)
4/23/2022 10:24:14 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0040s)
4/23/2022 10:24:14 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0270s)
4/23/2022 10:24:14 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Update mod and expansion statuses!
4/23/2022 10:24:14 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Expansions:  The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!)  Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!)  The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!)  
4/23/2022 10:24:14 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Mods:  AIShieldGenerators (Disabled)  AMU (Enabled!)  CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled)  ExoticShips (Disabled)  ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled)  ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled)  FrigatesFocus (Disabled)  FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled)  HydralFederation (Disabled)  LostHumans (Disabled)  MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled)  MicroModCollection (Disabled)  MoreFrigates (Disabled)  MoreStartingFleets (Disabled)  MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled)  PaladinTransports (Disabled)  PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled)  RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled)  SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled)  StrategicRebalance (Disabled)  StrategicRebalanceDLC1 (Disabled)  StrategicRebalanceDLC2 (Disabled)  SuperchargeRaid (Disabled)  TameDarkSpire (Disabled)  
4/23/2022 10:24:14 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0260s)
4/23/2022 10:24:14 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	601 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 7ms
4/23/2022 10:24:14 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0640s)
4/23/2022 10:24:14 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	No resolution change was required.
4/23/2022 10:24:14 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Applied graphics settings: 
4/23/2022 10:24:14 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75)
4/23/2022 10:24:14 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Remembering Alamo (0.0960s)
4/23/2022 10:24:15 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Calculate Odds Of Success (0.2510s)
4/23/2022 10:24:15 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Briefly Panic (0.1650s)
4/23/2022 10:24:15 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Install Confidence Routines (0.3390s)
4/23/2022 10:24:15 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'.
4/23/2022 10:24:15 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Late Axionic Computations (0.2430s)
4/23/2022 10:24:15 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Acquiring Towel (0.0240s)
4/23/2022 10:24:15 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0220s)
4/23/2022 10:24:15 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0890s)
4/23/2022 10:24:16 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Grouping Flow Fields (0.0540s)
4/23/2022 10:24:16 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Miming Starfields (0.0840s)
4/23/2022 10:24:16 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Pinpointing Distant Planets (0.1010s)
4/23/2022 10:24:16 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Calculating Firing Cones (0.0160s)
4/23/2022 10:24:16 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Wearing Ship Parts On Head (0.6120s)
4/23/2022 10:24:16 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1720s)
4/23/2022 10:24:19 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll
4/23/2022 10:24:19 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Obfuscating Hulls (2.4120s)
4/23/2022 10:24:19 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Post-Proton Surge (0.0210s)
4/23/2022 10:24:19 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0240s)
4/23/2022 10:24:19 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0200s)
4/23/2022 10:24:19 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Windshield Wiping (0.1360s)
4/23/2022 10:24:20 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Last Organizational Modeling (0.6010s)
4/23/2022 10:24:20 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Stimulate Modulation (0.4580s)
4/23/2022 10:24:20 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0
4/23/2022 10:24:20 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Order Cores By Seniority (0.0100s)
4/23/2022 10:24:20 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	DELAYED1 TID5 Info: will dump 2083 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt.
4/23/2022 10:24:20 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	We got 0 campaign's data when deserializing
4/23/2022 10:24:20 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Final Checks (0.2600s)
4/23/2022 10:24:20 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Load Historical Documents (0.0040s)
4/23/2022 10:24:20 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	7.5 seconds total load time.
Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3s)
Check For Extra Modules (0.7s)
Calculate Odds Of Success (0.3s)
Install Confidence Routines (0.3s)
Wearing Ship Parts On Head (0.6s)
Obfuscating Hulls (2.4s)
Last Organizational Modeling (0.6s)
Stimulate Modulation (0.5s)
Final Checks (0.3s)
4/23/2022 10:24:21 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Hello Steam user 'Paradox Song'
4/23/2022 10:25:26 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Start load save: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/ Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings
4/23/2022 10:25:26 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Clearing player accounts.
4/23/2022 10:25:26 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Clearing player accounts.
4/23/2022 10:25:26 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	null possible names for planet Type: Normal so we go into Malkovich mode.
4/23/2022 10:25:26 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Clearing player accounts.
4/23/2022 10:25:27 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	loading as template
4/23/2022 10:25:27 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/23/2022 10:25:27 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/23/2022 10:25:27 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/23/2022 10:25:27 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/23/2022 10:25:27 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/23/2022 10:25:27 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/23/2022 10:25:27 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/23/2022 10:25:27 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/23/2022 10:25:27 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	Finish load save in 238ms
4/23/2022 10:25:27 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	DELAYED2 TID28 Start Generate Partial Map with Clusters and seed 957101935 and planet count 90 and 19 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF
4/23/2022 10:25:27 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	DELAYED3 TID28 Map structure generated in 26ms.
4/23/2022 10:25:27 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	DELAYED4 TID28 PlayerAccount Paradox Song has now been put in control of faction 1 - Necromancer Sidekick.
4/23/2022 10:25:27 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	DELAYED5 TID28 Generate Partial Map Complete  84ms Seed: 957101935
4/23/2022 10:35:26 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	DELAYED6 TID28 Start Generate Partial Map with Simple and seed 957101935 and planet count 90 and 38 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/23/2022 10:35:26 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	DELAYED7 TID28 Map structure generated in 14ms.
4/23/2022 10:35:26 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	DELAYED8 TID28 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/23/2022 10:35:26 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	DELAYED9 TID28 Generate Partial Map Complete  34ms Seed: 957101935
4/23/2022 10:35:27 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	DELAYED10 TID32 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 957101935 and planet count 90 and 38 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/23/2022 10:35:27 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	DELAYED11 TID32 Map structure generated in 204ms.
4/23/2022 10:35:27 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	DELAYED12 TID32 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/23/2022 10:35:27 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	DELAYED13 TID32 Generate Partial Map Complete  219ms Seed: 957101935
4/23/2022 10:35:36 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	DELAYED14 TID26 Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 957101935 and planet count 90 and 38 factions (StartingMainGameAfterLobby NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/23/2022 10:35:36 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	DELAYED15 TID26 Generate FULL Map Complete  496ms Seed: 957101935
4/23/2022 10:37:18 AM	5.001	SINGLEP	
Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit:
Game Version: 5001_FirstPostCompletionTweaks
Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly

4/25/2022 6:32:06 PM	SINGLEP	Current directory used: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/
PlayerDataDirectory used: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/
4/25/2022 6:32:06 PM	SINGLEP	Boot up FleetOS (0.3290s)
4/25/2022 6:32:07 PM	SINGLEP	graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11
graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
graphicsMultiThreaded: False
graphicsShaderLevel: 50
operatingSystem: Windows 10  (10.0.19043) 64bit
graphicsDeviceName: AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series
graphicsDeviceID: 26522
graphicsDeviceVendor: ATI
graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4098
graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
graphicsMemorySize: 3051
maxTextureSize: 16384
npotSupport: Full
processorType: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor 
processorCount: 16
processorFrequency: 3800
systemMemorySize: 32678
supportedRenderTargetCount: 8
supportsComputeShaders: True
supportsShadows: True
usesReversedZBuffer: True
4/25/2022 6:32:08 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Game Version: 5.004
4/25/2022 6:32:08 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.3080s)
4/25/2022 6:32:08 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name
4/25/2022 6:32:08 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Inspect Aft Hatches (0.8630s)
4/25/2022 6:32:08 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Found 601 xml files in 143 folders in 65ms
4/25/2022 6:32:16 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Check For Extra Modules (7.1160s)
4/25/2022 6:32:16 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	601 Xml Files Parsed in 7,044ms
4/25/2022 6:32:16 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0050s)
4/25/2022 6:32:16 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0050s)
4/25/2022 6:32:16 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0400s)
4/25/2022 6:32:16 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Update mod and expansion statuses!
4/25/2022 6:32:16 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Expansions:  The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!)  Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!)  The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!)  
4/25/2022 6:32:16 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Mods:  AIShieldGenerators (Disabled)  AMU (Enabled!)  CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled)  ExoticShips (Disabled)  ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled)  ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled)  FrigatesFocus (Disabled)  FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled)  HydralFederation (Disabled)  LostHumans (Disabled)  MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled)  MicroModCollection (Disabled)  MoreFrigates (Disabled)  MoreStartingFleets (Disabled)  MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled)  PaladinTransports (Disabled)  PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled)  RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled)  SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled)  StrategicRebalance (Disabled)  StrategicRebalanceDLC1 (Disabled)  StrategicRebalanceDLC2 (Disabled)  SuperchargeRaid (Disabled)  TameDarkSpire (Disabled)  
4/25/2022 6:32:16 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0570s)
4/25/2022 6:32:16 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	601 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 7ms
4/25/2022 6:32:16 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0800s)
4/25/2022 6:32:16 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	No resolution change was required.
4/25/2022 6:32:17 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Applied graphics settings: 
4/25/2022 6:32:17 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75)
4/25/2022 6:32:17 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Remembering Alamo (0.7880s)
4/25/2022 6:32:21 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Calculate Odds Of Success (4.0480s)
4/25/2022 6:32:22 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Briefly Panic (1.8036s)
4/25/2022 6:32:23 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Install Confidence Routines (0.4440s)
4/25/2022 6:32:24 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'.
4/25/2022 6:32:27 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Late Axionic Computations (4.3960s)
4/25/2022 6:32:27 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Acquiring Towel (0.0230s)
4/25/2022 6:32:27 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0210s)
4/25/2022 6:32:28 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Ejecting Tactical Core (0.8660s)
4/25/2022 6:32:28 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Grouping Flow Fields (0.0450s)
4/25/2022 6:32:31 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Blowing Out Starfields (2.7600s)
4/25/2022 6:32:33 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Scouring Distant Planets (2.1560s)
4/25/2022 6:32:33 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Calculating Firing Cones (0.0150s)
4/25/2022 6:32:34 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Collapsing Pile Of Ship Parts (0.5240s)
4/25/2022 6:32:34 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1420s)
4/25/2022 6:33:12 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll
4/25/2022 6:33:12 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Uncoupling Aft Ports (38.7171s)
4/25/2022 6:33:12 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Post-Proton Surge (0.0260s)
4/25/2022 6:33:13 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0300s)
4/25/2022 6:33:13 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0260s)
4/25/2022 6:33:13 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Windshield Wiping (0.1700s)
4/25/2022 6:33:13 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Last Organizational Modeling (0.6200s)
4/25/2022 6:33:14 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Stimulate Modulation (0.3020s)
4/25/2022 6:33:14 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0
4/25/2022 6:33:14 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Order Cores By Seniority (0.0100s)
4/25/2022 6:33:13 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	DELAYED1 TID37 Info: will dump 2083 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt.
4/25/2022 6:33:14 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	We got 0 campaign's data when deserializing
4/25/2022 6:33:14 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Final Checks (0.5170s)
4/25/2022 6:33:14 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Load Historical Documents (0.0050s)
4/25/2022 6:33:14 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	68.3 seconds total load time.
Boot up FleetOS (0.3s)
Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (1.3s)
Inspect Aft Hatches (0.9s)
Check For Extra Modules (7.1s)
Remembering Alamo (0.8s)
Calculate Odds Of Success (4.0s)
Briefly Panic (1.8s)
Install Confidence Routines (0.4s)
Late Axionic Computations (4.4s)
Ejecting Tactical Core (0.9s)
Blowing Out Starfields (2.8s)
Scouring Distant Planets (2.2s)
Collapsing Pile Of Ship Parts (0.5s)
Uncoupling Aft Ports (38.7s)
Last Organizational Modeling (0.6s)
Stimulate Modulation (0.3s)
Final Checks (0.5s)
4/25/2022 6:33:14 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Hello Steam user 'Paradox Song'
4/25/2022 6:34:46 PM	5.004	HOST	Start load save: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/ Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings
4/25/2022 6:34:46 PM	5.004	HOST	Clearing player accounts.
4/25/2022 6:34:46 PM	5.004	HOST	Clearing player accounts.
4/25/2022 6:34:46 PM	5.004	HOST	null possible names for planet Type: Normal so we go into Malkovich mode.
4/25/2022 6:34:46 PM	5.004	HOST	Clearing player accounts.
4/25/2022 6:34:47 PM	5.004	HOST	loading as template
4/25/2022 6:34:47 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 6:34:47 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 6:34:47 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 6:34:47 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 6:34:47 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 6:34:47 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 6:34:47 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 6:34:47 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 6:34:47 PM	5.004	HOST	Finish load save in 378ms
4/25/2022 6:34:47 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED2 TID82 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 245141192 and planet count 90 and 19 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 6:34:47 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED3 TID82 Map structure generated in 227ms.
4/25/2022 6:34:47 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED4 TID82 PlayerAccount Paradox Song has now been put in control of faction 1 - Necromancer Sidekick.
4/25/2022 6:34:47 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED5 TID82 Generate Partial Map Complete  494ms Seed: 245141192
4/25/2022 6:35:23 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED6 TID11 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 245141192 and planet count 90 and 38 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 6:35:23 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED7 TID11 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:35:23 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED8 TID11 Generate Partial Map Complete  22ms Seed: 245141192
4/25/2022 6:35:41 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED9 TID56 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 6:35:41 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED10 TID64 Client requested to join with the name 'Bear'
4/25/2022 6:35:41 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED11 TID64 Tell client 'Bear' that they are accepted, player account #1.
4/25/2022 6:35:41 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED12 TID64 Regenerate the world to include the new player.  All clients will get the new world data after that.
4/25/2022 6:35:41 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED13 TID70 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 245141192 and planet count 90 and 35 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 6:35:41 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED14 TID70 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:35:41 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED15 TID70 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 10 - Human Ark Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:35:41 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED16 TID70 Generate Partial Map Complete  15ms Seed: 245141192
4/25/2022 6:35:41 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED17 TID70 Send all clients the world data that has just been regenerated.
4/25/2022 6:36:52 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED18 TID9 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 245141192 and planet count 90 and 35 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 6:36:52 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED19 TID9 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:36:52 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED20 TID9 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 10 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 6:36:52 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED21 TID9 Generate Partial Map Complete  17ms Seed: 245141192
4/25/2022 6:37:11 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED22 TID28 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 6:37:11 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED23 TID63 Client requested to join with the name 'TheSwarmLord'
4/25/2022 6:37:11 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED24 TID63 Tell client 'TheSwarmLord' that they are accepted, player account #2.
4/25/2022 6:37:11 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED25 TID63 Regenerate the world to include the new player.  All clients will get the new world data after that.
4/25/2022 6:37:11 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED26 TID63 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 245141192 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 6:37:11 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED27 TID63 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:37:11 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED28 TID63 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 10 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 6:37:11 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED29 TID63 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord is controlling faction 12 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:37:11 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED30 TID63 Generate Partial Map Complete  16ms Seed: 245141192
4/25/2022 6:37:11 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED31 TID63 Send all clients the world data that has just been regenerated.
4/25/2022 6:37:24 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED32 TID77 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 245141192 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 6:37:24 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED33 TID77 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:37:24 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED34 TID77 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 10 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 6:37:24 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED35 TID77 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord is controlling faction 12 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:37:24 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED36 TID77 Generate Partial Map Complete  15ms Seed: 245141192
4/25/2022 6:38:12 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED37 TID87 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 245141192 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 6:38:12 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED38 TID87 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:38:12 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED39 TID87 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 10 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 6:38:12 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED40 TID87 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord is controlling faction 12 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:38:12 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED41 TID87 Generate Partial Map Complete  53ms Seed: 245141192
4/25/2022 6:38:36 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED42 TID10 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 245141192 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 6:38:36 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED43 TID10 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:38:36 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED44 TID10 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 10 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 6:38:36 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED45 TID10 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord is controlling faction 12 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:38:36 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED46 TID10 Generate Partial Map Complete  15ms Seed: 245141192
4/25/2022 6:38:43 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED47 TID74 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 245141192 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 6:38:43 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED48 TID74 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:38:43 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED49 TID74 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 10 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 6:38:43 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED50 TID74 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord is controlling faction 12 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:38:43 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED51 TID74 Generate Partial Map Complete  15ms Seed: 245141192
4/25/2022 6:38:46 PM	5.004	HOST	skipping ElderlingsAgainstNecromancer
4/25/2022 6:38:46 PM	5.004	HOST	skipping Templar
4/25/2022 6:39:45 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED52 TID79 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 245141192 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 6:39:45 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED53 TID79 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:39:45 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED54 TID79 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 10 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 6:39:45 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED55 TID79 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord is controlling faction 12 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 6:39:45 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED56 TID79 Generate Partial Map Complete  16ms Seed: 245141192
4/25/2022 6:39:52 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED57 TID12 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 245141192 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 6:39:52 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED58 TID12 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:39:52 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED59 TID12 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 10 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 6:39:52 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED60 TID12 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord is controlling faction 12 - Necromancer Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:39:52 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED61 TID12 Generate Partial Map Complete  16ms Seed: 245141192
4/25/2022 6:39:59 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED62 TID90 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 245141192 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 6:39:59 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED63 TID90 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:39:59 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED64 TID90 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 10 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 6:39:59 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED65 TID90 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord is controlling faction 12 - Spire-Infused Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:39:59 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED66 TID90 Generate Partial Map Complete  17ms Seed: 245141192
4/25/2022 6:40:01 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED67 TID57 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 245141192 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 6:40:02 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED68 TID57 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:40:02 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED69 TID57 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 10 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 6:40:02 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED70 TID57 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord is controlling faction 12 - Human Ark Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:40:02 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED71 TID57 Generate Partial Map Complete  16ms Seed: 245141192
4/25/2022 6:40:03 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED72 TID74 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 245141192 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 6:40:03 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED73 TID74 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:40:03 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED74 TID74 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 10 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 6:40:03 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED75 TID74 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord is controlling faction 12 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:40:03 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED76 TID74 Generate Partial Map Complete  15ms Seed: 245141192
4/25/2022 6:41:07 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED77 TID41 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 245141192 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 6:41:07 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED78 TID41 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:41:07 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED79 TID41 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 10 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 6:41:07 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED80 TID41 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord is controlling faction 12 - Spire-Infused Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:41:07 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED81 TID41 Generate Partial Map Complete  16ms Seed: 245141192
4/25/2022 6:41:29 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED82 TID20 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 245141192 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 6:41:29 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED83 TID20 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:41:29 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED84 TID20 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 10 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 6:41:29 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED85 TID20 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord is controlling faction 12 - Necromancer Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:41:29 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED86 TID20 Generate Partial Map Complete  16ms Seed: 245141192
4/25/2022 6:41:34 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED87 TID84 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 245141192 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 6:41:34 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED88 TID84 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:41:34 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED89 TID84 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 10 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 6:41:34 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED90 TID84 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord is controlling faction 12 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 6:41:34 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED91 TID84 Generate Partial Map Complete  16ms Seed: 245141192
4/25/2022 6:41:49 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED92 TID67 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 245141192 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 6:41:49 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED93 TID67 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:41:49 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED94 TID67 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 10 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 6:41:49 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED95 TID67 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord is controlling faction 12 - Human Ark Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:41:49 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED96 TID67 Generate Partial Map Complete  15ms Seed: 245141192
4/25/2022 6:41:50 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED97 TID84 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 245141192 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 6:41:50 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED98 TID84 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:41:50 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED99 TID84 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 10 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 6:41:50 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED100 TID84 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord is controlling faction 12 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:41:50 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED101 TID84 Generate Partial Map Complete  15ms Seed: 245141192
4/25/2022 6:43:13 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED102 TID27 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 245141192 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 6:43:13 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED103 TID27 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:43:13 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED104 TID27 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 10 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 6:43:13 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED105 TID27 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord is controlling faction 12 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 6:43:13 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED106 TID27 Generate Partial Map Complete  16ms Seed: 245141192
4/25/2022 6:45:08 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED107 TID43 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 245141192 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 6:45:08 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED108 TID43 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:45:08 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED109 TID43 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 10 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 6:45:08 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED110 TID43 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord is controlling faction 12 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 6:45:08 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED111 TID43 Generate Partial Map Complete  15ms Seed: 245141192
4/25/2022 6:52:05 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED112 TID76 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 245141192 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 6:52:05 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED113 TID76 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:52:05 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED114 TID76 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 10 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 6:52:05 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED115 TID76 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord is controlling faction 12 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 6:52:05 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED116 TID76 Generate Partial Map Complete  16ms Seed: 245141192
4/25/2022 6:52:16 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED117 TID98 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 245141192 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 6:52:16 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED118 TID98 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:52:16 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED119 TID98 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 10 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 6:52:16 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED120 TID98 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord is controlling faction 12 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 6:52:16 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED121 TID98 Generate Partial Map Complete  16ms Seed: 245141192
4/25/2022 6:56:00 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED122 TID96 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 245141192 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 6:56:00 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED123 TID96 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 6:56:00 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED124 TID96 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 10 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 6:56:00 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED125 TID96 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord is controlling faction 12 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 6:56:00 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED126 TID96 Generate Partial Map Complete  16ms Seed: 245141192
4/25/2022 6:57:20 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED127 TID18 Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 245141192 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (StartingMainGameAfterLobby NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 6:57:20 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED128 TID18 Generate FULL Map Complete  524ms Seed: 245141192
4/25/2022 6:57:21 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED129 TID55 Fixed incorrect count of ships to be granted.  Was 5, now 10 Corruption Minefield from Other Defensive Schematic Server
4/25/2022 6:59:33 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED130 TID113 Client TheSwarmLord (connection 2) has closed their connection.
4/25/2022 6:59:37 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED131 TID77 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 6:59:37 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED132 TID63 Client requested to join with the name 'TheSwarmLord'
4/25/2022 6:59:37 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED133 TID63 Tell client 'TheSwarmLord' that they are accepted, player account #2.
4/25/2022 6:59:37 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED134 TID63 Send client 'TheSwarmLord' the world data.
4/25/2022 6:59:46 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED135 TID109 
Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit:
Game Version: 5004_TemplarWaveMonitoring
Multiplayer Status: Host
Network Data Totals:
Framework: <color=#ffd965>S-Tier:</color> Direct IP: LiteNetLib
Received Overall: 116,060
Received Overall: 1.5 MB
Sent Overall: 207,064
Sent Overall: 16.6 MB
Network Active For: 0 hours, 24 minutes, 4 seconds.
189,149 Sent Main       | 8.6 MB Sent Main
4,858 Sent Frequent       | 3.3 MB Sent Frequent
1,518 Sent Bulky-1       | 3.2 MB Sent Bulky-1
5,481 Sent Bulky-2       | 909.9 KB Sent Bulky-2
6,082 Sent Bulky-3       | 594.6 KB Sent Bulky-3
Bear - 118.0ms Ping 1 frames Behind 
TheSwarmLord - 94.0ms Ping 0 frames Behind 

    4 Sync Cycles
    PlanetFacs Sync Stage (19)
    1 Waiting For Sync Acks
    0 Sync Acks Skipped
    1 Waiting For Ship Acks
    1 Ship  Acks Skipped
    0 Srv Ships Needing Sync Fix
    37 Ship Sync Cycles Complete
    2,620 Sh Syncs f/Mismatch
    435 Sh Syncs Voluntary
    3,044 Ship Syncs Sent
    32 Ship Syncs Forced
    135,362 Sh Sy Chk
    3.2 MB Of Ship Sync Checks
    3,039 Div Sh
    594.6 KB Of Divergent Ship Fixes
    5 Divergent Sh Deletions
    1,074 Duplicate Sh Syn Skips
    32 Sh Syncs Skipped
    1 Tier 3 Plan Sync Cycle
    0s Since Oldest Skip-Sync
    1,527 Ultra Freq Syncs
    3.3 MB Of Ultra Freq Syncs
    190 Fast Blasts
    189.7 KB Of Fast Blasts
    0 Omni Blasts
    0 Bytes Of Omni Blasts
    210 Faction Syncs
    29.9 KB Of Faction Syncs
    210 Fac-Ex Syncs
    21.6 KB Of Fac-Ex Syncs
    1,512 Fleet Syncs
    163.9 KB Of Fleet Syncs
    450 Planet Syncs
    151.8 KB Of Planet Syncs
    194 P-Faction Syncs
    478.9 KB Of P-Faction Syncs
    4 World Basic Syncs
    63.4 KB Of World Basic Syncs
    4 World External Syncs
    344 Bytes Of World External Syncs
    1,133 Ships Blasted
    0 Shots Blasted
    0 Others Blasted
    1 Fleets Blasted
    315 Deaths Blasted
    0 Speed Groups Created On Host==========================================

4/25/2022 6:59:46 PM	5.004	HOST	Clearing player accounts.
4/25/2022 6:59:48 PM	5.004	HOST	Start load save: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/ Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings
4/25/2022 6:59:48 PM	5.004	HOST	Clearing player accounts.
4/25/2022 6:59:48 PM	5.004	HOST	Clearing player accounts.
4/25/2022 6:59:48 PM	5.004	HOST	Clearing player accounts.
4/25/2022 6:59:48 PM	5.004	HOST	loading as template
4/25/2022 6:59:48 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 6:59:48 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 6:59:48 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 6:59:48 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 6:59:48 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 6:59:48 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 6:59:48 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 6:59:48 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 6:59:48 PM	5.004	HOST	Finish load save in 153ms
4/25/2022 6:59:48 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED138 TID10 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 234690690 and planet count 90 and 20 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 6:59:48 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED139 TID10 Map structure generated in 226ms.
4/25/2022 6:59:48 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED140 TID10 PlayerAccount Paradox Song has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire.
4/25/2022 6:59:48 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED141 TID10 Generate Partial Map Complete  240ms Seed: 234690690
4/25/2022 6:59:57 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED142 TID17 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 6:59:58 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED143 TID101 Client requested to join with the name 'TheSwarmLord'
4/25/2022 6:59:58 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED144 TID101 Tell client 'TheSwarmLord' that they are accepted, player account #1.
4/25/2022 6:59:58 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED145 TID101 Regenerate the world to include the new player.  All clients will get the new world data after that.
4/25/2022 6:59:58 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED146 TID101 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 234690690 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 6:59:58 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED147 TID43 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 6:59:58 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED148 TID101 PlayerAccount Paradox Song has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire.
4/25/2022 6:59:58 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED149 TID101 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord has now been put in control of faction 10 - Necromancer Sidekick.
4/25/2022 6:59:58 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED150 TID101 Generate Partial Map Complete  18ms Seed: 234690690
4/25/2022 6:59:58 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED151 TID101 Send all clients the world data that has just been regenerated.
4/25/2022 6:59:58 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED152 TID91 Client requested to join with the name 'Bear'
4/25/2022 6:59:58 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED153 TID91 Tell client 'Bear' that they are accepted, player account #2.
4/25/2022 6:59:58 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED154 TID91 Regenerate the world to include the new player.  All clients will get the new world data after that.
4/25/2022 6:59:58 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED155 TID17 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 234690690 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 6:59:58 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED156 TID17 PlayerAccount Paradox Song has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire.
4/25/2022 6:59:58 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED157 TID17 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord has now been put in control of faction 10 - Necromancer Sidekick.
4/25/2022 6:59:58 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED158 TID17 PlayerAccount Bear has now been put in control of faction 12 - Necromancer Sidekick.
4/25/2022 6:59:58 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED159 TID17 Generate Partial Map Complete  32ms Seed: 234690690
4/25/2022 6:59:58 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED160 TID17 Send all clients the world data that has just been regenerated.
4/25/2022 7:00:07 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED161 TID41 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 234690690 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 7:00:07 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED162 TID41 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 7:00:07 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED163 TID41 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord is controlling faction 10 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 7:00:07 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED164 TID41 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 12 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 7:00:07 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED165 TID41 Generate Partial Map Complete  17ms Seed: 234690690
4/25/2022 7:00:22 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED166 TID34 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 234690690 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 7:00:22 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED167 TID34 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 7:00:22 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED168 TID34 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord is controlling faction 12 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 7:00:22 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED169 TID34 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 10 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 7:00:22 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED170 TID34 Generate Partial Map Complete  28ms Seed: 234690690
4/25/2022 7:00:43 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED171 TID27 Client Bear (connection 2) has closed their connection.
4/25/2022 7:00:46 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED172 TID114 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 7:00:46 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED173 TID11 Client requested to join with the name 'Bear'
4/25/2022 7:00:46 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED174 TID11 Tell client 'Bear' that they are accepted, player account #2.
4/25/2022 7:00:46 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED175 TID11 Send client 'Bear' the world data.
4/25/2022 7:01:17 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED176 TID87 Client Bear (connection 3) has closed their connection.
4/25/2022 7:01:20 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED177 TID110 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 7:01:20 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED178 TID53 Client requested to join with the name 'Bear'
4/25/2022 7:01:20 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED179 TID53 Tell client 'Bear' that they are accepted, player account #2.
4/25/2022 7:01:20 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED180 TID53 Send client 'Bear' the world data.
4/25/2022 7:02:01 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED181 TID76 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 234690690 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 7:02:01 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED182 TID76 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 7:02:01 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED183 TID76 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord is controlling faction 10 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 7:02:01 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED184 TID76 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 12 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 7:02:01 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED185 TID76 Generate Partial Map Complete  18ms Seed: 234690690
4/25/2022 7:02:02 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED186 TID77 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 234690690 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 7:02:02 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED187 TID77 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 7:02:02 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED188 TID77 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord is controlling faction 10 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 7:02:02 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED189 TID77 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 12 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 7:02:02 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED190 TID77 Generate Partial Map Complete  17ms Seed: 234690690
4/25/2022 7:02:13 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED191 TID48 Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 234690690 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (StartingMainGameAfterLobby NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 7:02:13 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED192 TID48 Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NeinzulCustodiansDiamond because the other faction NeinzulCustodiansParent is present.
4/25/2022 7:02:13 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED193 TID48 Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NeinzulCustodiansEmerald because the other faction NeinzulCustodiansParent is present.
4/25/2022 7:02:13 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED194 TID48 Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NeinzulCustodiansOnyx because the other faction NeinzulCustodiansParent is present.
4/25/2022 7:02:13 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED195 TID48 Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NeinzulCustodiansPearl because the other faction NeinzulCustodiansParent is present.
4/25/2022 7:02:13 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED196 TID48 Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NeinzulCustodiansRuby because the other faction NeinzulCustodiansParent is present.
4/25/2022 7:02:13 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED197 TID48 Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NeinzulCustodiansSaphire because the other faction NeinzulCustodiansParent is present.
4/25/2022 7:02:14 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED198 TID48 Generate FULL Map Complete  343ms Seed: 234690690
4/25/2022 7:02:53 PM	5.004	HOST	
Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit:
Game Version: 5004_TemplarWaveMonitoring
Multiplayer Status: Host
Network Data Totals:
Framework: <color=#ffd965>S-Tier:</color> Direct IP: LiteNetLib
Received Overall: 11,103
Received Overall: 128.7 KB
Sent Overall: 20,058
Sent Overall: 2.6 MB
Network Active For: 0 hours, 2 minutes, 55 seconds.
19,493 Sent Main       | 2.6 MB Sent Main
262 Sent Frequent       | 34.4 KB Sent Frequent
2 Sent Bulky-1       | 4.6 KB Sent Bulky-1
10 Sent Bulky-2       | 764 Bytes Sent Bulky-2
296 Sent Bulky-3       | 22.8 KB Sent Bulky-3
TheSwarmLord - 91.0ms Ping 0 frames Behind 
Bear - 115.0ms Ping 0 frames Behind 

    0 Sync Cycles
    FactionBasics Sync Stage (24)
    6 Waiting For Sync Acks
    0 Sync Acks Skipped
    20 Waiting For Ship Acks
    0 Ship  Acks Skipped
    15 Srv Ships Needing Sync Fix
    0 Ship Sync Cycles Complete
    147 Sh Syncs f/Mismatch
    16 Sh Syncs Voluntary
    148 Ship Syncs Sent
    0 Ship Syncs Forced
    147 Sh Sy Chk
    4.6 KB Of Ship Sync Checks
    148 Div Sh
    22.8 KB Of Divergent Ship Fixes
    0 Divergent Sh Deletions
    168 Duplicate Sh Syn Skips
    0 Sh Syncs Skipped
    0 Tier 3 Plan Sync Cycle
    0s Since Oldest Skip-Sync
    21 Ultra Freq Syncs
    33.3 KB Of Ultra Freq Syncs
    7 Fast Blasts
    45.5 KB Of Fast Blasts
    0 Omni Blasts
    0 Bytes Of Omni Blasts
    5 Faction Syncs
    764 Bytes Of Faction Syncs
    0 Fac-Ex Syncs
    0 Bytes Of Fac-Ex Syncs
    0 Fleet Syncs
    0 Bytes Of Fleet Syncs
    0 Planet Syncs
    0 Bytes Of Planet Syncs
    194 P-Faction Syncs
    478.9 KB Of P-Faction Syncs
    0 World Basic Syncs
    0 Bytes Of World Basic Syncs
    0 World External Syncs
    0 Bytes Of World External Syncs
    337 Ships Blasted
    0 Shots Blasted
    0 Others Blasted
    1 Fleets Blasted
    3 Deaths Blasted
    0 Speed Groups Created On Host==========================================

4/25/2022 7:03:51 PM	SINGLEP	Current directory used: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/
PlayerDataDirectory used: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/
4/25/2022 7:03:52 PM	SINGLEP	Boot up FleetOS (0.1920s)
4/25/2022 7:03:52 PM	SINGLEP	graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11
graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
graphicsMultiThreaded: False
graphicsShaderLevel: 50
operatingSystem: Windows 10  (10.0.19043) 64bit
graphicsDeviceName: AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series
graphicsDeviceID: 26522
graphicsDeviceVendor: ATI
graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4098
graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
graphicsMemorySize: 3051
maxTextureSize: 16384
npotSupport: Full
processorType: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor 
processorCount: 16
processorFrequency: 3800
systemMemorySize: 32678
supportedRenderTargetCount: 8
supportsComputeShaders: True
supportsShadows: True
usesReversedZBuffer: True
4/25/2022 7:03:52 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Game Version: 5.004
4/25/2022 7:03:52 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.2800s)
4/25/2022 7:03:52 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name
4/25/2022 7:03:52 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Inspect Aft Hatches (0.0500s)
4/25/2022 7:03:52 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Found 601 xml files in 143 folders in 68ms
4/25/2022 7:03:53 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Check For Extra Modules (0.7590s)
4/25/2022 7:03:53 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	601 Xml Files Parsed in 683ms
4/25/2022 7:03:53 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0060s)
4/25/2022 7:03:53 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0050s)
4/25/2022 7:03:53 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0300s)
4/25/2022 7:03:53 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Update mod and expansion statuses!
4/25/2022 7:03:53 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Expansions:  The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!)  Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!)  The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!)  
4/25/2022 7:03:53 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Mods:  AIShieldGenerators (Disabled)  AMU (Enabled!)  CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled)  ExoticShips (Disabled)  ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled)  ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled)  FrigatesFocus (Disabled)  FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled)  HydralFederation (Disabled)  LostHumans (Disabled)  MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled)  MicroModCollection (Disabled)  MoreFrigates (Disabled)  MoreStartingFleets (Disabled)  MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled)  PaladinTransports (Disabled)  PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled)  RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled)  SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled)  StrategicRebalance (Disabled)  StrategicRebalanceDLC1 (Disabled)  StrategicRebalanceDLC2 (Disabled)  SuperchargeRaid (Disabled)  TameDarkSpire (Disabled)  
4/25/2022 7:03:53 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0300s)
4/25/2022 7:03:53 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	601 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 8ms
4/25/2022 7:03:53 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0760s)
4/25/2022 7:03:53 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	No resolution change was required.
4/25/2022 7:03:53 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Applied graphics settings: 
4/25/2022 7:03:53 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75)
4/25/2022 7:03:53 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Remembering Alamo (0.0970s)
4/25/2022 7:03:53 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Calculate Odds Of Success (0.2220s)
4/25/2022 7:03:53 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Briefly Panic (0.1520s)
4/25/2022 7:03:54 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Install Confidence Routines (0.2960s)
4/25/2022 7:03:54 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'.
4/25/2022 7:03:54 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Late Axionic Computations (0.2280s)
4/25/2022 7:03:54 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Acquiring Towel (0.0230s)
4/25/2022 7:03:54 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0200s)
4/25/2022 7:03:54 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0710s)
4/25/2022 7:03:54 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Grouping Flow Fields (0.0460s)
4/25/2022 7:03:54 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Surrounding Starfields (0.0680s)
4/25/2022 7:03:54 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Breaking Distant Planets (0.0800s)
4/25/2022 7:03:54 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Calculating Firing Cones (0.0170s)
4/25/2022 7:03:55 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Violating Ship Part Bylaws (0.5570s)
4/25/2022 7:03:55 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1360s)
4/25/2022 7:03:57 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll
4/25/2022 7:03:57 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Reactivate Cold Fusion Reactor (1.8810s)
4/25/2022 7:03:57 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Post-Proton Surge (0.0220s)
4/25/2022 7:03:57 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0280s)
4/25/2022 7:03:57 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0270s)
4/25/2022 7:03:57 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Windshield Wiping (0.1313s)
4/25/2022 7:03:58 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Last Organizational Modeling (0.5533s)
4/25/2022 7:03:58 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Stimulate Modulation (0.3860s)
4/25/2022 7:03:58 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0
4/25/2022 7:03:58 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Order Cores By Seniority (0.0100s)
4/25/2022 7:03:58 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	DELAYED1 TID28 Info: will dump 2083 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt.
4/25/2022 7:03:58 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	We got 0 campaign's data when deserializing
4/25/2022 7:03:58 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Final Checks (0.2581s)
4/25/2022 7:03:58 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Load Historical Documents (0.0050s)
4/25/2022 7:03:58 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	6.8 seconds total load time.
Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3s)
Check For Extra Modules (0.8s)
Install Confidence Routines (0.3s)
Violating Ship Part Bylaws (0.6s)
Reactivate Cold Fusion Reactor (1.9s)
Last Organizational Modeling (0.6s)
Stimulate Modulation (0.4s)
Final Checks (0.3s)
4/25/2022 7:03:58 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Hello Steam user 'Paradox Song'
4/25/2022 7:04:20 PM	5.004	HOST	Start load save: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/oh boy invis ryan\error Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame
4/25/2022 7:04:20 PM	5.004	HOST	Clearing player accounts.
4/25/2022 7:04:21 PM	5.004	HOST	Finish load save in 631ms
4/25/2022 7:04:21 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED2 TID22 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 7:04:21 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED3 TID14 Client requested to join with the name 'Bear'
4/25/2022 7:04:21 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED4 TID14 Tell client 'Bear' that they are accepted, player account #1.
4/25/2022 7:04:21 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED5 TID14 Send client 'Bear' the world data.
4/25/2022 7:04:43 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED6 TID49 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 7:04:44 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED7 TID26 Client requested to join with the name 'TheSwarmLord'
4/25/2022 7:04:44 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED8 TID26 Tell client 'TheSwarmLord' that they are accepted, player account #2.
4/25/2022 7:04:44 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED9 TID26 Send client 'TheSwarmLord' the world data.
4/25/2022 7:10:57 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED10 TID20 Raid Engine #2578 AI Sentinels on Locke-Artemis is sending a wave against Zenith Dyson Sphere
4/25/2022 7:14:48 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED11 TID50 Raid Engine #2578 AI Sentinels on Locke-Artemis is sending a wave against Zenith Dyson Sphere
4/25/2022 7:21:29 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED12 TID60 We are spawning 1 leaders
4/25/2022 7:21:29 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED13 TID60 	Spawned Herald #13221 on Zaer Grek'Kul's Anchor
4/25/2022 7:31:29 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED14 TID17 Raid Engine #2578 AI Sentinels on Locke-Artemis is sending a wave against Zenith Dyson Sphere
4/25/2022 7:36:00 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED15 TID47 We are spawning 2 leaders
4/25/2022 7:36:00 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED16 TID47 	Spawned Herald #24015 on Marna
4/25/2022 7:36:00 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED17 TID47 	Spawned Prophet #24016 on Zaer Grek'Kul's Anchor
4/25/2022 7:41:57 PM	5.004	HOST	
Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit:
Game Version: 5004_TemplarWaveMonitoring
Multiplayer Status: Host
Network Data Totals:
Framework: <color=#ffd965>S-Tier:</color> Direct IP: LiteNetLib
Received Overall: 247,791
Received Overall: 48.3 MB
Sent Overall: 861,695
Sent Overall: 338.5 MB
Network Active For: 0 hours, 37 minutes, 36 seconds.
77,543 Sent Main       | 60.2 MB Sent Main
50,148 Sent Frequent       | 77.3 MB Sent Frequent
25,335 Sent Bulky-1       | 113.8 MB Sent Bulky-1
85,906 Sent Bulky-2       | 17.0 MB Sent Bulky-2
622,763 Sent Bulky-3       | 70.2 MB Sent Bulky-3
Bear - 119.0ms Ping 2 frames Behind 
TheSwarmLord - 90.0ms Ping 1 frames Behind 

    62 Sync Cycles
    PlanetFacs Sync Stage (63)
    0 Waiting For Sync Acks
    0 Sync Acks Skipped
    1 Waiting For Ship Acks
    1 Ship  Acks Skipped
    0 Srv Ships Needing Sync Fix
    921 Ship Sync Cycles Complete
    298,746 Sh Syncs f/Mismatch
    5,169 Sh Syncs Voluntary
    312,633 Ship Syncs Sent
    9,095 Ship Syncs Forced
    4,802,179 Sh Sy Chk
    113.8 MB Of Ship Sync Checks
    310,862 Div Sh
    70.2 MB Of Divergent Ship Fixes
    1,771 Divergent Sh Deletions
    56,081 Duplicate Sh Syn Skips
    9,095 Sh Syncs Skipped
    3 Tier 3 Plan Sync Cycle
    0s Since Oldest Skip-Sync
    23,689 Ultra Freq Syncs
    77.3 MB Of Ultra Freq Syncs
    15,169 Fast Blasts
    13.1 MB Of Fast Blasts
    17 Omni Blasts
    2.1 KB Of Omni Blasts
    2,646 Faction Syncs
    427.5 KB Of Faction Syncs
    2,646 Fac-Ex Syncs
    395.7 KB Of Fac-Ex Syncs
    26,344 Fleet Syncs
    6.3 MB Of Fleet Syncs
    5,670 Planet Syncs
    1.9 MB Of Planet Syncs
    2,884 P-Faction Syncs
    6.9 MB Of P-Faction Syncs
    62 World Basic Syncs
    1.0 MB Of World Basic Syncs
    62 World External Syncs
    15.0 KB Of World External Syncs
    21,183 Ships Blasted
    127,632 Shots Blasted
    0 Others Blasted
    13 Fleets Blasted
    25,310 Deaths Blasted
    139 Speed Groups Created On Host==========================================

4/25/2022 7:41:57 PM	5.004	HOST	Clearing player accounts.
4/25/2022 7:41:59 PM	5.004	HOST	Start load save: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/ Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings
4/25/2022 7:41:59 PM	5.004	HOST	Clearing player accounts.
4/25/2022 7:41:59 PM	5.004	HOST	Clearing player accounts.
4/25/2022 7:41:59 PM	5.004	HOST	null possible names for planet Type: Normal so we go into Malkovich mode.
4/25/2022 7:41:59 PM	5.004	HOST	Clearing player accounts.
4/25/2022 7:42:00 PM	5.004	HOST	loading as template
4/25/2022 7:42:00 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 7:42:00 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 7:42:00 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 7:42:00 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 7:42:00 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 7:42:00 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 7:42:00 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 7:42:00 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 7:42:00 PM	5.004	HOST	Finish load save in 161ms
4/25/2022 7:42:00 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED18 TID60 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 287330221 and planet count 90 and 20 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 7:42:00 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED19 TID60 Map structure generated in 229ms.
4/25/2022 7:42:00 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED20 TID60 PlayerAccount Paradox Song has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire.
4/25/2022 7:42:00 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED21 TID60 Generate Partial Map Complete  259ms Seed: 287330221
4/25/2022 7:42:08 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED22 TID41 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 7:42:08 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED23 TID5 Client requested to join with the name 'Bear'
4/25/2022 7:42:08 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED24 TID5 Tell client 'Bear' that they are accepted, player account #1.
4/25/2022 7:42:08 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED25 TID5 Regenerate the world to include the new player.  All clients will get the new world data after that.
4/25/2022 7:42:08 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED26 TID5 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 287330221 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 7:42:08 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED27 TID5 PlayerAccount Paradox Song has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire.
4/25/2022 7:42:08 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED28 TID5 PlayerAccount Bear has now been put in control of faction 10 - Necromancer Sidekick.
4/25/2022 7:42:08 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED29 TID5 Generate Partial Map Complete  22ms Seed: 287330221
4/25/2022 7:42:08 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED30 TID5 Send all clients the world data that has just been regenerated.
4/25/2022 7:42:10 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED31 TID6 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 7:42:10 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED32 TID20 Client requested to join with the name 'TheSwarmLord'
4/25/2022 7:42:10 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED33 TID20 Tell client 'TheSwarmLord' that they are accepted, player account #2.
4/25/2022 7:42:10 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED34 TID20 Regenerate the world to include the new player.  All clients will get the new world data after that.
4/25/2022 7:42:10 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED35 TID20 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 287330221 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 7:42:10 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED36 TID20 PlayerAccount Paradox Song has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire.
4/25/2022 7:42:10 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED37 TID20 PlayerAccount Bear has now been put in control of faction 10 - Necromancer Sidekick.
4/25/2022 7:42:10 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED38 TID20 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord has now been put in control of faction 12 - Necromancer Sidekick.
4/25/2022 7:42:10 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED39 TID20 Generate Partial Map Complete  16ms Seed: 287330221
4/25/2022 7:42:10 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED40 TID20 Send all clients the world data that has just been regenerated.
4/25/2022 7:44:41 PM	5.004	HOST	skipping ElderlingsAgainstNecromancer
4/25/2022 7:44:41 PM	5.004	HOST	skipping Templar
4/25/2022 7:44:51 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED41 TID10 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 287330221 and planet count 90 and 40 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 7:44:51 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED42 TID10 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 7:44:51 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED43 TID10 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 10 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 7:44:51 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED44 TID10 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord is controlling faction 12 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 7:44:51 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED45 TID10 Generate Partial Map Complete  17ms Seed: 287330221
4/25/2022 7:47:40 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED46 TID18 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 287330221 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 7:47:40 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED47 TID18 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 7:47:40 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED48 TID18 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 9 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 7:47:40 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED49 TID18 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord is controlling faction 11 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 7:47:40 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED50 TID18 Generate Partial Map Complete  17ms Seed: 287330221
4/25/2022 7:47:41 PM	5.004	HOST	skipping ElderlingsAgainstNecromancer
4/25/2022 7:47:41 PM	5.004	HOST	skipping Templar
4/25/2022 7:47:45 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED51 TID13 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 287330221 and planet count 90 and 40 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 7:47:45 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED52 TID13 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 7:47:45 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED53 TID13 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 9 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 7:47:45 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED54 TID13 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord is controlling faction 11 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 7:47:45 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED55 TID13 Generate Partial Map Complete  17ms Seed: 287330221
4/25/2022 8:02:33 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED56 TID34 Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 287330221 and planet count 90 and 40 factions (StartingMainGameAfterLobby NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 8:02:33 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED57 TID34 MAPGEN ERROR: System.Exception: No possible randomly chosen factions exist for this choice. This is almost certainly a bug
  at Arcen.AIW2.External.BaseScenario.HandleRandomFactions (Arcen.Universal.List`1[T] CurrentFactions) [0x0076c] in <ecfbf466043a408391911aea83bfc28c>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Mapgen.InnerMapGenCall () [0x007b6] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 

4/25/2022 8:02:36 PM	5.004	HOST	Unable to run sim steps for 3.01s, because of: !World.Instance.IsLoaded
4/25/2022 8:02:39 PM	5.004	HOST	Unable to run sim steps for 3.00s, because of: !World.Instance.IsLoaded
4/25/2022 8:02:42 PM	5.004	HOST	Unable to run sim steps for 3.00s, because of: !World.Instance.IsLoaded
4/25/2022 8:02:45 PM	5.004	HOST	Unable to run sim steps for 3.01s, because of: !World.Instance.IsLoaded
4/25/2022 8:02:48 PM	5.004	HOST	Unable to run sim steps for 3.00s, because of: !World.Instance.IsLoaded
4/25/2022 8:02:51 PM	5.004	HOST	Unable to run sim steps for 3.00s, because of: !World.Instance.IsLoaded
4/25/2022 8:02:54 PM	5.004	HOST	Unable to run sim steps for 3.00s, because of: !World.Instance.IsLoaded
4/25/2022 8:02:57 PM	5.004	HOST	Unable to run sim steps for 3.00s, because of: !World.Instance.IsLoaded
4/25/2022 8:03:00 PM	5.004	HOST	Unable to run sim steps for 3.00s, because of: !World.Instance.IsLoaded
4/25/2022 8:03:03 PM	5.004	HOST	Unable to run sim steps for 3.01s, because of: !World.Instance.IsLoaded
4/25/2022 8:03:05 PM	5.004	HOST	Clearing player accounts.
4/25/2022 8:03:07 PM	5.004	HOST	Start load save: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/ Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings
4/25/2022 8:03:07 PM	5.004	HOST	Clearing player accounts.
4/25/2022 8:03:07 PM	5.004	HOST	Clearing player accounts.
4/25/2022 8:03:07 PM	5.004	HOST	Clearing player accounts.
4/25/2022 8:03:07 PM	5.004	HOST	loading as template
4/25/2022 8:03:07 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 8:03:07 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 8:03:07 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 8:03:07 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 8:03:07 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 8:03:07 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 8:03:07 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 8:03:07 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 8:03:07 PM	5.004	HOST	Finish load save in 152ms
4/25/2022 8:03:07 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED58 TID27 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 678029957 and planet count 90 and 21 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 8:03:07 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED59 TID27 Map structure generated in 270ms.
4/25/2022 8:03:07 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED60 TID27 PlayerAccount Paradox Song has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire.
4/25/2022 8:03:07 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED61 TID27 Generate Partial Map Complete  283ms Seed: 678029957
4/25/2022 8:03:08 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED62 TID64 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 8:03:08 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED63 TID7 Client requested to join with the name 'Bear'
4/25/2022 8:03:08 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED64 TID7 Tell client 'Bear' that they are accepted, player account #1.
4/25/2022 8:03:08 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED65 TID7 Regenerate the world to include the new player.  All clients will get the new world data after that.
4/25/2022 8:03:08 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED66 TID7 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 678029957 and planet count 90 and 40 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 8:03:08 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED67 TID7 PlayerAccount Paradox Song has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire.
4/25/2022 8:03:08 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED68 TID7 PlayerAccount Bear has now been put in control of faction 9 - Necromancer Sidekick.
4/25/2022 8:03:08 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED69 TID7 Generate Partial Map Complete  17ms Seed: 678029957
4/25/2022 8:03:08 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED70 TID7 Send all clients the world data that has just been regenerated.
4/25/2022 8:03:27 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED71 TID10 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 8:03:27 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED72 TID53 Client requested to join with the name 'TheSwarmLord'
4/25/2022 8:03:27 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED73 TID53 Tell client 'TheSwarmLord' that they are accepted, player account #2.
4/25/2022 8:03:27 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED74 TID53 Regenerate the world to include the new player.  All clients will get the new world data after that.
4/25/2022 8:03:27 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED75 TID53 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 678029957 and planet count 90 and 40 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 8:03:27 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED76 TID53 PlayerAccount Paradox Song has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire.
4/25/2022 8:03:27 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED77 TID53 PlayerAccount Bear has now been put in control of faction 9 - Necromancer Sidekick.
4/25/2022 8:03:27 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED78 TID53 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord has now been put in control of faction 11 - Necromancer Sidekick.
4/25/2022 8:03:27 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED79 TID53 Generate Partial Map Complete  17ms Seed: 678029957
4/25/2022 8:03:27 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED80 TID53 Send all clients the world data that has just been regenerated.
4/25/2022 8:03:28 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED81 TID14 Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 678029957 and planet count 90 and 40 factions (StartingMainGameAfterLobby NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 8:03:29 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED82 TID14 Generate FULL Map Complete  411ms Seed: 678029957
4/25/2022 8:03:29 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED83 TID51 Fixed incorrect count of ships to be granted.  Was 2, now 10 Dispersion Turret from Turret Schematic Server
4/25/2022 8:04:00 PM	5.004	HOST	
Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit:
Game Version: 5004_TemplarWaveMonitoring
Multiplayer Status: Host
Network Data Totals:
Framework: <color=#ffd965>S-Tier:</color> Direct IP: LiteNetLib
Received Overall: 1,728
Received Overall: 69.4 KB
Sent Overall: 1,863
Sent Overall: 1.2 MB
Network Active For: 0 hours, 0 minutes, 52 seconds.
1,452 Sent Main       | 1.1 MB Sent Main
95 Sent Frequent       | 34.6 KB Sent Frequent
2 Sent Bulky-1       | 4.7 KB Sent Bulky-1
12 Sent Bulky-2       | 2.8 KB Sent Bulky-2
302 Sent Bulky-3       | 23.1 KB Sent Bulky-3
Bear - 115.0ms Ping 0 frames Behind 
TheSwarmLord - 95.0ms Ping 0 frames Behind 

    0 Sync Cycles
    FactionExter Sync Stage (5)
    5 Waiting For Sync Acks
    0 Sync Acks Skipped
    20 Waiting For Ship Acks
    0 Ship  Acks Skipped
    19 Srv Ships Needing Sync Fix
    0 Ship Sync Cycles Complete
    150 Sh Syncs f/Mismatch
    20 Sh Syncs Voluntary
    151 Ship Syncs Sent
    0 Ship Syncs Forced
    150 Sh Sy Chk
    4.7 KB Of Ship Sync Checks
    151 Div Sh
    23.1 KB Of Divergent Ship Fixes
    0 Divergent Sh Deletions
    190 Duplicate Sh Syn Skips
    0 Sh Syncs Skipped
    0 Tier 3 Plan Sync Cycle
    0s Since Oldest Skip-Sync
    21 Ultra Freq Syncs
    34.3 KB Of Ultra Freq Syncs
    6 Fast Blasts
    82.7 KB Of Fast Blasts
    17 Omni Blasts
    2.1 KB Of Omni Blasts
    0 Faction Syncs
    0 Bytes Of Faction Syncs
    5 Fac-Ex Syncs
    2.2 KB Of Fac-Ex Syncs
    1 Fleet Syncs
    570 Bytes Of Fleet Syncs
    0 Planet Syncs
    0 Bytes Of Planet Syncs
    2,884 P-Faction Syncs
    6.9 MB Of P-Faction Syncs
    0 World Basic Syncs
    0 Bytes Of World Basic Syncs
    0 World External Syncs
    0 Bytes Of World External Syncs
    617 Ships Blasted
    0 Shots Blasted
    0 Others Blasted
    4 Fleets Blasted
    18 Deaths Blasted
    0 Speed Groups Created On Host==========================================

4/25/2022 8:04:14 PM	SINGLEP	Current directory used: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/
PlayerDataDirectory used: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/
4/25/2022 8:04:14 PM	SINGLEP	Boot up FleetOS (0.1650s)
4/25/2022 8:04:14 PM	SINGLEP	graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11
graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
graphicsMultiThreaded: False
graphicsShaderLevel: 50
operatingSystem: Windows 10  (10.0.19043) 64bit
graphicsDeviceName: AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series
graphicsDeviceID: 26522
graphicsDeviceVendor: ATI
graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4098
graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
graphicsMemorySize: 3051
maxTextureSize: 16384
npotSupport: Full
processorType: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor 
processorCount: 16
processorFrequency: 3800
systemMemorySize: 32678
supportedRenderTargetCount: 8
supportsComputeShaders: True
supportsShadows: True
usesReversedZBuffer: True
4/25/2022 8:04:15 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Game Version: 5.004
4/25/2022 8:04:15 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.2660s)
4/25/2022 8:04:15 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name
4/25/2022 8:04:15 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Inspect Aft Hatches (0.0380s)
4/25/2022 8:04:15 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Found 601 xml files in 143 folders in 83ms
4/25/2022 8:04:15 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Check For Extra Modules (0.7660s)
4/25/2022 8:04:15 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	601 Xml Files Parsed in 676ms
4/25/2022 8:04:15 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0060s)
4/25/2022 8:04:15 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0040s)
4/25/2022 8:04:15 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0260s)
4/25/2022 8:04:15 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Update mod and expansion statuses!
4/25/2022 8:04:15 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Expansions:  The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!)  Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!)  The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!)  
4/25/2022 8:04:15 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Mods:  AIShieldGenerators (Disabled)  AMU (Enabled!)  CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled)  ExoticShips (Disabled)  ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled)  ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled)  FrigatesFocus (Disabled)  FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled)  HydralFederation (Disabled)  LostHumans (Disabled)  MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled)  MicroModCollection (Disabled)  MoreFrigates (Disabled)  MoreStartingFleets (Disabled)  MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled)  PaladinTransports (Disabled)  PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled)  RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled)  SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled)  StrategicRebalance (Disabled)  StrategicRebalanceDLC1 (Disabled)  StrategicRebalanceDLC2 (Disabled)  SuperchargeRaid (Disabled)  TameDarkSpire (Disabled)  
4/25/2022 8:04:15 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0330s)
4/25/2022 8:04:15 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	601 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 11ms
4/25/2022 8:04:15 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0710s)
4/25/2022 8:04:16 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	No resolution change was required.
4/25/2022 8:04:16 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Applied graphics settings: 
4/25/2022 8:04:16 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75)
4/25/2022 8:04:16 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Remembering Alamo (0.1000s)
4/25/2022 8:04:16 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Calculate Odds Of Success (0.2180s)
4/25/2022 8:04:16 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Briefly Panic (0.1580s)
4/25/2022 8:04:16 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Install Confidence Routines (0.3550s)
4/25/2022 8:04:16 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'.
4/25/2022 8:04:17 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Late Axionic Computations (0.2240s)
4/25/2022 8:04:17 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Acquiring Towel (0.0240s)
4/25/2022 8:04:17 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0200s)
4/25/2022 8:04:17 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0590s)
4/25/2022 8:04:17 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Grouping Flow Fields (0.0360s)
4/25/2022 8:04:17 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Taunting Starfields (0.0660s)
4/25/2022 8:04:17 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Gazing At Distant Planets (0.0770s)
4/25/2022 8:04:17 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Calculating Firing Cones (0.0120s)
4/25/2022 8:04:17 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Disassembling And Reassembling Ship Parts (0.5470s)
4/25/2022 8:04:18 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1400s)
4/25/2022 8:04:19 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll
4/25/2022 8:04:19 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Check for Magnetic Feedback (1.7998s)
4/25/2022 8:04:19 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Post-Proton Surge (0.0206s)
4/25/2022 8:04:19 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0260s)
4/25/2022 8:04:19 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0220s)
4/25/2022 8:04:20 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Windshield Wiping (0.1300s)
4/25/2022 8:04:20 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Last Organizational Modeling (0.5120s)
4/25/2022 8:04:20 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Stimulate Modulation (0.3300s)
4/25/2022 8:04:20 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0
4/25/2022 8:04:20 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Order Cores By Seniority (0.0100s)
4/25/2022 8:04:20 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	DELAYED1 TID31 Info: will dump 2083 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt.
4/25/2022 8:04:21 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	We got 0 campaign's data when deserializing
4/25/2022 8:04:21 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Final Checks (0.2454s)
4/25/2022 8:04:21 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Load Historical Documents (0.0050s)
4/25/2022 8:04:21 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	6.5 seconds total load time.
Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3s)
Check For Extra Modules (0.8s)
Install Confidence Routines (0.4s)
Disassembling And Reassembling Ship Parts (0.5s)
Check for Magnetic Feedback (1.8s)
Last Organizational Modeling (0.5s)
Stimulate Modulation (0.3s)
4/25/2022 8:04:21 PM	5.004	SINGLEP	Hello Steam user 'Paradox Song'
4/25/2022 8:04:27 PM	5.004	HOST	Start load save: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/_Internal/ Source1: StartingTheLobbyFromPrior Source3: LoadingLastLobbySettings
4/25/2022 8:04:27 PM	5.004	HOST	Clearing player accounts.
4/25/2022 8:04:27 PM	5.004	HOST	Clearing player accounts.
4/25/2022 8:04:27 PM	5.004	HOST	null possible names for planet Type: Normal so we go into Malkovich mode.
4/25/2022 8:04:27 PM	5.004	HOST	Clearing player accounts.
4/25/2022 8:04:27 PM	5.004	HOST	loading as template
4/25/2022 8:04:27 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AIReserves because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 8:04:27 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiAIZombie because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 8:04:27 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiEveryoneZombie because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 8:04:27 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction AntiPlayerZombie because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 8:04:27 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Instigators because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 8:04:27 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction NaturalObject because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 8:04:27 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction Outguard because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 8:04:27 PM	5.004	HOST	Fix Missing Faction: Added the faction WormholeInvasion because every game should have exactly one of these.
4/25/2022 8:04:27 PM	5.004	HOST	Finish load save in 371ms
4/25/2022 8:04:27 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED2 TID38 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 33361479 and planet count 90 and 21 factions (StartingTheLobbyFromPrior LoadingLastLobbySettings) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 8:04:27 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED3 TID38 Map structure generated in 210ms.
4/25/2022 8:04:27 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED4 TID38 PlayerAccount Paradox Song has now been put in control of faction 1 - Human Empire.
4/25/2022 8:04:27 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED5 TID38 Generate Partial Map Complete  281ms Seed: 33361479
4/25/2022 8:04:37 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED6 TID12 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 33361479 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 8:04:37 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED7 TID12 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 8:04:37 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED8 TID12 Generate Partial Map Complete  21ms Seed: 33361479
4/25/2022 8:04:39 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED9 TID26 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 33361479 and planet count 90 and 38 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 8:04:39 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED10 TID26 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 8:04:39 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED11 TID26 Generate Partial Map Complete  15ms Seed: 33361479
4/25/2022 8:04:40 PM	5.004	HOST	skipping ElderlingsAgainstNecromancer
4/25/2022 8:04:40 PM	5.004	HOST	skipping Templar
4/25/2022 8:04:44 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED12 TID21 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 33361479 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 8:04:44 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED13 TID21 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 8:04:44 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED14 TID21 Generate Partial Map Complete  16ms Seed: 33361479
4/25/2022 8:04:54 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED15 TID40 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 8:04:54 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED16 TID25 Client requested to join with the name 'Bear'
4/25/2022 8:04:54 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED17 TID25 Tell client 'Bear' that they are accepted, player account #1.
4/25/2022 8:04:54 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED18 TID25 Regenerate the world to include the new player.  All clients will get the new world data after that.
4/25/2022 8:04:54 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED19 TID53 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 33361479 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 8:04:54 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED20 TID53 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 8:04:54 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED21 TID53 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 9 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 8:04:54 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED22 TID53 Generate Partial Map Complete  15ms Seed: 33361479
4/25/2022 8:04:54 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED23 TID53 Send all clients the world data that has just been regenerated.
4/25/2022 8:05:17 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED24 TID30 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 8:05:17 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED25 TID8 Client requested to join with the name 'TheSwarmLord'
4/25/2022 8:05:17 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED26 TID8 Tell client 'TheSwarmLord' that they are accepted, player account #2.
4/25/2022 8:05:17 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED27 TID8 Regenerate the world to include the new player.  All clients will get the new world data after that.
4/25/2022 8:05:17 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED28 TID8 Start Generate Partial Map with Realistic and seed 33361479 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (RegenerateLobbyFromPlayerInput NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 8:05:17 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED29 TID8 PlayerAccount Paradox Song is controlling faction 1 - Human Empire already.
4/25/2022 8:05:17 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED30 TID8 PlayerAccount Bear is controlling faction 9 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 8:05:17 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED31 TID8 PlayerAccount TheSwarmLord is controlling faction 11 - Necromancer Sidekick already.
4/25/2022 8:05:17 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED32 TID8 Generate Partial Map Complete  19ms Seed: 33361479
4/25/2022 8:05:17 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED33 TID8 Send all clients the world data that has just been regenerated.
4/25/2022 8:05:44 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED34 TID47 Start Generate FULL Map with Realistic and seed 33361479 and planet count 90 and 39 factions (StartingMainGameAfterLobby NotLoadingAnything) Logging OFF
4/25/2022 8:05:45 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED35 TID47 Generate FULL Map Complete  489ms Seed: 33361479
4/25/2022 8:05:45 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED36 TID29 Fixed incorrect count of ships to be granted.  Was 10, now 2 Fuseball Turret from Turret Schematic Server
4/25/2022 8:19:08 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED37 TID21 We are spawning 1 leaders
4/25/2022 8:19:08 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED38 TID21 	Spawned Prophet #13563 on Prasa
4/25/2022 8:25:08 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED39 TID7 spawnOutguardGroup at 1467: Requesting group Voidcallers on planet Haru at 400000,400000 at time 1467
4/25/2022 8:27:02 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED40 TID29 We are spawning 1 leaders
4/25/2022 8:27:02 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED41 TID29 	Spawned Herald #27132 on Hound
4/25/2022 8:46:04 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED42 TID20 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 8:46:04 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED43 TID44 Client requested to join with the name 'Bear'
4/25/2022 8:46:04 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED44 TID44 Tell client 'Bear' that they are accepted, player account #1.
4/25/2022 8:46:04 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED45 TID44 Send client 'Bear' the world data.
4/25/2022 8:47:51 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED46 TID14 We are spawning 2 leaders
4/25/2022 8:47:51 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED47 TID14 	Spawned Herald #40980 on Hound
4/25/2022 8:47:51 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED48 TID14 	Spawned Herald #40981 on Prasa
4/25/2022 8:48:28 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED49 TID28 Client TheSwarmLord (connection 2) has closed their connection.
4/25/2022 8:48:32 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED50 TID42 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 8:48:32 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED51 TID41 Client requested to join with the name 'TheSwarmLord'
4/25/2022 8:48:32 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED52 TID41 Tell client 'TheSwarmLord' that they are accepted, player account #2.
4/25/2022 8:48:32 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED53 TID41 Send client 'TheSwarmLord' the world data.
4/25/2022 8:50:32 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED54 TID41 Spawning some maddened elderligns! will spawn them next at 4252
4/25/2022 8:58:55 PM	5.004	HOST	To properly be stored, the value of each combat space coordinate must be between -262,143 and +262,143 but the coordinates passed in for 'OrderRelatedPoint' were X: 603,544 , Y: -429,139.  These would be outside of the gravity well!  Note that passing 0,0 is also fine, but that was not the case here.
  at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp) [0x00000] in <443bbdb1a1164e3fa4dbaa26ead5bed5>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <443bbdb1a1164e3fa4dbaa26ead5bed5>:0 
  at ArcenSerializationAIWar2SpecificExtensions.AddArcenPointFromCombatSpace (Arcen.Universal.ArcenSerializationBuffer Buffer, Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint Pt, System.String FieldNameForErrors, Arcen.Universal.UEErrorStyle ErrorStyle) [0x00000] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityOrder.SerializeTo (Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, Arcen.Universal.ArcenSerializationBuffer Buffer) [0x00000] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityOrderCollection.SerializeTo (Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, Arcen.Universal.ArcenSerializationBuffer Buffer) [0x00000] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SerializeSquadTo (Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, Arcen.Universal.ArcenSerializationBuffer Buffer, Arcen.Universal.SerializationCommandType SerializationCmdType) [0x00000] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 
  at AIWar2NetworkSync.Server_SendBatchOfDivergentSquadsToFix (System.Int32 clientsOfRelevance) [0x00000] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 
  at AIWar2NetworkSync.Server_SendBatchOfSyncsBasedOnCurrentSyncStage () [0x00000] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.AIWar2Networking.OnServer_CheckForSendingServerBatchMessageToClients () [0x00000] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnHost_SendHostCommandsAndSuchToClients () [0x00000] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessArbitraryFrameOnMainThread (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.String& reasonForNoVisualUpdates) [0x00000] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateEngineUniversalFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <443bbdb1a1164e3fa4dbaa26ead5bed5>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 
  at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in <63e17e5173fc4267999e44b49e187469>:0 

4/25/2022 8:58:58 PM	5.004	HOST	To properly be stored, the value of each combat space coordinate must be between -262,143 and +262,143 but the coordinates passed in for 'OrderRelatedPoint' were X: 603,544 , Y: -429,139.  These would be outside of the gravity well!  Note that passing 0,0 is also fine, but that was not the case here.
  at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp) [0x00000] in <443bbdb1a1164e3fa4dbaa26ead5bed5>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <443bbdb1a1164e3fa4dbaa26ead5bed5>:0 
  at ArcenSerializationAIWar2SpecificExtensions.AddArcenPointFromCombatSpace (Arcen.Universal.ArcenSerializationBuffer Buffer, Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint Pt, System.String FieldNameForErrors, Arcen.Universal.UEErrorStyle ErrorStyle) [0x00000] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityOrder.SerializeTo (Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, Arcen.Universal.ArcenSerializationBuffer Buffer) [0x00000] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityOrderCollection.SerializeTo (Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, Arcen.Universal.ArcenSerializationBuffer Buffer) [0x00000] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SerializeSquadTo (Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, Arcen.Universal.ArcenSerializationBuffer Buffer, Arcen.Universal.SerializationCommandType SerializationCmdType) [0x00000] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 
  at AIWar2NetworkSync.Server_SendBatchOfDivergentSquadsToFix (System.Int32 clientsOfRelevance) [0x00000] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 
  at AIWar2NetworkSync.Server_SendBatchOfSyncsBasedOnCurrentSyncStage () [0x00000] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.AIWar2Networking.OnServer_CheckForSendingServerBatchMessageToClients () [0x00000] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnHost_SendHostCommandsAndSuchToClients () [0x00000] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessArbitraryFrameOnMainThread (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.String& reasonForNoVisualUpdates) [0x00000] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateEngineUniversalFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <443bbdb1a1164e3fa4dbaa26ead5bed5>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 
  at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in <63e17e5173fc4267999e44b49e187469>:0 

4/25/2022 9:01:52 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED55 TID62 Client Bear (connection 3) has closed their connection.
4/25/2022 9:01:54 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED56 TID74 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 9:01:54 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED57 TID20 Client requested to join with the name 'Bear'
4/25/2022 9:01:54 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED58 TID20 Tell client 'Bear' that they are accepted, player account #1.
4/25/2022 9:01:54 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED59 TID20 Send client 'Bear' the world data.
4/25/2022 9:01:57 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED60 TID68 Client Bear (connection 5) has closed their connection.
4/25/2022 9:01:59 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED61 TID39 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 9:01:59 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED62 TID71 Client requested to join with the name 'Bear'
4/25/2022 9:01:59 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED63 TID71 Tell client 'Bear' that they are accepted, player account #1.
4/25/2022 9:01:59 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED64 TID71 Send client 'Bear' the world data.
4/25/2022 9:02:02 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED65 TID47 Client Bear (connection 6) has closed their connection.
4/25/2022 9:02:04 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED66 TID35 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 9:02:04 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED67 TID39 Client requested to join with the name 'Bear'
4/25/2022 9:02:04 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED68 TID39 Tell client 'Bear' that they are accepted, player account #1.
4/25/2022 9:02:04 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED69 TID39 Send client 'Bear' the world data.
4/25/2022 9:02:07 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED70 TID77 Client Bear (connection 7) has closed their connection.
4/25/2022 9:02:10 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED71 TID35 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 9:02:10 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED72 TID14 Client requested to join with the name 'Bear'
4/25/2022 9:02:10 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED73 TID14 Tell client 'Bear' that they are accepted, player account #1.
4/25/2022 9:02:10 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED74 TID14 Send client 'Bear' the world data.
4/25/2022 9:02:13 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED75 TID31 Client Bear (connection 8) has closed their connection.
4/25/2022 9:02:16 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED76 TID53 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 9:02:16 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED77 TID51 Client requested to join with the name 'Bear'
4/25/2022 9:02:16 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED78 TID51 Tell client 'Bear' that they are accepted, player account #1.
4/25/2022 9:02:16 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED79 TID51 Send client 'Bear' the world data.
4/25/2022 9:02:18 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED80 TID8 Client Bear (connection 9) has closed their connection.
4/25/2022 9:02:48 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED81 TID21 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 9:02:48 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED82 TID67 Client requested to join with the name 'Bear'
4/25/2022 9:02:48 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED83 TID67 Tell client 'Bear' that they are accepted, player account #1.
4/25/2022 9:02:48 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED84 TID67 Send client 'Bear' the world data.
4/25/2022 9:03:09 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED85 TID74 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 9:03:09 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED86 TID6 Client requested to join with the name 'TheSwarmLord'
4/25/2022 9:03:09 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED87 TID6 Tell client 'TheSwarmLord' that they are accepted, player account #2.
4/25/2022 9:03:09 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED88 TID6 Send client 'TheSwarmLord' the world data.
4/25/2022 9:03:39 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED89 TID63 We are spawning 4 leaders
4/25/2022 9:03:39 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED90 TID63 	Spawned Prophet #58617 on Prasa
4/25/2022 9:03:39 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED91 TID63 	Spawned Herald #58618 on Prasa
4/25/2022 9:03:39 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED92 TID63 	Spawned Prophet #58619 on Hound
4/25/2022 9:03:39 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED93 TID63 	Spawned Prophet #58620 on Prasa
4/25/2022 9:05:33 PM	5.004	HOST	No resolution change was required.
4/25/2022 9:05:33 PM	5.004	HOST	Applied graphics settings: 
4/25/2022 9:05:33 PM	5.004	HOST	Applied Framerate Type: 75 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:75)
4/25/2022 9:17:33 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED94 TID51 We are spawning 6 leaders
4/25/2022 9:17:33 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED95 TID51 	Spawned Harbinger #71993 on Prasa
4/25/2022 9:17:33 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED96 TID51 	Spawned Harbinger #71994 on Prasa
4/25/2022 9:17:33 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED97 TID51 	Spawned Prophet #71995 on Prasa
4/25/2022 9:17:33 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED98 TID51 	Spawned Prophet #71996 on Prasa
4/25/2022 9:17:33 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED99 TID51 	Spawned Prophet #71997 on Prasa
4/25/2022 9:17:33 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED100 TID51 	Spawned Prophet #71998 on Prasa
4/25/2022 9:19:01 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED101 TID42 spawnOutguardGroup at 3803: Requesting group Voidcallers on planet Bahl at 400000,400000 at time 3803
4/25/2022 9:29:15 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED102 TID74 spawnOutguardGroup at 4327: Requesting group Voidcallers on planet Haru at 400000,400000 at time 4326
4/25/2022 9:31:04 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED103 TID19 Spawning some maddened elderligns! will spawn them next at 6182
4/25/2022 9:32:17 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED104 TID39 We are spawning 4 leaders
4/25/2022 9:32:17 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED105 TID39 	Spawned Herald #113153 on Prasa
4/25/2022 9:32:17 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED106 TID39 	Spawned Prophet #113154 on Hound
4/25/2022 9:32:17 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED107 TID39 	Spawned Herald #113155 on Hound
4/25/2022 9:32:17 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED108 TID39 	Spawned Herald #113156 on Prasa
4/25/2022 9:34:01 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED109 TID37 Reconquest Seeding for Gropp: guard post placer: TenSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 10 actually seeded: 10
4/25/2022 9:36:27 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED110 TID18 Client Bear (connection 10) has closed their connection.
4/25/2022 9:36:29 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED111 TID71 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 9:36:29 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED112 TID65 Client requested to join with the name 'Bear'
4/25/2022 9:36:29 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED113 TID65 Tell client 'Bear' that they are accepted, player account #1.
4/25/2022 9:36:29 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED114 TID65 Send client 'Bear' the world data.
4/25/2022 9:54:37 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED115 TID16 Client Bear (connection 12) has closed their connection.
4/25/2022 9:54:39 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED116 TID32 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 9:54:39 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED117 TID36 Client requested to join with the name 'Bear'
4/25/2022 9:54:39 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED118 TID36 Tell client 'Bear' that they are accepted, player account #1.
4/25/2022 9:54:39 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED119 TID36 Send client 'Bear' the world data.
4/25/2022 9:56:37 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED120 TID5 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 9:56:37 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED121 TID71 Client requested to join with the name 'Bear'
4/25/2022 9:56:37 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED122 TID71 Tell client 'Bear' that they are accepted, player account #1.
4/25/2022 9:56:37 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED123 TID71 Send client 'Bear' the world data.
4/25/2022 9:57:01 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED124 TID66 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 9:57:01 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED125 TID66 Client requested to join with the name 'TheSwarmLord'
4/25/2022 9:57:01 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED126 TID66 Tell client 'TheSwarmLord' that they are accepted, player account #2.
4/25/2022 9:57:01 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED127 TID66 Send client 'TheSwarmLord' the world data.
4/25/2022 9:59:18 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED128 TID44 We are spawning 3 leaders
4/25/2022 9:59:18 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED129 TID44 	Spawned Herald #176758 on Hound
4/25/2022 9:59:18 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED130 TID44 	Spawned Herald #176759 on Hound
4/25/2022 9:59:18 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED131 TID44 	Spawned Herald #176760 on Prasa
4/25/2022 9:59:35 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED132 TID7 Reconquest Seeding for Lipton: guard post placer: SixSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 6 actually seeded: 6
4/25/2022 10:05:14 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED133 TID29 Client Bear (connection 14) has closed their connection.
4/25/2022 10:05:16 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED134 TID73 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 10:05:16 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED135 TID6 Client requested to join with the name 'Bear'
4/25/2022 10:05:16 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED136 TID6 Tell client 'Bear' that they are accepted, player account #1.
4/25/2022 10:05:16 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED137 TID6 Send client 'Bear' the world data.
4/25/2022 10:15:37 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED138 TID49 We are spawning 5 leaders
4/25/2022 10:15:37 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED139 TID49 	Spawned Herald #242524 on Belle's Refuge
4/25/2022 10:15:37 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED140 TID49 	Spawned Herald #242525 on Murdoch
4/25/2022 10:15:37 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED141 TID49 	Spawned Prophet #242526 on Prasa
4/25/2022 10:15:37 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED142 TID49 	Spawned Herald #242527 on Murdoch
4/25/2022 10:15:37 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED143 TID49 	Spawned Harbinger #242528 on Belle's Refuge
4/25/2022 10:20:22 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED144 TID15 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 10:20:22 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED145 TID60 Client requested to join with the name 'TheSwarmLord'
4/25/2022 10:20:22 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED146 TID60 Tell client 'TheSwarmLord' that they are accepted, player account #2.
4/25/2022 10:20:22 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED147 TID60 Send client 'TheSwarmLord' the world data.
4/25/2022 10:24:47 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED148 TID5 Spawning some maddened elderligns! will spawn them next at 8022
4/25/2022 10:24:59 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED149 TID7 Reconquest Seeding for Gropp: guard post placer: TenSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 10 actually seeded: 10
4/25/2022 10:27:59 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED150 TID17 Reconquest Seeding for Lestallo: guard post placer: FourSpreadOutGuardPosts scheduled: 4 actually seeded: 4
4/25/2022 10:34:41 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED151 TID40 We are spawning 5 leaders
4/25/2022 10:34:41 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED152 TID40 	Spawned Prophet #303266 on Murdoch
4/25/2022 10:34:41 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED153 TID40 	Spawned Prophet #303267 on Prasa
4/25/2022 10:34:41 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED154 TID40 	Spawned Harbinger #303268 on Hound
4/25/2022 10:34:41 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED155 TID40 	Spawned Herald #303269 on Murdoch
4/25/2022 10:34:41 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED156 TID40 	Spawned Prophet #303270 on Belle's Refuge
4/25/2022 10:36:00 PM	5.004	HOST	To properly be stored, the value of each combat space coordinate must be between -262,143 and +262,143 but the coordinates passed in for 'OrderRelatedPoint' were X: -428,923 , Y: -20,729.  These would be outside of the gravity well!  Note that passing 0,0 is also fine, but that was not the case here.
  at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp) [0x00000] in <443bbdb1a1164e3fa4dbaa26ead5bed5>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <443bbdb1a1164e3fa4dbaa26ead5bed5>:0 
  at ArcenSerializationAIWar2SpecificExtensions.AddArcenPointFromCombatSpace (Arcen.Universal.ArcenSerializationBuffer Buffer, Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, Arcen.Universal.ArcenPoint Pt, System.String FieldNameForErrors, Arcen.Universal.UEErrorStyle ErrorStyle) [0x00000] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityOrder.SerializeTo (Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, Arcen.Universal.ArcenSerializationBuffer Buffer) [0x00000] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.EntityOrderCollection.SerializeTo (Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, Arcen.Universal.ArcenSerializationBuffer Buffer) [0x00000] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad.SerializeSquadTo (Arcen.Universal.SerMetaData MetaData, Arcen.Universal.ArcenSerializationBuffer Buffer, Arcen.Universal.SerializationCommandType SerializationCmdType) [0x00000] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.AIWar2FastBlastDataManager.Server_SendFastBlastDataIfAnyPresent (System.Int32 clientsOfRelevance) [0x00000] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 
  at AIWar2NetworkSync.Server_SendBatchOfSyncsBasedOnCurrentSyncStage () [0x00000] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.AIWar2Networking.OnServer_CheckForSendingServerBatchMessageToClients () [0x00000] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.World_AIW2.OnHost_SendHostCommandsAndSuchToClients () [0x00000] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Engine_AIW2.ProcessArbitraryFrameOnMainThread (System.Boolean& stalledWaitingOnConnections, System.String& reasonForNoVisualUpdates) [0x00000] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 
  at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateEngineUniversalFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <443bbdb1a1164e3fa4dbaa26ead5bed5>:0 
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in <d9a83c419686488e97e7f1b95ed22f64>:0 
  at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in <63e17e5173fc4267999e44b49e187469>:0 

4/25/2022 10:41:49 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED157 TID36 Client Bear (connection 16) has closed their connection.
4/25/2022 10:41:52 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED158 TID69 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 10:41:52 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED159 TID29 Client requested to join with the name 'Bear'
4/25/2022 10:41:52 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED160 TID29 Tell client 'Bear' that they are accepted, player account #1.
4/25/2022 10:41:52 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED161 TID29 Send client 'Bear' the world data.
4/25/2022 10:43:10 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED162 TID8 Client TheSwarmLord (connection 17) has closed their connection.
4/25/2022 10:43:13 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED163 TID69 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 10:43:14 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED164 TID22 Client requested to join with the name 'TheSwarmLord'
4/25/2022 10:43:14 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED165 TID22 Tell client 'TheSwarmLord' that they are accepted, player account #2.
4/25/2022 10:43:14 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED166 TID22 Send client 'TheSwarmLord' the world data.
4/25/2022 10:43:16 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED167 TID51 Client TheSwarmLord (connection 19) has closed their connection.
4/25/2022 10:43:30 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED168 TID33 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 10:43:30 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED169 TID15 Client requested to join with the name 'TheSwarmLord'
4/25/2022 10:43:30 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED170 TID15 Tell client 'TheSwarmLord' that they are accepted, player account #2.
4/25/2022 10:43:30 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED171 TID15 Send client 'TheSwarmLord' the world data.
4/25/2022 10:43:33 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED172 TID10 Client TheSwarmLord (connection 20) has closed their connection.
4/25/2022 10:44:09 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED173 TID30 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 10:44:09 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED174 TID31 Client requested to join with the name 'TheSwarmLord'
4/25/2022 10:44:09 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED175 TID31 Tell client 'TheSwarmLord' that they are accepted, player account #2.
4/25/2022 10:44:09 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED176 TID31 Send client 'TheSwarmLord' the world data.
4/25/2022 10:48:38 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED177 TID64 LITENET NETWORKING: Connection incoming from:
4/25/2022 10:48:38 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED178 TID42 Client requested to join with the name 'TheSwarmLord'
4/25/2022 10:48:38 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED179 TID42 Tell client 'TheSwarmLord' that they are accepted, player account #2.
4/25/2022 10:48:38 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED180 TID42 Send client 'TheSwarmLord' the world data.
4/25/2022 10:49:00 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED181 TID53 We are spawning 3 leaders
4/25/2022 10:49:00 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED182 TID53 	Spawned Herald #341205 on Prasa
4/25/2022 10:49:00 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED183 TID53 	Spawned Harbinger #341206 on Prasa
4/25/2022 10:49:00 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED184 TID53 	Spawned Holy Prophet #341207 on Murdoch
4/25/2022 10:51:43 PM	5.004	HOST	DELAYED185 TID70 spawnOutguardGroup at 7535: Requesting group Voidcallers on planet Haru at 400000,400000 at time 7535
4/25/2022 10:57:56 PM	5.004	HOST	
Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit:
Game Version: 5004_TemplarWaveMonitoring
Multiplayer Status: Host
Network Data Totals:
Framework: <color=#ffd965>S-Tier:</color> Direct IP: LiteNetLib
Received Overall: 1,071,410
Received Overall: 382.3 MB
Sent Overall: 11,634,727
Sent Overall: 2,838.9 MB
Network Active For: 2 hours, 53 minutes, 11 seconds.
384,861 Sent Main       | 451.3 MB Sent Main
205,785 Sent Frequent       | 675.2 MB Sent Frequent
99,040 Sent Bulky-1       | 523.2 MB Sent Bulky-1
374,108 Sent Bulky-2       | 91.5 MB Sent Bulky-2
10,570,933 Sent Bulky-3       | 1,097.8 MB Sent Bulky-3
Bear - 129.0ms Ping 1 frames Behind 
TheSwarmLord - 97.0ms Ping 1 frames Behind 

    238 Sync Cycles
    FactionBasics Sync Stage (10)
    0 Waiting For Sync Acks
    1 Sync Acks Skipped
    1 Waiting For Ship Acks
    13 Ship  Acks Skipped
    170 Srv Ships Needing Sync Fix
    3,217 Ship Sync Cycles Complete
    5,241,451 Sh Syncs f/Mismatch
    38,518 Sh Syncs Voluntary
    5,365,617 Ship Syncs Sent
    91,965 Ship Syncs Forced
    21,814,003 Sh Sy Chk
    523.1 MB Of Ship Sync Checks
    5,328,167 Div Sh
    1,097.8 MB Of Divergent Ship Fixes
    37,433 Divergent Sh Deletions
    1,803,522 Duplicate Sh Syn Skips
    91,965 Sh Syncs Skipped
    4 Tier 3 Plan Sync Cycle
    0s Since Oldest Skip-Sync
    97,065 Ultra Freq Syncs
    675.1 MB Of Ultra Freq Syncs
    94,065 Fast Blasts
    90.1 MB Of Fast Blasts
    104 Omni Blasts
    12.5 KB Of Omni Blasts
    10,482 Faction Syncs
    2.2 MB Of Faction Syncs
    10,472 Fac-Ex Syncs
    2.5 MB Of Fac-Ex Syncs
    124,308 Fleet Syncs
    47.1 MB Of Fleet Syncs
    21,420 Planet Syncs
    7.6 MB Of Planet Syncs
    10,948 P-Faction Syncs
    27.7 MB Of P-Faction Syncs
    238 World Basic Syncs
    4.2 MB Of World Basic Syncs
    238 World External Syncs
    202.9 KB Of World External Syncs
    49,553 Ships Blasted
    1,053,350 Shots Blasted
    0 Others Blasted
    300 Fleets Blasted
    357,587 Deaths Blasted
    5,237 Speed Groups Created On Host==========================================

ArcenDebugLog (Host).txt (115,080 bytes)   


Apr 26, 2022 8:23 am

reporter   ~0066462

Here's a sampling of saves which may help you.
Autosave at 1h 0m (418,691 bytes)
Autosave at 2h 0m (644,929 bytes)
Autosave at 2h 0m 3s.bak (532,739 bytes)
Autosave at 50m (424,236 bytes)


Apr 26, 2022 9:28 pm

administrator   ~0066473

First item:

* Fixed a couple of MP-client-side errors that were possible in UpdateAllSortedStuffIfNeed, and also instrumented it so that it will not lead to error cascades, as well as so that if it has another error, we'll know exactly where that is.


Apr 26, 2022 9:32 pm

administrator   ~0066474


* Put in a probable fix for rare fireteam history deserialization that could happen in MP on clients. In the event that it still happens, it now gives a better error at least.


Apr 26, 2022 9:37 pm

administrator   ~0066475

* Fixed some client-side-only exceptions that could happen when hacking elderlings in multiplayer.


Apr 26, 2022 9:41 pm

administrator   ~0066476

Well, this PKID thing does indeed explain the error cascade you were getting, wow:

NSTUID Match: Asteroid Mining Powerplant - 284 pkid 290 vs 290 faction Galactica vs Galactica fleet {Cartanica Cmd 55 PlayerPlanetaryCommand Human} vs {Cartanica Cmd 55 PlayerPlanetaryCommand Human} planet Cartanica vs Cartanica.


Apr 26, 2022 9:47 pm

administrator   ~0066477

Nevermind, that was actually a spurious error. It is now fixed:

* Fixed a harmless error (that should not have been there) when asteroid mining powerplants were captured for the first time sometimes on MP clients.

Thanks! This gets rid of everything in the log. Let's see how things go when we aren't having exceptions being thrown.


Apr 27, 2022 7:21 am

reporter   ~0066508

Awesome! We'll be playing again soon, so we'll get new logs for you.


Apr 27, 2022 3:26 pm

reporter   ~0066515

Still occurs in 5.005 Here's a new save only minutes beforehand (no errors on host side)
ArcenDebugLogClientBear.txt (15,671 bytes)   
4/27/2022 1:59:53 PM	SINGLEP	Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/
PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/
4/27/2022 1:59:53 PM	SINGLEP	Boot up FleetOS (0.2513s)
4/27/2022 1:59:53 PM	SINGLEP	graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11
graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
graphicsMultiThreaded: False
graphicsShaderLevel: 50
operatingSystem: Windows 10  (10.0.19043) 64bit
graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
graphicsDeviceID: 7041
graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA
graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318
graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
graphicsMemorySize: 8088
maxTextureSize: 16384
npotSupport: Full
processorType: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz
processorCount: 12
processorFrequency: 3192
systemMemorySize: 48959
supportedRenderTargetCount: 8
supportsComputeShaders: True
supportsShadows: True
usesReversedZBuffer: True
4/27/2022 1:59:53 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Game Version: 5.005
4/27/2022 1:59:53 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3231s)
4/27/2022 1:59:53 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Inspect Aft Hatches (0.0466s)
4/27/2022 1:59:53 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Found 601 xml files in 143 folders in 55ms
4/27/2022 1:59:54 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Check For Extra Modules (0.7999s)
4/27/2022 1:59:54 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	601 Xml Files Parsed in 738ms
4/27/2022 1:59:54 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0020s)
4/27/2022 1:59:54 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0050s)
4/27/2022 1:59:54 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0369s)
4/27/2022 1:59:54 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Update mod and expansion statuses!
4/27/2022 1:59:54 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Expansions:  The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!)  Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!)  The Neinzul Abyss (Installed And Enabled!)  
4/27/2022 1:59:54 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Mods:  AIShieldGenerators (Disabled)  AMU (Enabled!)  CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled)  ExoticShips (Disabled)  ExpertMinusScaling (Disabled)  ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled)  FrigatesFocus (Disabled)  FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled)  HydralFederation (Disabled)  LostHumans (Disabled)  MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled)  MicroModCollection (Disabled)  MoreFrigates (Disabled)  MoreStartingFleets (Disabled)  MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled)  PaladinTransports (Disabled)  PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled)  RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled)  SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled)  StrategicRebalance (Disabled)  StrategicRebalanceDLC1 (Disabled)  StrategicRebalanceDLC2 (Disabled)  SuperchargeRaid (Disabled)  TameDarkSpire (Disabled)  
4/27/2022 1:59:54 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0329s)
4/27/2022 1:59:54 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	601 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 12ms
4/27/2022 1:59:54 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0698s)
4/27/2022 1:59:54 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	No resolution change was required.
4/27/2022 1:59:54 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Applied graphics settings: 
4/27/2022 1:59:54 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Applied Framerate Type: 60 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:60)
4/27/2022 1:59:54 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Remembering Alamo (0.1242s)
4/27/2022 1:59:55 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4449s)
4/27/2022 1:59:55 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Briefly Panic (0.2255s)
4/27/2022 1:59:55 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Install Confidence Routines (0.4468s)
4/27/2022 1:59:56 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'.
4/27/2022 1:59:56 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Late Axionic Computations (0.3341s)
4/27/2022 1:59:56 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Acquiring Towel (0.0259s)
4/27/2022 1:59:56 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0180s)
4/27/2022 1:59:56 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0838s)
4/27/2022 1:59:56 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Grouping Flow Fields (0.0539s)
4/27/2022 1:59:56 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Propping Up Starfields (0.1715s)
4/27/2022 1:59:56 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Pillaging Distant Planets (0.1935s)
4/27/2022 1:59:56 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Calculating Firing Cones (0.0150s)
4/27/2022 1:59:57 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Divulge Ship Part Schematics To Enemy (0.8268s)
4/27/2022 1:59:57 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1486s)
4/27/2022 2:00:00 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Overwrote old entry for OrbitalDireConcussionGuardPost in OrbitalDireGuardPosts_FreeforAll
4/27/2022 2:00:00 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Printing Paper Copies Of All Data Banks (3.1910s)
4/27/2022 2:00:01 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Post-Proton Surge (0.0209s)
4/27/2022 2:00:01 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0324s)
4/27/2022 2:00:01 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0289s)
4/27/2022 2:00:01 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Windshield Wiping (0.1825s)
4/27/2022 2:00:02 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Last Organizational Modeling (0.8569s)
4/27/2022 2:00:02 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Stimulate Modulation (0.5745s)
4/27/2022 2:00:02 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0
4/27/2022 2:00:02 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Order Cores By Seniority (0.0070s)
4/27/2022 2:00:02 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	DELAYED1 TID7 Info: will dump 2083 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt.
4/27/2022 2:00:03 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	We got 0 campaign's data when deserializing
4/27/2022 2:00:03 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Final Checks (0.3858s)
4/27/2022 2:00:03 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Load Historical Documents (0.0040s)
4/27/2022 2:00:03 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	10.0 seconds total load time.
Boot up FleetOS (0.3s)
Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.3s)
Check For Extra Modules (0.8s)
Calculate Odds Of Success (0.4s)
Install Confidence Routines (0.4s)
Late Axionic Computations (0.3s)
Divulge Ship Part Schematics To Enemy (0.8s)
Printing Paper Copies Of All Data Banks (3.2s)
Last Organizational Modeling (0.9s)
Stimulate Modulation (0.6s)
Final Checks (0.4s)
4/27/2022 2:00:03 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Hello Steam user 'Bear'
4/27/2022 2:00:12 PM	5.005	CLIENT	DELAYED2 TID19 Asking to join hosted game with the name 'Bear'
4/27/2022 2:00:16 PM	5.005	CLIENT	DELAYED3 TID13 Start loading the world (client PlayerAccount ID will be 1)
4/27/2022 2:00:16 PM	5.005	CLIENT	DELAYED4 TID13 Clearing player accounts.
4/27/2022 2:00:19 PM	5.005	CLIENT	DELAYED5 TID13 Accounts in this MP game:
<color=#7d12b3>Paradox Song (Host - Faction #1, Galactica)</color>
<color=#318ce7>Bear (You)</color>
<color=#ff033e>TheSwarmLord (Open - Faction #11, Nadesico)</color>

4/27/2022 2:00:19 PM	5.005	CLIENT	DELAYED6 TID13 Loaded the world in charge of a faction. Letting the host know that worked.
4/27/2022 2:00:19 PM	5.005	CLIENT	Multiplayer Connection Time Taken: Establishing_Connection - 0.1s
4/27/2022 2:00:19 PM	5.005	CLIENT	Multiplayer Connection Time Taken: Sending_Profile_Name_Expansions_And_Mods - 7.4s
4/27/2022 2:02:53 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	DELAYED7 TID23 Server just informed us that it shut down.  Exiting to main menu...
4/27/2022 2:02:53 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	DELAYED8 TID23 
Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit:
Game Version: 5005_AchievementUnbreaking
Multiplayer Status: Client
Network Data Totals:
Framework: <color=#ffd965>S-Tier:</color> Direct IP: LiteNetLib
Received Overall: 22,054
Received Overall: 22.0 MB
Sent Overall: 7,482
Sent Overall: 86.4 KB
Network Active For: 0 hours, 2 minutes, 42 seconds.
1,454 Sent Main       | 10.7 KB Sent Main
107 Sent Frequent       | 612 Bytes Sent Frequent
257 Sent Bulky-1       | 34.0 KB Sent Bulky-1
5,542 Sent Bulky-2       | 40.0 KB Sent Bulky-2
122 Sent Bulky-3       | 1.1 KB Sent Bulky-3
116.0ms Ping To Host 1 frames Authed 

    12,618 Div Ship Fixes
    1.4 MB Of Diverg Ship Fixes
    9 Div Ship Deletions
    11,095 Ship Sync Mismatches
    12,142 Div Ships Same Planet
    112  Div Ships Wr Planet
    1 Div Ships Catastrophic
    363  Div Ships Missing
    9 Cl Ships To Del
    0 Ghost Time-Based Deleted
    0 Cl Ships To Ask
    0  Cl Ghosts Waiting
    0 Ships Del From Wr Fleet
    337,481 Sh Sy Chk
    4.1 MB Of Ship Sync Checks
    740 Sh Sy Skips
    122 Extra Sh Sy Requests
    1,452 Ultra Freq Syncs
    13.9 MB Of Ultra Freq Syncs
    858 Imm Fast Blasts
    133.0 KB Of Fast Blasts
    0 Delayed Fast Blasts
    0 Delayed Omni Blasts
    0 Imm Omni Blasts
    0 Bytes Of Omni Blasts
    0 Kill-All-FMems
    0 Ghost Suspect Syncs
    0 Ghost Sus From Mis Sync
    0 Ghost Fix Success
    0 Ghost Extras Deleted
    264 Faction Syncs
    39.3 KB Of Faction Syncs
    264 Fac-Ex Syncs
    73.2 KB Of Fac-Ex Syncs
    3,274 Fleet Syncs
    350.6 KB Of Fleet Syncs
    540 Planet Syncs
    101.5 KB Of Planet Syncs
    500 P-Faction Syncs
    339.2 KB Of P-Faction Syncs
    6 World Basic Syncs
    56.4 KB Of World Basic Syncs
    6 World External Syncs
    5.4 KB Of World External Syncs
    759 Ships Blasted
    238 Shots Blasted
    0 Others Blasted
    0 Fleets Blasted
    356 Deaths Blasted
    0 Divergent Ship Data Discarded From Tardiness==========================================

4/27/2022 2:02:54 PM	5.005	SINGLEP	Clearing player accounts.
4/27/2022 2:02:59 PM	5.005	CLIENT	DELAYED9 TID15 Asking to join hosted game with the name 'Bear'
4/27/2022 2:03:03 PM	5.005	CLIENT	DELAYED10 TID10 Start loading the world (client PlayerAccount ID will be 1)
4/27/2022 2:03:03 PM	5.005	CLIENT	DELAYED11 TID10 Clearing player accounts.
4/27/2022 2:03:04 PM	5.005	CLIENT	DELAYED12 TID10 Accounts in this MP game:
<color=#7d12b3>Paradox Song (Open - Faction #1, Galactica)</color>
<color=#318ce7>Bear (You)</color>
<color=#ff033e>TheSwarmLord (Open - Faction #11, Nadesico)</color>

4/27/2022 2:03:04 PM	5.005	CLIENT	DELAYED13 TID10 Loaded the world in charge of a faction. Letting the host know that worked.
4/27/2022 2:03:04 PM	5.005	CLIENT	Multiplayer Connection Time Taken: Establishing_Connection - 2.9s
4/27/2022 2:03:04 PM	5.005	CLIENT	Multiplayer Connection Time Taken: Sending_Profile_Name_Expansions_And_Mods - 4.8s
4/27/2022 2:03:58 PM	5.005	CLIENT	No resolution change was required.
4/27/2022 2:03:58 PM	5.005	CLIENT	Applied graphics settings: 
4/27/2022 2:03:58 PM	5.005	CLIENT	Applied Framerate Type: 60 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:60)
4/27/2022 2:04:09 PM	5.005	CLIENT	No resolution change was required.
4/27/2022 2:04:09 PM	5.005	CLIENT	Applied graphics settings: 
4/27/2022 2:04:09 PM	5.005	CLIENT	Applied Framerate Type: 60 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:60)
4/27/2022 2:04:19 PM	5.005	CLIENT	No resolution change was required.
4/27/2022 2:04:19 PM	5.005	CLIENT	Applied graphics settings: 
4/27/2022 2:04:19 PM	5.005	CLIENT	Applied Framerate Type: 60 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:60)
4/27/2022 2:04:37 PM	5.005	CLIENT	No resolution change was required.
4/27/2022 2:04:37 PM	5.005	CLIENT	Applied graphics settings: 
4/27/2022 2:04:37 PM	5.005	CLIENT	Applied Framerate Type: 60 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:60)
4/27/2022 2:04:49 PM	5.005	CLIENT	No resolution change was required.
4/27/2022 2:04:49 PM	5.005	CLIENT	Applied graphics settings: 
4/27/2022 2:04:49 PM	5.005	CLIENT	Applied Framerate Type: 60 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:60)
4/27/2022 2:05:28 PM	5.005	CLIENT	No resolution change was required.
4/27/2022 2:05:28 PM	5.005	CLIENT	Applied graphics settings: 
4/27/2022 2:05:28 PM	5.005	CLIENT	Applied Framerate Type: 60 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:60)
4/27/2022 2:05:40 PM	5.005	CLIENT	No resolution change was required.
4/27/2022 2:05:40 PM	5.005	CLIENT	Applied graphics settings: 
4/27/2022 2:05:40 PM	5.005	CLIENT	Applied Framerate Type: 60 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:60)
4/27/2022 2:14:18 PM	5.005	CLIENT	
Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit:
Game Version: 5005_AchievementUnbreaking
Multiplayer Status: Client
Network Data Totals:
Framework: <color=#ffd965>S-Tier:</color> Direct IP: LiteNetLib
Received Overall: 181,460
Received Overall: 192.6 MB
Sent Overall: 9,833
Sent Overall: 506.6 KB
Network Active For: 0 hours, 11 minutes, 19 seconds.
6,027 Sent Main       | 57.2 KB Sent Main
606 Sent Frequent       | 40.4 KB Sent Frequent
97 Sent Bulky-1       | 94.4 KB Sent Bulky-1
1,329 Sent Bulky-2       | 10.1 KB Sent Bulky-2
1,774 Sent Bulky-3       | 304.5 KB Sent Bulky-3
144.0ms Ping To Host 1 frames Authed 

    113,285 Div Ship Fixes
    18.1 MB Of Diverg Ship Fixes
    1,811 Div Ship Deletions
    23,781 Ship Sync Mismatches
    92,527 Div Ships Same Planet
    4,337  Div Ships Wr Planet
    227 Div Ships Catastrophic
    16,194  Div Ships Missing
    528 Cl Ships To Del
    0 Ghost Time-Based Deleted
    0 Cl Ships To Ask
    0  Cl Ghosts Waiting
    0 Ships Del From Wr Fleet
    44,683 Sh Sy Chk
    1.2 MB Of Ship Sync Checks
    4,262 Sh Sy Skips
    104,277 Extra Sh Sy Requests
    6,025 Ultra Freq Syncs
    109.5 MB Of Ultra Freq Syncs
    5,238 Imm Fast Blasts
    5.3 MB Of Fast Blasts
    0 Delayed Fast Blasts
    0 Delayed Omni Blasts
    10 Imm Omni Blasts
    661 Bytes Of Omni Blasts
    0 Kill-All-FMems
    0 Ghost Suspect Syncs
    0 Ghost Sus From Mis Sync
    2,022 Ghost Fix Success
    0 Ghost Extras Deleted
    0 Faction Syncs
    0 Bytes Of Faction Syncs
    44 Fac-Ex Syncs
    12.3 KB Of Fac-Ex Syncs
    1,082 Fleet Syncs
    5.2 MB Of Fleet Syncs
    90 Planet Syncs
    16.8 KB Of Planet Syncs
    514 P-Faction Syncs
    348.8 KB Of P-Faction Syncs
    0 World Basic Syncs
    0 Bytes Of World Basic Syncs
    0 World External Syncs
    0 Bytes Of World External Syncs
    1,903 Ships Blasted
    94,712 Shots Blasted
    0 Others Blasted
    44 Fleets Blasted
    44,185 Deaths Blasted
    48,980 Divergent Ship Data Discarded From Tardiness==========================================

4/27/2022 2:14:19 PM	5.005	CLIENT	Clearing player accounts.
4/27/2022 2:14:25 PM	5.005	CLIENT	DELAYED15 TID70 Start loading the world (client PlayerAccount ID will be 1)
4/27/2022 2:14:25 PM	5.005	CLIENT	DELAYED16 TID70 Clearing player accounts.
4/27/2022 2:14:25 PM	5.005	CLIENT	DELAYED17 TID70 Logged Achievement To Steam Kills: Warrior
4/27/2022 2:14:25 PM	5.005	CLIENT	DELAYED18 TID70 Accounts in this MP game:
<color=#7d12b3>Paradox Song (Open - Faction #1, Galactica)</color>
<color=#318ce7>Bear (You)</color>
<color=#ff033e>TheSwarmLord (Open - Faction #11, Nadesico)</color>

4/27/2022 2:14:25 PM	5.005	CLIENT	DELAYED19 TID70 Loaded the world in charge of a faction. Letting the host know that worked.
4/27/2022 2:14:25 PM	5.005	CLIENT	Multiplayer Connection Time Taken: Sending_Profile_Name_Expansions_And_Mods - 4.8s
4/27/2022 2:22:55 PM	5.005	CLIENT	DELAYED20 TID27 Found PKID twice: 535884 and Squad 1 was on planet Shinda for factionAI Hunter Fleet while squad2 was on planet Shinda for factionAI Sentinels . Vanguard
ArcenDebugLogClientBear.txt (15,671 bytes)   
Autosave at 3h 0m (764,956 bytes)


Apr 27, 2022 3:27 pm

reporter   ~0066516

Still occuring (reopen note)

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
Apr 25, 2022 9:42 pm ParadoxSong New Issue
Apr 25, 2022 9:42 pm ParadoxSong File Added: ArcenDebugLog (Host).txt
Apr 25, 2022 9:42 pm ParadoxSong File Added: ArcenDebugLog(Client) (3).txt
Apr 25, 2022 9:43 pm Daniexpert Sticky Issue No => Yes
Apr 26, 2022 8:23 am ParadoxSong Note Added: 0066462
Apr 26, 2022 8:23 am ParadoxSong File Added: Autosave at 1h 0m
Apr 26, 2022 8:23 am ParadoxSong File Added: Autosave at 2h 0m
Apr 26, 2022 8:23 am ParadoxSong File Added: Autosave at 2h 0m 3s.bak
Apr 26, 2022 8:23 am ParadoxSong File Added: Autosave at 50m
Apr 26, 2022 3:32 pm ParadoxSong Relationship added related to 0027081
Apr 26, 2022 9:28 pm Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0066473
Apr 26, 2022 9:32 pm Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0066474
Apr 26, 2022 9:37 pm Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0066475
Apr 26, 2022 9:41 pm Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0066476
Apr 26, 2022 9:47 pm Chris_McElligottPark Assigned To => Chris_McElligottPark
Apr 26, 2022 9:47 pm Chris_McElligottPark Status new => resolved
Apr 26, 2022 9:47 pm Chris_McElligottPark Resolution open => fixed
Apr 26, 2022 9:47 pm Chris_McElligottPark Fixed in Version => 5.005 Threat Properly Threatens
Apr 26, 2022 9:47 pm Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0066477
Apr 26, 2022 9:47 pm Chris_McElligottPark Sticky Issue Yes => No
Apr 27, 2022 7:21 am ParadoxSong Note Added: 0066508
Apr 27, 2022 3:26 pm ParadoxSong Note Added: 0066515
Apr 27, 2022 3:26 pm ParadoxSong File Added: ArcenDebugLogClientBear.txt
Apr 27, 2022 3:26 pm ParadoxSong File Added: Autosave at 3h 0m
Apr 27, 2022 3:27 pm ParadoxSong Status resolved => feedback
Apr 27, 2022 3:27 pm ParadoxSong Resolution fixed => reopened
Apr 27, 2022 3:27 pm ParadoxSong Note Added: 0066516
May 1, 2022 9:24 am ParadoxSong Relationship added related to 0027228