View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryLast Update
0027018AI War 2Crash/ExceptionNov 9, 2022 4:30 pm
ReporterDaniexpert Assigned ToStarKelp  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version4.023 Beacon Expansiveness 
Fixed in Version5.524 StarKelp's Return 
Summary0027018: Pearl custiodians Exception while testing beacon
DescriptionUnfortunately they don't spawn with thr beacon, so I'll have to look into the code. I've seen the LRPs appear, but nothing else. After some time (I was testing other stuff on the same save) this exception appeared.

4/17/2022 11:34:22 PM 4.022 SINGLEP DELAYED23 TID7 Exception in DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim_HostOnly for faction Pearl Custodians(Index 18), so will not run any more of those until a reload of the save.
System.Exception: ArcenDynamicTable<GameEntityTypeData>.GetRowByName() called with null or empty name on table GameEntity XMLDirectory
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDynamicTable`1[T].GetRowByName (System.String Name, Arcen.Universal.LookupSwapAllowed SwapAllowed) [0x0006a] in <2564c682a4364570923b5ac23c354b0a>:0
  at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDynamicTable`1[T].GetRowByName (System.String Name) [0x00001] in <2564c682a4364570923b5ac23c354b0a>:0
  at Arcen.AIW2.External.NeinzulCustodiansFactionDeepInfo.SpawnEnclaveHivePairOn (Arcen.AIW2.Core.Planet planet, Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenHostOnlySimContext Context) [0x0002c] in <69f8a4b72c83472684896393d3c7b1c1>:0
  at Arcen.AIW2.External.NeinzulCustodiansFactionDeepInfo.InfluxSpawn (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenHostOnlySimContext Context) [0x000db] in <69f8a4b72c83472684896393d3c7b1c1>:0
  at Arcen.AIW2.External.NeinzulCustodiansFactionDeepInfo.HandleInflux (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenHostOnlySimContext Context) [0x00037] in <69f8a4b72c83472684896393d3c7b1c1>:0
  at Arcen.AIW2.External.NeinzulCustodiansFactionDeepInfo.DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim_HostOnly (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenHostOnlySimContext Context) [0x00009] in <69f8a4b72c83472684896393d3c7b1c1>:0
  at Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction.Safe_DeepInfo_DoPerSecondLogic_Stage3Main_OnMainThreadAndPartOfSim_HostOnly (Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenHostOnlySimContext Context) [0x0007e] in <ebb84b3b785f475293d0493ef5af8334>:0
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Apr 17, 2022 6:01 pm

manager   ~0066108

Looks like this is due to child factions not having their seeding logic ran when added via Beacon.

I would suggest disabling their Beacon for now, and I will re-enable it when I get a chance to see how feasible fixing that is.


Nov 9, 2022 4:30 pm

manager   ~0067327

Added in some defensive code to counteract this issue.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
Apr 17, 2022 5:36 pm Daniexpert New Issue
Apr 17, 2022 5:36 pm Daniexpert Status new => assigned
Apr 17, 2022 5:36 pm Daniexpert Assigned To => StarKelp
Apr 17, 2022 6:01 pm StarKelp Note Added: 0066108
Nov 9, 2022 3:14 pm BadgerBadger Assigned To StarKelp => StarKelp
Nov 9, 2022 4:30 pm StarKelp Status assigned => resolved
Nov 9, 2022 4:30 pm StarKelp Resolution open => fixed
Nov 9, 2022 4:30 pm StarKelp Fixed in Version => 5.524 StarKelp's Return
Nov 9, 2022 4:30 pm StarKelp Note Added: 0067327