Screenshot refuses to upload, so here's a link: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1023947675460134834/B29F6BAC63851E3D78968F9BEC31F6A3E77DC1B7/ |
I don't think it's unintended. While deepstriking worked differently in Classic, the threat generated operated the same way - I.e. it would trigger if you lost a command station and thus increased the range. I personally view this as a logical consequence of losing a system. |
It might currently be intended to work the same way, but I think there's definitely a case to be made that it shouldn't. The deepstrike threat generation in classic was fairly modest, all in all, wheras the current system can generate enormously powerful fleets that are perfectly capable of spawning between your fleet and the way home, making it essentially instant deletion of the entire fleet, which is very harsh, even if it's not producing any form of attack on your actual holdings. |
I think the deepstrike punishment reserves show up a little too hard and fast regardless. There's no warning, no explanation of where they came from, and often no chance to back down. |
I agree with Lord - a timer in the top left of the screen should be added to let the player know when they are about to be deep striked. At least 10 seconds or so should be given before the AI drops reserves - the reserves are powerful enough that the player shouldn't be "insta-screwed" by a forward base getting knifed as they are cleaning up another system. |
I am okay with the notion of putting in a short delay before AI Reserves strikes, and giving a notification. Note that it will be a very short timer.
This will also allow me to use the notification tooltip to explain some additional AI Reserves behaviour, which is valuable for player onboarding.
Thumbs up all around. |
When the AI Reserves decide to attack, they now give you a Notification saying "AI Reserves arriving in X seconds" instead of just appearing instantly. This gives you the chance to scrap units, retreat, snipe the command station, etc...