View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryLast Update
0021003AI War 2Bug - OtherMar 9, 2019 3:42 pm
ReporterDraco18s Assigned ToChris_McElligottPark  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product VersionBETA 0.850 The Arrival of Fleets 
Fixed in VersionBETA 0.850 The Arrival of Fleets 
Summary0021003: External code mapgen updates
DescriptionBadger poked me about updating my external code bits for mapgen to support larger galaxy sizes.

I assume that mapConfig.NumberOfPlanets is still the correct value to read from, so I just shoved some *4 on there to see how it behaved, fixing issues, then removing the *4.

Only minor adjustments were needed.

 - Turns out linked rings had an issue correctly supporting more than 80 planets and was never noticed. It mistakenly returned early, on a path intended for very tiny galaxies. There was also an issue with the smaller "orbits" getting crushed down tiny, but that was easy to remedy.
 - Bubbles required no work.
 - Swirl was always over-estimating how big to make things, so that really only needed an early-out once the desired number of planets had been reached (an input of 800 will still result in about 930 out, due to the size of the episoids and how narrowly the "800" number is missed by: One less ring results in 796 planets and the next ring adds 137). I never found a good way to only partially fill the ellipsoids, though, but the result is far better than it used to be (instead of, say, 3000 planets). Larger galaxies look damn beautiful now, too. There was also a math "bug" that resulted in always drawing 9 ellipsoids, so I adjusted that to be more in line with what I'd intended originally.
 - Mesh is a crappy algorithm that isn't used with the default config (commented out) and never had a very nice result, so I didn't fix its issues. I was attempting to recreate a system that Space Empires (3? 4?) used for its galaxies, but the results were never that interesting.
 - Density map needed no changes.

Providing a config xml with updated descriptions as well.

Any additional updates that are needed I'd be happy to apply as well.
TagsNo tags attached.



Mar 9, 2019 1:19 pm


MapGenerationDraco.cs (42,505 bytes)   
using Arcen.Universal;
using Arcen.AIW2.Core;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Arcen.AIW2.External {
	public static class DracoUtilities {
		public interface IHasArcenPoint {
			ArcenPoint galaxyLocation { get; set; }

		public static Planet FindNearestPlanetInList(List<Planet> outerRing, Planet plnt) {
			int dist = int.MaxValue;
			Planet ret = null;
			foreach(Planet pl in outerRing) {
				int d = pl.GalaxyLocation.GetDistanceTo(plnt.GalaxyLocation, false);
				if(d < dist) {
					dist = d;
					ret = pl;
			return ret;

		//adds an ellipse of points
		public static List<ArcenPoint> addElipticalPoints(int numPoints, ArcenSimContext Context, ArcenPoint ellipseCenter, int ellipseMajorAxis,
			int ellipseMinorAxis, double rotationRad, ref List<ArcenPoint> pointsSoFar) {
			float startingAngle = Context.RandomToUse.NextFloat(1, 359);
			List<ArcenPoint> pointsForThisCircle = new List<ArcenPoint>();
			for(int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
				float angle = (360f / (float)numPoints) * (float)i; // yes, this is theoretically an MP-sync problem, but a satisfactory 360 arc was simply not coming from the FInt approximations and I'm figuring the actual full-sync at the beginning of the game should sync things up before they matter
				angle += startingAngle;
				if(angle >= 360f)
					angle -= 360f;
				double angleRad = angle / 180 * Math.PI;
				ArcenPoint pointOnRing = ellipseCenter;
				double tan = Math.Sin(angleRad) / Math.Cos(angleRad);
				double x = ellipseMajorAxis * ellipseMinorAxis / Math.Sqrt( ellipseMinorAxis * ellipseMinorAxis + ellipseMajorAxis * ellipseMajorAxis * tan * tan); //not using Mat.SqrtFast because of need for double precision
                if (angle >= 90) x = -x;
				if(angle >= 270) x = -x;
				double y = x * Math.Sin(angleRad) / Math.Cos(angleRad);
				double xn = x * Math.Cos(rotationRad) - y * Math.Sin(rotationRad);
				double yn = x * Math.Sin(rotationRad) + y * Math.Cos(rotationRad);
				pointOnRing.X += (int)xn;
				pointOnRing.Y += (int)yn;
			return pointsForThisCircle;

		//adds a circle of points
		public static List<ArcenPoint> addCircularPoints(int numPoints, ArcenSimContext Context, ArcenPoint circleCenter, int circleRadius,
														   ref List<ArcenPoint> pointsSoFar) {
			float startingAngle = Context.RandomToUse.NextFloat(1, 359);
			List<ArcenPoint> pointsForThisCircle = new List<ArcenPoint>();
			for(int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
				float angle = (360f / (float)numPoints) * (float)i; // yes, this is theoretically an MP-sync problem, but a satisfactory 360 arc was simply not coming from the FInt approximations and I'm figuring the actual full-sync at the beginning of the game should sync things up before they matter
				angle += startingAngle;
				if(angle >= 360f)
					angle -= 360f;
				ArcenPoint pointOnRing = circleCenter;
				pointOnRing.X += (int)Math.Round(circleRadius * (float)Math.Cos(angle * (Math.PI / 180f)));
				pointOnRing.Y += (int)Math.Round(circleRadius * (float)Math.Sin(angle * (Math.PI / 180f)));
			return pointsForThisCircle;

		/* This returns a matrix where matrix[i][j] == 1 means point i and point j should be connected 
		   Has the same algorithm as createMinimumSpanningTree, but a seperate implementation */
		public static int[,] createMinimumSpanningTreeLinks(ReadOnlyCollection<IHasArcenPoint> pointsForGraph) {
			int[,] connectionArray;
			connectionArray = new int[pointsForGraph.Count, pointsForGraph.Count];
			if(pointsForGraph.Count < 1) return connectionArray;
			for(int i = 0; i < pointsForGraph.Count; i++) {
				for(int j = 0; j < pointsForGraph.Count; j++) {
					connectionArray[i, j] = 0;
			List<int> verticesNotInTree = new List<int>();
			List<int> verticesInTree = new List<int>();
			// ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Creating minimum spanning tree now", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
			for(int i = 0; i < pointsForGraph.Count; i++)
			//Pick first element, then remove it from the list
			int pointIdx = verticesNotInTree[0];

			//initialize adjacency matrix for Prim's algorithm
			//the adjacency matrix contains entries as follows
			//pointIdxNotInTree <closest point in tree> <distance to closest point>
			//In the body of the algorithm we look at this matrix to figure out
			//which point to add to the tree next, then update it for the next iteration
			int[,] spanningAdjacencyMatrix;
			spanningAdjacencyMatrix = new int[pointsForGraph.Count, 3];
			for(int i = 0; i < pointsForGraph.Count; i++) {
				spanningAdjacencyMatrix[i, 0] = i;
				spanningAdjacencyMatrix[i, 1] = -1;
				spanningAdjacencyMatrix[i, 1] = 9999;
			//loop until all vertices are in the tree
			while(verticesNotInTree.Count > 0) {
				//update the adjacency matrix
				//for each element NOT in the tree, find the closest
				//element in the tree
				for(int i = 0; i < verticesNotInTree.Count; i++) {
					int minDistance = 9999;
					for(int j = 0; j < verticesInTree.Count; j++) {
						int idxNotInTree = verticesNotInTree[i];
						int idxInTree = verticesInTree[j];
						ArcenPoint pointNotInTree = ((IHasArcenPoint)pointsForGraph[idxNotInTree]).galaxyLocation;
						ArcenPoint pointInTree = ((IHasArcenPoint)pointsForGraph[idxInTree]).galaxyLocation;
						int distance = Mat.DistanceBetweenPointsImprecise(pointNotInTree, pointInTree);
						if(distance < minDistance) {
							spanningAdjacencyMatrix[idxNotInTree, 1] = idxInTree;
							spanningAdjacencyMatrix[idxNotInTree, 2] = distance;
							minDistance = distance;

				//now pick the closest edge
				// s = System.String.Format("Examine the remaining {0} vertices to find which to add",
				//                          verticesNotInTree.Count);
				// ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine(s, Verbosity.DoNotShow);
				int minDistanceFound = 9999;
				int closestPointIdx = -1;
				int pointToAdd = -1;
				for(int i = 0; i < verticesNotInTree.Count; i++) {
					pointIdx = verticesNotInTree[i];
					// s = System.String.Format( "To find closest edge, examine {0} of {1} (idx {4}), minDistance {2} dist for this point {3}",
					//                           i, verticesNotInTree.Count , minDistanceFound, spanningAdjacencyMatrix[pointIdx, 2], pointIdx);
					// ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine(s, Verbosity.DoNotShow);
					if(spanningAdjacencyMatrix[pointIdx, 2] == 0) {
						//don't try to link a point to itself
					if(spanningAdjacencyMatrix[pointIdx, 2] < minDistanceFound) {
						minDistanceFound = spanningAdjacencyMatrix[pointIdx, 2];
						closestPointIdx = spanningAdjacencyMatrix[pointIdx, 1];
						pointToAdd = pointIdx;
				// s = System.String.Format( "Adding point idx {0} closest neighbor ({1}. distance {2} to tree", pointToAdd,
				//                           closestPointIdx, minDistanceFound);
				// ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine(s, Verbosity.DoNotShow);
				//Now let's add this point to the Tree
				spanningAdjacencyMatrix[pointToAdd, 2] = 9999;
				connectionArray[pointToAdd, closestPointIdx] = 1;
				connectionArray[closestPointIdx, pointToAdd] = 1;
			return connectionArray;

		public static bool DoesPointOverlapPlanet(ArcenPoint pt, int v, ReadOnlyCollection<IHasArcenPoint> currentlist) {
			foreach(IHasArcenPoint ap in currentlist) {
				if(pt.GetDistanceTo(ap.galaxyLocation, false) <= v) {
					return true;
			return false;

		public static byte[] ReadBitmapFile(string path, out int width, out int height) {
            bool debug = false;
                string origPath = path;
                path = "AIWar2/" + path;
                    ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Warning: " + origPath + " does not exist", Verbosity.DoNotShow );
                    width = -1;
                    height = -1;
                    return null;
			FileStream f = File.OpenRead(path);
			byte[] info = new byte[54];
			f.Read(info, 0, 54);
			width = info[19] * 256 + info[18];
			height = info[23] * 256 + info[22];
			int w = (int)(Math.Ceiling(width * 3 / 4f) * 4);
			int size = w * height;
                ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("size of image: " + width + "*" + height, Verbosity.DoNotShow);
			byte[] input = new byte[size];
			byte[] colors = new byte[size];
			f.Read(input, 0, size);
			for(int c = 0; c < size; c++) {
				colors[c] = input[c];
			return colors;

		public static int GetProbabilityAt(byte[] colors, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
			w = (int)(Math.Ceiling(w * 3 / 4f) * 4);
			return Math.Max(Math.Max(colors[(y * w + x * 3)], colors[(y * w + x * 3) + 1]), colors[(y * w + x * 3) + 2]);

		public static Color GetColorAt(byte[] colors, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
			w = (int)(Math.Ceiling(w * 3 / 4f) * 4);
			return new Color(colors[(y * w + x * 3) + 2], colors[(y * w + x * 3) + 1], colors[(y * w + x * 3)]);
	public class Mapgen_D18_Mesh : Mapgen_Base {

		//Galaxy and Context are always passed in. numberToSeed is the number of planets to create
		public override void Generate(Galaxy galaxy, ArcenSimContext Context, MapConfiguration mapConfig, MapTypeData mapType) {
			//numberToSeed = 30;  //let's override the number of planets desired to something small and manageable
			ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Welcome to the D18 Mesh generator\n", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
			//AngleDegrees thirty = AngleDegrees.Create(FInt.FromParts(30, 0));
			//AngleDegrees threethirty = AngleDegrees.Create(FInt.FromParts(330, 0));
                        int numberToSeed = mapConfig.NumberOfPlanets;
			PlanetType planetType = PlanetType.Normal;
			List<Planet> allPlanets = new List<Planet>();
			List<Planet> openPlanets = new List<Planet>();
			ArcenPoint originPlanetPoint = Engine_AIW2.Instance.GalaxyMapOnly_GalaxyCenter;
			Planet originPlanet = galaxy.AddPlanet(planetType, originPlanetPoint, Context);
			ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("populate PlanetPoints list\n", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
			for(int i = 0; i < numberToSeed - 1 && openPlanets.Count > 0; i++) {
				Planet extendFrom = openPlanets[Context.RandomToUse.Next(0, openPlanets.Count)];
				Planet newplanet = null;
				ArcenPoint newpos;
				bool recheck = false;
				int maxCheck = 30;
				do {
					recheck = false;
					newpos = extendFrom.GalaxyLocation.GetRandomPointWithinDistance(Context.RandomToUse, 30, 150);
					extendFrom.DoForLinkedNeighbors(delegate (Planet item) {
                        float deg = extendFrom.GalaxyLocation.GetAngleToDegrees(item.GalaxyLocation).GetAbsoluteDeltaNeededToGetToOther(extendFrom.GalaxyLocation.GetAngleToDegrees(newpos));
						recheck = recheck || (deg < 30);
						return DelReturn.Continue;
					int minDistSeen = int.MaxValue;
					recheck |= this.wouldCollideWithLinks(allPlanets, extendFrom, newpos); //GetWouldLinkCrossOverOtherPlanets(pl, newpos);
					if(!recheck) {
						foreach(Planet p in allPlanets) {
							int dist = p.GalaxyLocation.GetDistanceTo(newpos, false);
							recheck |= dist < 30;
							if(dist < minDistSeen) {
								minDistSeen = dist;
				} while(recheck && maxCheck > 0);
				if(recheck && maxCheck <= 0) {
				planetType = Context.RandomToUse.NextFloat(0, 1) > 0.2 ? PlanetType.Normal : PlanetType.Star;
				newplanet = galaxy.AddPlanet(planetType, newpos, Context);

				foreach(Planet plnt in openPlanets) {
					if(newplanet.GetLinkedNeighborCount() <= 4) {
						int dist = plnt.GalaxyLocation.GetDistanceTo(newplanet.GalaxyLocation, false);
						if(dist >= 30 && dist <= 150) {
							bool canConnect = true;
                            float deg = newplanet.GalaxyLocation.GetAngleToDegrees(extendFrom.GalaxyLocation).GetAbsoluteDeltaNeededToGetToOther(newplanet.GalaxyLocation.GetAngleToDegrees(plnt.GalaxyLocation));
							canConnect = canConnect && deg >= 30;

							plnt.DoForLinkedNeighbors(delegate (Planet item) {
								deg = plnt.GalaxyLocation.GetAngleToDegrees(item.GalaxyLocation).GetAbsoluteDeltaNeededToGetToOther(plnt.GalaxyLocation.GetAngleToDegrees(newplanet.GalaxyLocation));
								canConnect = canConnect && deg >= 30;

								return DelReturn.Continue;
							bool wouldCollide = this.wouldCollideWithLinks(allPlanets, plnt, newplanet);
							if(canConnect && !wouldCollide) {
				if(extendFrom.GetLinkedNeighborCount() > 4) {
				if(newplanet.GetLinkedNeighborCount() > 4) {
				openPlanets.RemoveAll(x => x.GetLinkedNeighborCount() > 4);
			galaxy.AddPlanet(planetType, ArcenPoint.Create(1000, 1000), Context);

		private bool wouldCollideWithLinks(List<Planet> toCheck, Planet one, Planet two) {
			bool ret = false;
			foreach(Planet plnt in toCheck) {
				plnt.DoForLinkedNeighbors(delegate (Planet item) {
					if(plnt == one || plnt == two || item == one || item == two) return DelReturn.Continue;
					ret |= Mat.LineSegmentIntersectsLineSegment(one.GalaxyLocation, two.GalaxyLocation, plnt.GalaxyLocation, item.GalaxyLocation, 10);
					return ret ? DelReturn.Break : DelReturn.Continue;
				if(ret) return true;
			return false;

		private bool wouldCollideWithLinks(List<Planet> toCheck, Planet one, ArcenPoint two) {
			bool ret = false;
			foreach(Planet plnt in toCheck) {
				plnt.DoForLinkedNeighbors(delegate (Planet item) {
					if(plnt == one || item == one) return DelReturn.Continue;
					ret |= Mat.LineSegmentIntersectsLineSegment(one.GalaxyLocation, two, plnt.GalaxyLocation, item.GalaxyLocation, 10);
					return ret ? DelReturn.Break : DelReturn.Continue;
				if(ret) return true;
			return false;

	public class Mapgen_D18_LinkedRings : Mapgen_Base {
		//Galaxy and Context are always passed in. numberToSeed is the number of planets to create
		public override void Generate(Galaxy galaxy, ArcenSimContext Context, MapConfiguration mapConfig, MapTypeData mapType) {
			ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Welcome to the D18 Linked Rings generator\n", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
                        int numberToSeed = mapConfig.NumberOfPlanets;
			int numMoons = (numberToSeed / 10);
			if(numberToSeed > 24)
				numberToSeed -= numMoons * 2;
			else numMoons = 0;
			int outerRingCount = 12;
			if(numberToSeed > 80) {
				outerRingCount = (int)((numberToSeed / 80f) * 12f);
			ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Base ring size " + outerRingCount, Verbosity.DoNotShow);
			//first guess on how many sub-rings we need
			int numCircles = (numberToSeed - outerRingCount) / 8;  //how many rings we can make of 8 stars
			int numPerStar = (numberToSeed - outerRingCount) / 6; //how many stars we'd need per ring
			int pointsPerLoop = 8;
			int numLoops = 6;
			if(numCircles <= 6) {
				numLoops = numCircles;
			else {
				pointsPerLoop = numPerStar;
			int numMainLoop = numberToSeed - (numLoops * pointsPerLoop);
			int numMainLoopBase = numMainLoop;
			ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Galaxy needs (pass 1) " + numLoops + " loops and " + pointsPerLoop + " planets per loop.", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
			numCircles = (numberToSeed - numMainLoop) / 8; //6
			numPerStar = (numberToSeed - numMainLoop) / (numMainLoop / 2); //8
			if(numCircles <= numMainLoop / 2) {
				numLoops = numCircles;
			else {
				pointsPerLoop = numPerStar;
				numLoops = numMainLoop / 2;
			numMainLoop = numberToSeed - (numLoops * pointsPerLoop);

			ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Galaxy needs (pass 2) " + numLoops + " loops and " + pointsPerLoop + " planets per loop.", Verbosity.DoNotShow);

			int sizeOfBigLoop = 350;
			int sizeOfSmallLoops = (int)Math.Ceiling(sizeOfBigLoop * Math.PI * 2 / numMainLoopBase * .8);
			int moonLoopSize = (int)Math.Ceiling(sizeOfSmallLoops * Math.PI * 2 / pointsPerLoop * .4);
			if(moonLoopSize < 20) {
				numMainLoop += numMoons * 2;
				numMoons = 0;
				sizeOfSmallLoops = (int)Math.Ceiling(sizeOfBigLoop * Math.PI * 2 / numMainLoopBase) - 25;
			ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Small loops are " + sizeOfSmallLoops + " units around (" + numMainLoopBase + ")", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
			//galaxy.AddPlanet(PlanetType.Star, Engine_AIW2.Instance.GalaxyCenter, Context);
			List<ArcenPoint> planetPoints = new List<ArcenPoint>();
			//DracoUtilities.addElipticalPoints(30, Context, Engine_AIW2.Instance.GalaxyCenter, sizeOfBigLoop, (int)(sizeOfBigLoop*.7), 30f / 180f * Math.PI, ref planetPoints);
			BadgerUtilityMethods.addCircularPoints(Math.Max(numMainLoop, 12), Context, Engine_AIW2.Instance.GalaxyMapOnly_GalaxyCenter, sizeOfBigLoop, ref planetPoints);
			Planet origin = null;
			Planet prev = null;
			List<Planet> outerRing = new List<Planet>();
			foreach(ArcenPoint pt in planetPoints) {
				Planet p = galaxy.AddPlanet(PlanetType.Normal, pt, Context);
				if(origin == null) origin = p;
				if(prev != null) prev.AddLinkTo(p);
				prev = p;
			//outerRing[0].AddLinkTo(outerRing[outerRing.Count - 1]);
			if(numberToSeed <= 12) {
				ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Main loop has minimum number of planets. Returning\n", Verbosity.DoNotShow);

			//List<ArcenPoint> baseCircle = new List<ArcenPoint>();
			for(float q = 0; Math.Ceiling(q) < planetPoints.Count; q += (float)numMainLoop / numLoops) {
				List<Planet> eachRing = new List<Planet>();
				ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("  Adding point #" + (int)q + "(" + q + ")", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
				ArcenPoint pt = outerRing[(int)q].GalaxyLocation;
				ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("  Exapnding around " + pt, Verbosity.DoNotShow);
				prev = origin = null;
				List<ArcenPoint> newPoints = new List<ArcenPoint>();
				BadgerUtilityMethods.addCircularPoints(pointsPerLoop, Context, pt, sizeOfSmallLoops, ref newPoints);
				foreach(ArcenPoint npt in newPoints) {
					Planet p = galaxy.AddPlanet(PlanetType.Normal, npt, Context);
					if(origin == null) {
						origin = p;
					if(prev != null) prev.AddLinkTo(p);
					prev = p;
				foreach(Planet rng in eachRing) {
					Planet outer = DracoUtilities.FindNearestPlanetInList(outerRing, rng);
					if(outer.GalaxyLocation.GetDistanceTo(rng.GalaxyLocation, false) < sizeOfSmallLoops * 0.6f) {

			ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Seeding " + numMoons + " moons", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
			ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("  Moon loop size: " + moonLoopSize, Verbosity.DoNotShow);
			List<Planet> allMoons = new List<Planet>();
			List<Planet> inSubRing = new List<Planet>();
			inSubRing.RemoveAll(x => outerRing.Contains(x));
			List<Planet> tooClose = new List<Planet>();
			foreach(Planet p in inSubRing) {
				p.DoForPlanetsWithinXHops(Context, 2, delegate (Planet item, int Distance) {
					Planet inOutRing = DracoUtilities.FindNearestPlanetInList(outerRing, item);
					if(outerRing.Contains(item) || inOutRing.GalaxyLocation.GetDistanceTo(item.GalaxyLocation, false) < moonLoopSize * 1.5) {
					return DelReturn.Continue;
				/*p.DoForLinkedNeighbors(delegate (Planet item) {
					if(outerRing.Contains(item)) {
					return DelReturn.Continue;
			inSubRing.RemoveAll(x => tooClose.Contains(x));
			for(int m = 0; m < numMoons; m += 2) {
				ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("    Moon " + m, Verbosity.DoNotShow);
				prev = origin = null;
				Planet parent;
				int maxCheck = 20;
				do {
					int r = Context.RandomToUse.Next(0, inSubRing.Count);
					parent = inSubRing[r];
				} while((allMoons.Contains(parent) || outerRing.Contains(parent)) && maxCheck >= 0);
				if(maxCheck < 0) {
				parent.DoForLinkedNeighbors(delegate (Planet item) {
					return DelReturn.Continue;
				List<ArcenPoint> newPoints = new List<ArcenPoint>();
				List<Planet> eachRing = new List<Planet>();
				BadgerUtilityMethods.addCircularPoints(6, Context, parent.GalaxyLocation, moonLoopSize, ref newPoints);
				foreach(ArcenPoint npt in newPoints) {
					Planet p = galaxy.AddPlanet(PlanetType.Normal, npt, Context);
					if(origin == null) {
						origin = p;
					if(prev != null) prev.AddLinkTo(p);
					prev = p;
				foreach(Planet rng in eachRing) {
					Planet outer = DracoUtilities.FindNearestPlanetInList(inSubRing, rng);
					if(outer.GalaxyLocation.GetDistanceTo(rng.GalaxyLocation, false) < moonLoopSize * 1.9f) {

			ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Galaxy complete! Galaxy has " + galaxy.Planets.Count + " planets.", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
			//ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Galaxy complete!\n", Verbosity.DoNotShow);

			foreach(Planet plnt in galaxy.Planets) {
				if(!outerRing.Contains(plnt)) {
					Planet conflictEndpoint1, conflictEndpoint2;
					if( this.DoesPlanetLieOnRing(outerRing, plnt, out conflictEndpoint1, out conflictEndpoint2)) {
					if(!inSubRing.Contains(plnt) && this.DoesPlanetLieOnRing(inSubRing, plnt, out conflictEndpoint1, out conflictEndpoint2)) {

		private bool DoesPlanetLieOnRing(List<Planet> outerRing, Planet plnt, out Planet conflictEndpoint1, out Planet conflictEndpoint2) {
			bool ret = false;
			Planet o1 = null;
			Planet o2 = null;
			foreach(Planet rng in outerRing) {
				rng.DoForLinkedNeighbors(delegate (Planet item) {
					if(Mat.LineIntersectsRectangleContainingCircle(rng.GalaxyLocation, item.GalaxyLocation, plnt.GalaxyLocation, 10)) {
						o1 = rng;
						o2 = item;
						ret = true;
						return DelReturn.Break;
					return DelReturn.Continue;
			conflictEndpoint1 = o1;
			conflictEndpoint2 = o2;
			return ret;

	public class Mapgen_D18_Ellipses : Mapgen_Base {
		//Galaxy and Context are always passed in. numberToSeed is the number of planets to create
		public override void Generate(Galaxy galaxy, ArcenSimContext Context, MapConfiguration mapConfig, MapTypeData mapType) {
			ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Welcome to the D18 Swirl generator\n", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
                        int numberToSeed = mapConfig.NumberOfPlanets;
			float angleOffset = Context.RandomToUse.NextFloat((float)Math.PI);
			//numberToSeed = 12;
			//int numPointsPerRing = numberToSeed / 8;
			int numRings = Math.Max(((int)Math.Sqrt(numberToSeed)) + 1,6);
			int numPointsPerRing = numberToSeed / numRings;
			ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("numPointsPerRing " + numPointsPerRing + "\n", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
			int sizeOfBigLoop = 20;
			List<ArcenPoint> planetPoints = new List<ArcenPoint>();
			Planet origin = null;
			Planet prev = null;
			int angleMod = 0;
			int planetsPlaced = 0;
			for(int j = 0; j < numRings; j++) {
				angleMod += 2;
				float angle = j * 12 + angleMod;
				sizeOfBigLoop += 38 + j * 3;
				float mod = (sizeOfBigLoop + j * 5) / 175f;
				planetsPlaced += Math.Max((int)(mod * numPointsPerRing), 7);
				DracoUtilities.addElipticalPoints(Math.Max((int)(mod * numPointsPerRing), 7), Context, Engine_AIW2.Instance.GalaxyMapOnly_GalaxyCenter, sizeOfBigLoop, (int)(sizeOfBigLoop * .7), angle / 180f * Math.PI + angleOffset, ref planetPoints);
				ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Ring " + j + ": " + planetPoints.Count + "\n", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
				foreach(ArcenPoint p in planetPoints) {
					Planet q = galaxy.AddPlanet(PlanetType.Normal, p, Context);
					if(origin == null) origin = q;
					if(prev != null) prev.AddLinkTo(q);
					prev = q;
				origin = prev = null;
				planetPoints = new List<ArcenPoint>();
				if(planetsPlaced > numberToSeed) {
			ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Total planets: " + galaxy.Planets.Count + "\n", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
			List<Planet> allPlanets = new List<Planet>();
			foreach(Planet p in allPlanets) {
				List<Planet> nearby = allPlanets.FindAll(x => x.GalaxyLocation.GetDistanceTo(p.GalaxyLocation, false) < 48);
				foreach(Planet q in nearby) {
					bool linkValid = true;
					foreach(Planet plChk in allPlanets) {
						if(plChk != p && plChk != q) {
							plChk.DoForLinkedNeighbors(delegate (Planet item) {
								if(item != p && item != q) {
									linkValid &= !Mat.LineSegmentIntersectsLineSegment(p.GalaxyLocation, q.GalaxyLocation, plChk.GalaxyLocation, item.GalaxyLocation, 5);
								return linkValid ? DelReturn.Continue : DelReturn.Break;
						if(!linkValid) break;
					if(linkValid && p != q)
			/*List<Planet> toKill = new List<Planet>();
			foreach(Planet p in allPlanets) {
				//ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Planet " + p.GalaxyLocation + " has " + p.GetLinkedNeighborCount() + " outbound connections", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
				if(p.GetLinkedNeighborCount() == 2) {
					bool doesNeedRemove = true;
					p.DoForLinkedNeighbors(delegate (Planet item) {
						if(item.GetLinkedNeighborCount() <= 2) {
							p.DoForLinkedNeighbors(delegate (Planet item2) {
								if(item2 != p) {
									if(item2.GetLinkedNeighborCount() > 2) {
										doesNeedRemove = false;
								return DelReturn.Continue;
						else {
							doesNeedRemove = false;
						return DelReturn.Continue;
					if(doesNeedRemove) {
						ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Planet " + p.GalaxyLocation + " needs to be removed", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
						//p.DoForLinkedNeighbors(delegate (Planet item) {
						//	p.RemoveLinkTo(item);
						//	return DelReturn.Continue;
			ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Removing all " + toKill.Count + " unlinked planets...", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
			for(int k = 0; k < toKill.Count; k++) {
				Planet rem = toKill[k];
				ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("  removing #" + k, Verbosity.DoNotShow);
				rem.DoForLinkedNeighbors(delegate (Planet item) {
					return DelReturn.Continue;
				ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("  #" + k  +" removed", Verbosity.DoNotShow);

	public class Mapgen_D18_Bubbles : Mapgen_Base {
		private class BubbleArrangement : DracoUtilities.IHasArcenPoint {
			public int radius;
			public ArcenPoint center;
			public int numPlanets;
			public List<Planet> region;

			public ArcenPoint galaxyLocation {
				get {

				set { = value;

			public BubbleArrangement(ArcenPoint _center, int _radius) {
			    this.radius = _radius; = _center;
			    this.numPlanets = Math.Max((int)( this.radius / 9f), 5);
		public override void Generate(Galaxy galaxy, ArcenSimContext Context, MapConfiguration mapConfig, MapTypeData mapType) {
			ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Welcome to the D18 Bubbles generator\n", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
                        int numberToSeed = mapConfig.NumberOfPlanets;
			int numBlobs = numberToSeed / 10;
			ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Creating " + numBlobs + " blobs", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
			List<BubbleArrangement> regionCenters = new List<BubbleArrangement>();
			int seededPlanets = 0;
			for(int s = 0; s < numBlobs; s++) {
				ArcenPoint pt = ArcenPoint.Create(Context.RandomToUse.Next(-300, 300), Context.RandomToUse.Next(-300, 300));
				BubbleArrangement bub = new BubbleArrangement(pt, Context.RandomToUse.Next(15, 75) + Context.RandomToUse.Next(15, 75));
				seededPlanets += bub.numPlanets;
			if(seededPlanets < numberToSeed) {
				ArcenPoint pt = ArcenPoint.Create(Context.RandomToUse.Next(-500, 500), Context.RandomToUse.Next(-500, 500));
				BubbleArrangement bub = new BubbleArrangement(pt, 0);
				bub.numPlanets = Math.Max(numberToSeed - seededPlanets, 5);
				bub.radius = bub.numPlanets * 9;
			bool needsRecheck = false;
			int maxDepth = 150;
			ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Spreading blobs out... ", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
			do {
				needsRecheck = false;
				//ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("  Spreading groups out... " + maxDepth, Verbosity.DoNotShow);
				for(int i = 0; i < regionCenters.Count; i++) {
					for(int j = i + 1; j < regionCenters.Count; j++) {
						ArcenPoint pt1 = regionCenters[i].center;
						ArcenPoint pt2 = regionCenters[j].center;
						if(pt1 != pt2 && pt1.GetDistanceTo(pt2, false) <= regionCenters[i].radius + regionCenters[j].radius + 75) {
							if(pt1.GetDistanceTo(pt2, false) <= regionCenters[i].radius + regionCenters[j].radius + 50) {
								needsRecheck = true;
							ArcenPoint rel = ArcenPoint.Create(pt1.X - pt2.X, pt1.Y - pt2.Y);
							double d = 1;// Mat.SqrtFast(rel.X * rel.X + rel.Y * rel.Y);
                                         //ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("    Shifting " + pt1 + " & " + pt2 + " by " + rel, Verbosity.DoNotShow);
                            pt1.X += (int)(10 * Math.Sign(Math.Floor(rel.X / d)));
							pt2.X += -(int)(10 * Math.Sign(Math.Floor(rel.X / d)));
							pt1.Y += (int)(10 * Math.Sign(Math.Floor(rel.Y / d)));
							pt2.Y += -(int)(10 * Math.Sign(Math.Floor(rel.Y / d)));
							regionCenters[i].center = pt1;
							regionCenters[j].center = pt2;
			} while(needsRecheck && maxDepth > 0);
			//ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Spreading Complete", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
			//Dictionary<ArcenPoint, List<Planet>> allPlanetsMap = new Dictionary<ArcenPoint, List<Planet>>();
			Planet origin, prev;
			foreach(BubbleArrangement pt in regionCenters) {
				origin = prev = null;
				List<ArcenPoint> cirlce = new List<ArcenPoint>();
				int rad = pt.radius;
				int planetsNeeded = pt.numPlanets;
				ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("  Blob " + pt + " has radius " + rad + " and " + planetsNeeded + " planets", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
				DracoUtilities.addCircularPoints(planetsNeeded, Context,, rad, ref cirlce);
				pt.region = new List<Planet>();
				foreach(ArcenPoint pl in cirlce) {
					Planet plt = galaxy.AddPlanet(PlanetType.Normal, pl, Context);
					if(origin == null) origin = plt;
					if(prev != null) prev.AddLinkTo(plt);
					prev = plt;
				//allPlanetsMap.Add(pt, circPl);
			//ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("  Circles added", Verbosity.DoNotShow);

			int[,] connectionMatrix = DracoUtilities.createMinimumSpanningTreeLinks(new ReadOnlyCollection<DracoUtilities.IHasArcenPoint>(regionCenters.Cast<DracoUtilities.IHasArcenPoint>().ToList()));

			for(int i = 0; i < regionCenters.Count; i++) {
				for(int j = i + 1; j < regionCenters.Count; j++) {
					//List<Planet> region1, region2;
					//allPlanetsMap.TryGetValue(regionCenters[i], out region1);
					//allPlanetsMap.TryGetValue(regionCenters[j], out region2);
					Planet a = DracoUtilities.FindNearestPlanetInList(regionCenters[i].region, regionCenters[j].region[0]);
					Planet b = DracoUtilities.FindNearestPlanetInList(regionCenters[j].region, a);
					a = DracoUtilities.FindNearestPlanetInList(regionCenters[i].region, b);
					if(j >= regionCenters.Count)
						ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("BUG! FIXME", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
					if(connectionMatrix[i, j] == 1) {
						if(regionCenters[i] == null | regionCenters[j] == null) {
							ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("BUG! FIXME", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
						else {
					else if(regionCenters[i].center.GetDistanceTo(regionCenters[j].center, false) < 150 + regionCenters[i].radius + regionCenters[j].radius) {
						bool isvalid = true;
						foreach(Planet plChk in galaxy.Planets) {
							if(plChk != a && plChk != b) {
								plChk.DoForLinkedNeighbors(delegate (Planet item) {
									if(item.PlanetIndex > plChk.PlanetIndex && item != a && item != b) {
										isvalid &= !Mat.LineSegmentIntersectsLineSegment(a.GalaxyLocation, b.GalaxyLocation, plChk.GalaxyLocation, item.GalaxyLocation, 5);
									return isvalid ? DelReturn.Continue : DelReturn.Break;
			ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Galaxy complete! Galaxy has " + galaxy.Planets.Count + " planets.", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
	public class Mapgen_D18_DensityFile : Mapgen_Base {
        private bool debug = false;
		private class MSTArrangement : DracoUtilities.IHasArcenPoint {
			public readonly Planet planet;
			public readonly int bitmapVal;

			public ArcenPoint galaxyLocation {
				get {
					return this.planet.GalaxyLocation;

				set {
					//Planet. = value;

			public MSTArrangement(Planet p, int v) {
			    this.planet = p;
			    this.bitmapVal = v;
		public override void Generate(Galaxy galaxy, ArcenSimContext Context, MapConfiguration mapConfig, MapTypeData mapType) {
                        int numberToSeed = mapConfig.NumberOfPlanets;
			int mapExtents = 300;
			if(numberToSeed > 80) {
				mapExtents = (int)Math.Round(( Mat.SqrtFastAnyThread( numberToSeed-80)/15 +1) * mapExtents);
			string path = "./GameData/Configuration/MapType/map_c.bmp";
                ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Welcome to the D18 Density Map generator\n", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
			int width;
			int height;
			byte[] colors = DracoUtilities.ReadBitmapFile(path, out width, out height);
            if(colors == null)
			List<MSTArrangement> allPoints = new List<MSTArrangement>();
			float xDiv = mapExtents * 2f / width;
			float yDiv = mapExtents * 2f / height;
			for(int n = 0; n < numberToSeed;) {
				ArcenPoint pt = ArcenPoint.Create(Context.RandomToUse.Next(-mapExtents, mapExtents), Context.RandomToUse.Next(-mapExtents, mapExtents));
				if(DracoUtilities.DoesPointOverlapPlanet(pt, 20, new ReadOnlyCollection<DracoUtilities.IHasArcenPoint>(allPoints.Cast<DracoUtilities.IHasArcenPoint>().ToList()))) {
				int y = DracoUtilities.GetProbabilityAt(colors, (int)Math.Floor((pt.X + mapExtents) / xDiv), (int)Math.Floor((pt.Y + mapExtents) / yDiv), width, height);
				int r = Context.RandomToUse.Next(256);
				//ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("    " + pt + ": " + r + " > " + y, Verbosity.DoNotShow);
				if(r < y) {
					allPoints.Add(new MSTArrangement(galaxy.AddPlanet(PlanetType.Normal, pt, Context), y));
			int[,] connectionMatrix = DracoUtilities.createMinimumSpanningTreeLinks(new ReadOnlyCollection<DracoUtilities.IHasArcenPoint>(allPoints.Cast<DracoUtilities.IHasArcenPoint>().ToList()));
			for(int i = 0; i < allPoints.Count; i++) {
				for(int j = i + 1; j < allPoints.Count; j++) {
					Planet a = allPoints[i].planet;
					Planet b = allPoints[j].planet;
					if(j >= allPoints.Count)
						ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("BUG! FIXME", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
					if(connectionMatrix[i, j] == 1) {
						if(allPoints[i] == null | allPoints[j] == null) {
							ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("BUG! FIXME", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
						else {
					else if(allPoints[i].galaxyLocation.GetDistanceTo(allPoints[j].galaxyLocation, false) < (330 - Math.Max(allPoints[i].bitmapVal, allPoints[j].bitmapVal)) / 3 || (allPoints[i].galaxyLocation.GetDistanceTo(allPoints[j].galaxyLocation, false) > (70 + Math.Min(allPoints[i].bitmapVal, allPoints[j].bitmapVal)) / 6 && allPoints[i].galaxyLocation.GetDistanceTo(allPoints[j].galaxyLocation, false) < (16+Math.Min(allPoints[i].bitmapVal, allPoints[j].bitmapVal)) / 4)) {
						Color ci = DracoUtilities.GetColorAt(colors, (int)Math.Floor((allPoints[i].galaxyLocation.X + mapExtents) / xDiv), (int)Math.Floor((allPoints[i].galaxyLocation.Y + mapExtents) / yDiv), width, height);
						Color cj = DracoUtilities.GetColorAt(colors, (int)Math.Floor((allPoints[j].galaxyLocation.X + mapExtents) / xDiv), (int)Math.Floor((allPoints[j].galaxyLocation.Y + mapExtents) / yDiv), width, height);
						float H, S, V;
						Color.RGBToHSV(ci, out H, out S, out V);
						ci.r = (float)Math.Round(H * 32) / 32;
						ci.g = 0;
						ci.b = 0;
						Color.RGBToHSV(cj, out H, out S, out V);
						cj.r = (float)Math.Round(H * 32) / 32;
						cj.g = 0;
						cj.b = 0;
						//ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("    a: " + allPoints[i].galaxyLocation + ": " + ci, Verbosity.DoNotShow);
						//ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("    b: " + allPoints[j].galaxyLocation + ": " + cj, Verbosity.DoNotShow);
						if(ci == cj && allPoints[i].galaxyLocation.GetDistanceTo(allPoints[j].galaxyLocation, false) < 70) {
							bool isvalid = true;
							foreach(Planet plChk in galaxy.Planets) {
								if(plChk != a && plChk != b) {
									isvalid &= !Mat.LineIntersectsRectangleContainingCircle(a.GalaxyLocation, b.GalaxyLocation, plChk.GalaxyLocation, 10);
									plChk.DoForLinkedNeighbors(delegate (Planet item) {
										if(item.PlanetIndex > plChk.PlanetIndex && item != a && item != b) {
											isvalid &= !Mat.LineSegmentIntersectsLineSegment(a.GalaxyLocation, b.GalaxyLocation, plChk.GalaxyLocation, item.GalaxyLocation, 5);

										return isvalid ? DelReturn.Continue : DelReturn.Break;
			List<Planet> lowConnectivity = new List<Planet>();
			List<Planet> semiLowConnectivity = new List<Planet>();
			foreach(Planet p in galaxy.Planets) {
				if(p.GetLinkedNeighborCount() == 1) {
				if(p.GetLinkedNeighborCount() <= 2) {
                ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine(lowConnectivity.Count + " low connectivity nodes, attempting outbound linkages...", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
			//ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("semi-low con: " + semiLowConnectivity.Count, Verbosity.DoNotShow);
			foreach(Planet p in lowConnectivity) {
				if(p.GetLinkedNeighborCount() > 1) continue;
				//ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("  checking " + p.GalaxyLocation, Verbosity.DoNotShow);
				int dist = int.MaxValue;
				Planet ret = null;
				Color ci = DracoUtilities.GetColorAt(colors, (int)Math.Floor((p.GalaxyLocation.X + mapExtents) / xDiv), (int)Math.Floor((p.GalaxyLocation.Y + mapExtents) / yDiv), width, height);
				float H, S, V;
				Color.RGBToHSV(ci, out H, out S, out V);
				ci.r = (float)Math.Round(H * 32) / 32;
				ci.g = 0;
				ci.b = 0;
				//find closest in same color region without overlapping other planets
				foreach(Planet pl in semiLowConnectivity) {
					if(p == pl || p.GetIsDirectlyLinkedTo(pl)) continue;
					int d = pl.GalaxyLocation.GetDistanceTo(p.GalaxyLocation, false);
					if(d < dist) {
						Color cj = DracoUtilities.GetColorAt(colors, (int)Math.Floor((pl.GalaxyLocation.X + mapExtents) / xDiv), (int)Math.Floor((pl.GalaxyLocation.Y + mapExtents) / yDiv), width, height);
						Color.RGBToHSV(cj, out H, out S, out V);
						cj.r = (float)Math.Round(H * 32) / 32;
						cj.g = 0;
						cj.b = 0;
						if(ci == cj) {
							bool isValid = true;
							foreach(Planet plChk in galaxy.Planets) {
								if(plChk != p && plChk != pl && Mat.LineIntersectsRectangleContainingCircle(p.GalaxyLocation, pl.GalaxyLocation, plChk.GalaxyLocation, 15)) {
									isValid = false;
							if(isValid) {
								dist = d;
								ret = pl;
				if(ret != null) {
                ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Galaxy complete! Galaxy has " + galaxy.Planets.Count + " planets.", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
MapGenerationDraco.cs (42,505 bytes)   
Draco_MapTypes.xml (2,337 bytes)   
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<!--<map_type name="D18Mesh"
              description="Kinda broken. Don't use. Not very good results anyway. :("
	<!--<map_type name="D18Rings"
              display_name="Linked Rings"
              description="Generates rings that are themselves generated on rings that are themselves generated on rings."
	<map_type name="D18Swirl"
              description="Planets are arranged in concentric elipsoid rings with connections based on proximity. Similar to Concentric"
              author_line="Credit to Draco18s"
	<!--<map_type name="D18Bubbles"
              description="Kind of looks like soap bubbles. Rings clustered near each other with connections to neighboring rings."
	<!--<map_type name="D18Density Map"
              display_name="Density Map"
              description="Generates a map based on a bmp. Works best at 60+ planets"
              author_line="Credit to Draco18s"
			Reads GameData\Configuration\MapType\map.bmp for additional data.
			Bitmap data is read in as an array of bytes where Value represents
			density (how likely a planet can be added there) and color represents
			connectivity regions. Planets will only connect up with planets in
			the same region excepting cross-regional boundaries added by MST.
			Bitmaps must be saved in 24 bit RGB mode (R8 G8 B8) or the data will
			not be read correctly (inability to use the System.Drawing package)
			and be no bigger than 65536 x 65536 pixels (largely a non-issue) although
			practical maximum size is 600 x 600.
Draco_MapTypes.xml (2,337 bytes)   


Mar 9, 2019 3:42 pm

manager   ~0050960

Thanks Draco! These will be included in .900.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
Mar 9, 2019 1:19 pm Draco18s New Issue
Mar 9, 2019 1:19 pm Draco18s Status new => assigned
Mar 9, 2019 1:19 pm Draco18s Assigned To => Chris_McElligottPark
Mar 9, 2019 1:19 pm Draco18s File Added: MapGenerationDraco.cs
Mar 9, 2019 1:19 pm Draco18s File Added: Draco_MapTypes.xml
Mar 9, 2019 3:42 pm BadgerBadger Status assigned => resolved
Mar 9, 2019 3:42 pm BadgerBadger Resolution open => fixed
Mar 9, 2019 3:42 pm BadgerBadger Fixed in Version => BETA 0.850 The Arrival of Fleets
Mar 9, 2019 3:42 pm BadgerBadger Note Added: 0050960