View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryLast Update
0029839Heart Of The MachineBug - OtherNov 24, 2024 11:06 am
ReporterFluffiest Assigned ToChris_McElligottPark  
Status minor fix for laterResolutionopen 
Product Version0.595.8 War Raptors 
Summary0029839: Error occurred when starting new profile
DescriptionI was unable to reproduce this, but here's the log.

11/24/2024 1:58:14 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Heart of the Machine Playtest/
PlayerDataDirectory used: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Heart of the Machine Playtest/PlayerData/
11/24/2024 1:58:14 PM SINGLEP Opening Eyes (0.1744s)
11/24/2024 1:58:14 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11
graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
graphicsMultiThreaded: False
graphicsShaderLevel: 50
operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19045) 64bit
graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER
graphicsDeviceID: 7812
graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA
graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318
graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
graphicsMemorySize: 7989
maxTextureSize: 16384
npotSupport: Full
processorType: AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 6-Core Processor
processorCount: 12
processorFrequency: 3800
systemMemorySize: 16333
supportedRenderTargetCount: 8
supportsComputeShaders: True
supportsShadows: True
usesReversedZBuffer: True
11/24/2024 1:58:14 PM SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID1 Attempting steam login with appID 2604860.
11/24/2024 1:58:14 PM SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID1 Logged in for Steam build ID: 16514388 appID: 2604860
11/24/2024 1:58:14 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP Game Version: 0.595.8 (Main Game
11/24/2024 1:58:14 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP Examining Inner Self (0.1121s)
11/24/2024 1:58:14 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP Returning King (0.0160s)
11/24/2024 1:58:15 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP Found 549 xml files in 254 folders in 178ms
11/24/2024 1:58:17 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP Check For Extra Squires (2.3336s)
11/24/2024 1:58:17 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP 549 Xml Files Parsed in 2,111ms
11/24/2024 1:58:17 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0000s)
11/24/2024 1:58:17 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP Bring Ambassador To Dinner (0.2783s)
11/24/2024 1:58:17 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses!
11/24/2024 1:58:17 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP Check Nearby Fiefdoms (0.0447s)
11/24/2024 1:58:18 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP No resolution change was required.
11/24/2024 1:58:18 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings:
Framerate Type:60FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:60)
11/24/2024 1:58:19 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP Disperse Diaspora (2.0644s)
11/24/2024 1:58:19 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP Wonder About Those Spiders (0.0703s)
11/24/2024 1:58:19 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP Reassure Self (0.0180s)
11/24/2024 1:58:20 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP Thinking Abstract Thoughts (0.8340s)
11/24/2024 1:58:23 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP Sound Search (2.5468s)
11/24/2024 1:58:23 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP Polishing Stones (0.0911s)
11/24/2024 1:58:23 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP Making Connections (0.2062s)
11/24/2024 1:58:23 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP 8.8 seconds total load time.
Check For Extra Squires (2.3s)
Bring Ambassador To Dinner (0.3s)
Disperse Diaspora (2.1s)
Thinking Abstract Thoughts (0.8s)
Sound Search (2.5s)
11/24/2024 1:58:23 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP Finished loading 6539 sprites from dictionaries! (3545 table rows waiting on them.)
11/24/2024 1:58:23 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP Linked all icons to rows in 18ms.
11/24/2024 1:58:23 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP Set secondary AA type on Main Camera to: SMAAMed
11/24/2024 1:58:24 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID9 Finished loading all LevelType contents in 1.8s
11/24/2024 1:58:26 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP DoAfterLoadLogic! Loaded 1070 level items, 55 categories, 21 external holders, 5 external LOD holders.
11/24/2024 1:58:26 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP Finished LoadAllVisSimpleObjectsOfAnySort()
11/24/2024 1:58:26 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID13 12.0 seconds total load time and post-editing time.
11/24/2024 1:58:26 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP 589 materials found.
11/24/2024 1:58:26 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID21 1,463 pools initialized with 466,005 items in 354ms
11/24/2024 2:00:03 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID25 Will generate map: 440 cells targeted. Existing tile count: 0
11/24/2024 2:00:03 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID6 FindCellForMapItem: Calculated cell position -3, -3 from objPos (-41.83, 0.00, -59.99), but that was not in the list of cells for the current tile10 (hole tile). cellList: (-4,-5), (-4,-4), (-3,-5), (-3,-4) List-style length: 4
11/24/2024 2:00:03 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID6 'Decoration-DoPopulationOfHoleTile' error at DebugStage 900
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at Arcen.HotM.External.WorldTileInnerPopulator_Decorations.PopulateRegion_Decoration (Arcen.Universal.TaskStartData startData, System.Boolean isForExistingBuildingZone, System.Int32 randSeed, Arcen.HotM.Core.MapTile tile, Arcen.HotM.Core.MapSubRegion SubRegion, System.String ShortID, Arcen.HotM.Core.LevelType ChosenType, Arcen.HotM.Core.ReferenceLevelData DecorationSource) [0x0072c] in <6e44124369bb4960aff2c0e0d0c965d8>:0
  at Arcen.HotM.External.WorldTileInnerPopulator_Decorations.PopulateDecorationZonesForTile (Arcen.Universal.TaskStartData startData, Arcen.HotM.Core.MapTile tile) [0x001f4] in <6e44124369bb4960aff2c0e0d0c965d8>:0
  at Arcen.HotM.External.WorldTileInnerPopulator_Decorations.DoPopulationOfHoleTile (Arcen.Universal.TaskStartData startData, Arcen.Universal.MersenneTwister rand, Arcen.HotM.Core.MapTile tile) [0x0007d] in <6e44124369bb4960aff2c0e0d0c965d8>:0
11/24/2024 2:00:07 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID15 Generated names for 241 pois with missing names.
11/24/2024 2:00:07 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP DELAYED10 TID15 Finished FillAnyMissingSimBuildings, we had 32615 new buildings, and 32615 total items. SkippedBuildings: 0 AddedBuildings: 32615 CellCountChecked: 841
11/24/2024 2:00:07 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP DELAYED11 TID17 InitializePopulation WAS needed, 32615 buildings to handle.
11/24/2024 2:00:08 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP DELAYED12 TID15 Finished RunGameStartOnBGThread in 494ms. We have 32615 total items.
11/24/2024 2:00:10 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP DELAYED13 TID23 World saved in 1,407 ms
11/24/2024 2:00:10 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP DELAYED14 TID5 Finished adding outdoor spots 841 cells, adding 74516 spots in the process. This took 1,238ms
11/24/2024 2:00:10 PM 0.595.8 SINGLEP DELAYED15 TID5 Finished adding initial NPC Guards for 446 pois, adding 555 guard NPCs in the process. This took 371ms
TagsNo tags attached.



Nov 24, 2024 11:06 am

administrator   ~0070856

This is a "bad luck multithreading" issue, thankfully, and not really anything new. It also is something that only has a limited bad impact. But I appreciate the report, and will fix it. Just writing this note because it's not a new thing, it's just "russian roulette with enough time applied," most likely.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
Nov 24, 2024 9:05 am Fluffiest New Issue
Nov 24, 2024 11:06 am Chris_McElligottPark Assigned To => Chris_McElligottPark
Nov 24, 2024 11:06 am Chris_McElligottPark Status new => minor fix for later
Nov 24, 2024 11:06 am Chris_McElligottPark Note Added: 0070856