View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryLast Update
0024890AI War 2Gameplay IdeaMay 12, 2021 2:29 pm
ReporterDaw11 Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version2.905 Alien Homes 
Summary0024890: Always show the planets with a spire debris
DescriptionThe icons of the spire debris should always show in the galaxy view, even when you don't have vision on the planet.
It's a bit annoying that you have to remember the name of every unexplored planet with one of them.
The galaxy view should also highlight the planets with the debris when your mouse is hovering the card.
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May 12, 2021 2:29 pm


Debris.png (383,872 bytes)

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
May 12, 2021 2:06 pm Daw11 New Issue
May 12, 2021 2:29 pm Daw11 File Added: Debris.png