Description | A part of classic that was pretty handy to have was the "suspend metal spending" feature, which let us dictate the threshold for metal expenditures per control group. For example, mercenaries which were an excellent metal sink could have their space dock be set to control group 5, and the value for suspending metal spending if below x could be 3 million metal, meaning that you could have a reserve of 3 million metal to build other things, while automatically spending metal to prevent wastage of metal.
Why do i want this in ai war 2? it's a nice way to easily prioritize which fleet could get reinforcements quicker during long pitched battles. For example, you could prioritize your main fighting force to have no metal limit, but your chaff force to have a metal limit of 2 million, so you don't starve yourself on (relativley) weak units. I'm thinking of having this be a part of flagship fleets,but if possible it could be applicable to mobile factories and their engineers. |