| 0013388 | 1 | | Wrong Thoraxian chatter line | | Histidine | May 1, 2014 |
| 0013389 | 1 | | Help Defend Planet from Splinter Factions mission unwinnable | | Histidine | May 1, 2014 |
| 0013366 | 8 | | Combat FPS drop | | Cinth | May 1, 2014 |
| 0013343 | 3 | | All Andor political options lower influence with Acutian | | Misery | May 1, 2014 |
| 0013338 | 3 | | Operation Raptor difficult to use effectively due to flight behavior. | | Professor Paul1290 | May 1, 2014 |
| 0013315 | 1 | | Skylaxian senate can be elected even after they are destroyed | | waylon531 | May 1, 2014 |
| 0013139 | 2 | | Some items in planet tooltip need tooltips themselves | | windgen | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014317 | 7 | | Orbital Bomber (Operations Ability) Does Nothing | | Draco18s | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014848 | 2 | | Make the speed button a "toggleable" button in Observer mode to speed up time | | Schmendrick | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014467 | 3 | | In observer mode, consider letting the player click-to-toggle fast-forward | | jdarrell | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014849 | 1 | | Give me a cooler way to skip combat! | | Schmendrick | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014847 | 2 | | Allow Closing of Window with Right-Click | | Schmendrick | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014121 | 1 | | Influence has different values pending where it's displayed. | | Foogsert | May 1, 2014 |
| 0013777 | 1 | | Colonize Moon Influence Misrepresented | | Konqq | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014190 | 1 | | In Contract Complete screen, influence is double that of the actual value | | Erheller | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014229 | 6 | | Lying Battle Summary - Current influence | | Mick | May 1, 2014 |
| 0013943 | 3 | | Andor Foreign Aide - why doesn't it improve the attitude of reciepients towards the Andor? | | wyvern83 | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014088 | 1 | | Nuke/Gravity Missile lack visual indication of explosion | new | Histidine | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014824 | | | Spread Shot OP | | timfortress | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014053 | 3 | | Race outposts getting detroyed, but they will not go to war with the race that is destroying them. | | topper | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014827 | 1 | | 1.009 Outposts destroyed by other races have to little influence penalty. | | topper | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014764 | 2 | | Solar: Planetary Compatibility Decreases Without Apparent Reason | | nas1m | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014789 | 2 | | Armada power values different | | Hyfrydle | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014787 | 2 | | Attacking armada power miscalculated | | ptarth | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014800 | 1 | | Displayed enemy armada strength does not match number on solar map | | windgen | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014828 | 1 | | 1.009 Unable to take planet for >50 years. | | topper | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014792 | 4 | | Black Market spawning very close to planet | | windgen | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014236 | 1 | | Odd/misformatted text for "outpost crash" event | new | Histidine | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014772 | 1 | | Depressurization event has {0} in text | | windgen | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014242 | 2 | | Text error after making Invest in Repair Capabilities deal with Acutian CEO | new | Histidine | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014819 | 1 | | Acutians doing things at zero population/Burlust Terraformer Bug? | | ussdefiant | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014811 | 2 | | Minor Grammatical Error (?) in Evuck Politics screen intro | | lifehole | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014773 | 1 | | Game brings up planetary menu for outpost, cannot do outpost missions | | windgen | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014237 | 2 | | Destroy Assassins - used Andor text while I was in Evuck space | | wyvern83 | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014802 | 1 | | Plant Evidence of False Conspiracy description still says 80% chance of success regardless of race | | GC13 | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014648 | 1 | | Bombing a planet results in ERROR RESULT in the battle report | | dmraneo | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014606 | 2 | | Orbital Bomber population damage not working [UPDATE: ERROR STILL PRESENT IN 1.006] | | conductorbosh | May 1, 2014 |
| 0013999 | 4 | | Trade Route Effect? | | Konqq | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014045 | 1 | | Trade deals bugged? | | Pepisolo | May 1, 2014 |
| 0013796 | 1 | | Trade routes only make impossible deals | | Enrymion | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014846 | 1 | | Attitude buildings not working correctly—only counts strongest positive effect, or only negative if both +/- exist | | GC13 | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014750 | 1 | | Trade with non space faring races. | | Tyr | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014669 | 1 | | Trade routes with non-spacefaring species | | Coppermantis | May 1, 2014 |
| 0013855 | 2 | | Andors can help non spacefaring races with colonizing moons. | | Enrymion | May 1, 2014 |
| 0013819 | 1 | | Skylaxian can broke trade with not-spacefaring race | | alocritani | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014419 | 1 | | Nonspacefaring Trade routes | | ptarth | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014461 | 2 | | Possible to broker trade deals to a non-spacefaring race | | BobTheJanitor | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014812 | 1 | | Use the Dispatch Time method for all actions. | | ptarth | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014336 | 2 | | Solar Axis Pact achievement not working? | | Orelius | May 1, 2014 |
| 0014268 | 6 | | Achievement unlocked bugs | | Elijah | May 1, 2014 |