| 0014711 | 2 | | Permadeath setting removes Auto-Resolve | | Zulgaines | May 7, 2014 |
| 0014993 | 1 | | First mission should always be auto-resolvable | | windgen | May 7, 2014 |
| 0014982 | 1 | | Typo in Tips and Tricks about 'hostile actions' | | LaGrange | May 7, 2014 |
| 0014980 | 1 | | Typo in description of a Federation quest | | LaGrange | May 7, 2014 |
| 0014979 | 1 | | Typo in description of Personnel Transports | | LaGrange | May 7, 2014 |
| 0014977 | 1 | | Typo in description of "Mark II Ships: UNI Defensive Upgrade" | | LaGrange | May 7, 2014 |
| 0014974 | 1 | | Typo in spy probe description | | LaGrange | May 7, 2014 |
| 0014981 | 1 | | Typo in Military Deal description | | LaGrange | May 7, 2014 |
| 0014976 | 1 | | Typo in "Resentful of Assistance" popup | | LaGrange | May 7, 2014 |
| 0014975 | 1 | | Typo in description of Xenotime | | LaGrange | May 7, 2014 |
| 0014987 | 1 | | Burlust WarZone Ground Weaponary cant be destory | | timfortress | May 7, 2014 |
| 0014996 | 1 | | On harder than normal, the text is sometimes wrong Edit: Please ignore | | CricketMask | May 7, 2014 |
| 0014211 | 2 | | Evucks claiming to be in another alliance | | Histidine | May 7, 2014 |
| 0014995 | 2 | | Despite having resources in inventory, they can't be sold or gifted | new | CricketMask | May 7, 2014 |
| 0014187 | 1 | | Deployed squadrons should not fire immediately | | zharmad | May 7, 2014 |
| 0014946 | 1 | | Wrong space power still being displayed | new | GC13 | May 7, 2014 |
| 0014531 | 3 | | Give player ability to create power configuration presets | | Aswin | May 7, 2014 |
| 0014988 | | | Dockable stations should show docking radius on mouse over | new | windgen | May 6, 2014 |
| 0014986 | | | Ironman + Predeath (still) Can load old saved after death | new | timfortress | May 6, 2014 |
| 0014984 | | | Spliner attacks mission sometimes can do 2 times in a row | new | timfortress | May 6, 2014 |
| 0014983 | | | Have sidebar focus on click | new | Ajnin | May 6, 2014 |
| 0014978 | | | Error string in Log Book for Tutorial entry on Planetary Raw Resources | new | LaGrange | May 6, 2014 |
| 0013830 | 2 | | How are manifacturing and science ratings related to tech (if any)? | | alocritani | May 6, 2014 |
| 0014973 | 2 | | Solar Map: Left-Align Text In Various Screens | | nas1m | May 6, 2014 |
| 0014668 | 2 | | Cap RCI values | | Platypus | May 6, 2014 |
| 0014562 | 3 | | Research Tech: Should player research speed depend on planet research speed? | | pepboy | May 6, 2014 |
| 0014516 | 1 | | Option to change research and manufacturing rate | | Aswin | May 6, 2014 |
| 0014914 | 1 | | New race combat AI flaws | | ptarth | May 6, 2014 |
| 0014971 | 2 | | Races will make attacks of opportunity when they have no fleets and are blockaded | | lifehole | May 6, 2014 |
| 0014947 | 3 | | Races will declare opportunistic wars even with no fleets | | GC13 | May 6, 2014 |
| 0014969 | 1 | | Ramp up quests with diplomats hired? | | Prokofiev | May 6, 2014 |
| 0014970 | 2 | | Slower loading of art assets? | | lifehole | May 6, 2014 |
| 0014972 | 1 | | Solar Map: Piratical Exodus Does Not End (Marked With ???)? | | nas1m | May 6, 2014 |
| 0014809 | 3 | | Some building names are too long to fit on the detailed planet info screen | | Meneth | May 6, 2014 |
| 0014904 | 2 | | Terraforming quest does nothing | | windgen | May 6, 2014 |
| 0014855 | 1 | | Terraforming kit doesn't improve planet quality as much as claimed in tooltip | | windgen | May 6, 2014 |
| 0014604 | 2 | | Peace Treaties do not stop races from destroying outposts. | | ptarth | May 6, 2014 |
| 0014426 | 3 | | Add moon details to planet detail | | Aswin | May 6, 2014 |
| 0013853 | 1 | | The number of colonized moons isn't told anywhere. | | Enrymion | May 6, 2014 |
| 0013785 | | | Add links between the pages for a planet. | | topper | May 6, 2014 |
| 0014151 | 2 | | No loss of influence listed in battle summary for using Nukes in planet orbit. | | topper | May 6, 2014 |
| 0014273 | 1 | | Text misalignment in planet details | | Mick | May 6, 2014 |
| 0014430 | 1 | | Increase Readability of Planet Details Screen | | Aswin | May 6, 2014 |
| 0014131 | 2 | | Planet Details text wrapping. | | Foogsert | May 6, 2014 |
| 0014778 | 1 | | Planet Details Screen / Overlay List becomes too cluttered as the game progresses | | Sounds | May 6, 2014 |
| 0014897 | 2 | | Layout Issue with the Advanced Details page | | Drak | May 6, 2014 |
| 0014003 | 9 | | Planetary Information Screen UI - Changes to make information more readable | | Tormodino | May 6, 2014 |
| 0014118 | 1 | | Planet textual descriptions gone? | | Darloth | May 6, 2014 |
| 0014265 | 1 | | Outpost details lists "emergency reserve" | | alocritani | May 6, 2014 |
| 0013503 | 2 | | Acutian Deal categories require >= 0 influence, but actual Deals within them do not | | Kuer | May 6, 2014 |