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IDProjectCategoryLast Update
0008532Valley 1Suggestion - Spell IdeasJun 11, 2012 12:28 pm
ReporterBenMiff Assigned To 
Status consideringResolutionopen 
Product Version1.057 
Summary0008532: Spells (Big List)
DescriptionOkay, so I've gotten a big list of spell suggestions. I've broken it down into buffs, "normal" spells and "expensive" spells. (There's also a section on unlockables, since I like unlockables and putting some spells (rather than just spell ingredients) behind an unlock is something I like the idea of.)

EDIT: I've also posted it to,10649.0.html since it seemed like the place to post spells.



<x> Cannon

* Electro Cannon is Air. Gravitic Cannon is Earth. Void Cannon is Entropy. Ignition Cannon is Fire. Solar Cannon is Light. Surge Cannon is Water.
* Charge time of 0.5 – 1 seconds (i.e. the spell fires that duration after the attack is fired.)
* Huge mana cost (at least 600 mana).
* Piercing
* Huge projectile (128 – 192px wide).
* Electro Cannon fires a huge ball of lightning. Lightning arcs from the shot to target within 192px of it, dealing damage equal to half the main attack’s damage.
Gravitic Cannon fires a huge pulse of distorted gravity. Targets within 384px of the projectile are drawn towards it (similar to the Will-O-Wisp effect.) Once the spell hits something solid, it remains in place for 4 – 6 seconds (+0.5 seconds per tier), still pulling targets towards it and dealing damage.
Void Cannon fires a huge orb of darkness. Targets within 256px of the projectiles are blinded for 6 – 10 seconds (+1 second per tier). (Blindness acts as -50% detection radius).
Ignition Cannon fires a huge ball of flame. Damage background objects. Targets hit by the projectile are set on fire for 6 – 10 seconds (+1 second per tier).
Solar Cannon fires a huge ray of light. (The ray is 512px long). If it is dawn / dusk, the ray deals +10% damage. If it is day, the ray deals +25% damage.
Surge Cannon fires a huge wave of water. The projectile deals large amounts of knockback, and can slide along surfaces.
* Spell rankings (when compared to each other) are as follows (1: Lowest, 6: Highest) :-
Electro Cannon – Mana Cost 5, DPS 3, DPM 1, Cooldown 3, Charge Time 2, Projectile Size 3
Gravitic Cannon – Mana Cost 6, DPS 4, DPM 2, Cooldown 1, Charge Time 6, Projectile Size 6
Void Cannon – Mana Cost 1, DPS 2, DPM 5, Cooldown 2, Charge Time 5, Projectile Size 2
Ignition Cannon – Mana Cost 3, DPS 6, DPM 6, Cooldown 5, Charge Time 4, Projectile Size 1
Solar Cannon – Mana Cost 4, DPS 5, DPM 4, Cooldown 4, Charge Time 1, Projectile Size 5
Surge Cannon – Mana Cost 2, DPS 1, DPM 3, Cooldown 6, Charge Time 3, Projectile Size 4

* Fire spell
* Straight line shot with piercing that also damages background objects
* Targets hit are set on fire for 6 – 10 seconds (+1 second per tier)
* While targets are on fire from this spell they deal constant Fire damage to anything (including the player and background objects) within 128 – 256px (+32px per tier) of them.
* Expensive – at least 600 mana cost
* Also consumes 1 Ruby per use

Flash Freeze
* Water spell
* Frost spreads in all directions from the player up to a radius of 384 – 768px (+96px per tier) from the player. Enemies hit are immobilized (-100% Movement Speed) and cannot make attacks for 6 – 10 seconds (+1 second per tier).
* Expensive – at least 600 mana cost
* Also consumes 1 Sapphire per use

Forked Lightning
* Air spell
* Hits everything in a 30 degree cone within range; the cone centres on the cursor.
* Very fast projectile speed.
* Expensive – at least 600 mana cost
* Also consumes 1 Citrine per use

Grasping Roots
* Earth spell
* A hand formed of roots rises from the ground directly below the cursor to grab whatever is at the cursor. Once it grabs an enemy (including closer enemies if once gets in the way of the intended target), it pulls it down to the ground and holds it there, immobilized (-100% Movement Speed) for 6 – 10 seconds (+1 second per tier). Held enemies take constant crush damage for the duration.
* Expensive – at least 600 mana cost
* Also consumes 1 Jade per use

Reaper Blade
* Entropy spell
* A scythe blade formed of entropic energy 384 – 896px long (+128px per tier) appears pointed directly upwards above you, and the swings down and forward in an 135 degree arc.
* Anything hit by the blade that has a current hp equal to or less than 5 times the attacks’ damage dies instantly, otherwise the target takes the normal damage.
 * Expensive – at least 600 mana cost
* Also consumes 1 Dispersia per use

Scintillating Radiance
* Light spell
* When this spell hits a target, it then fires this spell in all directions from that target. The secondary shots fired from this do the same, but the tertiary shots (i.e. those created by the secondary shots) do not.
* Expensive – at least 600 mana cost.
* Also consumes 1 Opal per use


<x> Fusillade

* Void Fusillade is Entropy. Laser Fusillade is Light.
* Fires beams – either darkness or laser – rapid but innacurately.
* Hitscan
* Very low cooldown – no more than 0.05 seconds between shots
* Rather than aiming at the cursor / target lock, each shot has a random deviation from that line of between + and – 10 degrees. The probabilities follow a bell curve (so the outlying +10 and -10 degrees are very rare.)
* Spell rankings (when compared to each other) are as follows (1: Lowest, 2: Highest) :-
Void Fusillade – Mana Cost 2, DPS 2, DPM 1, Cooldown 2
Laser Fusillade – Mana Cost 1, DPS 1, DPM 2, Cooldown 1


* Electrokinesis is Air. Pyrokinesis is Fire. Cryokinesis is Water.
* Creates a small lightning effect / flame / frost effect on cursor / target lock as long as you have line of sight to that location.
* Hitscan (the effect appears immediately and for as long as the cursor is held), and deals constant damage over time.
* Electrokinesis also “arcs” lightning to nearby targets (within 128 – 192 px (+16px per tier)), dealing half the damage of the main effect. Pyrokinesis also emits light from the flame. Cryokinesis slows anything under the effect (-30 – 50% (+5% per tier) movement speed).
* Spell rankings (when compared to each other) are as follows (1: Lowest, 3: Highest) :-
Electrokinesis – Mana Cost 3, DPS 2, DPM 1
Pyrokinesis – Mana Cost 1, DPS 1, DPM 2
Cryokinesis – Mana Cost 2, DPS 3, DPM 3

Draw Upon Life / Draw Upon Death / Blood Fury

* Draw Upon Life is Earth. Draw Upon Death is Entropy. Blood Fury is Fire.
* Fires straight line projectiles with no special properties.
* Draw Upon Life deals +10% damage if you have more than 75% health remaining, and deals +25% damage if you have more than 90% health remaining. Draw Upon Death deals +20% damage if you have less than 25% health remaining, and deals +50% damage if you have less than 10% health remaining. Blood Fury deals + (1 – (current health / max health)) x 50% damage.
* Spell rankings (when compared to each other) are as follows (1: Lowest, 3: Highest) :-
Draw Upon Life – Mana Cost 3, DPS 1, DPM 1, Cooldown 1
Draw Upon Death – Mana Cost 1, DPS 3, DPM 2, Cooldown 3
Blood Fury – Mana Cost 2, DPS 2, DPM 3, Cooldown 2

Leech Seed / Vampiric Bat

*Leech Seed is Earth. Vampiric Bat is Entropy.
* Leech Seed throws a seed in an arc (similar to launch rock / launch ice block.) Vampiric Bat fires a bat that flies in a straight line.
* On a hit, the target takes damage every half second for 5 seconds, and you heal 20 – 30% the damage this spell deals.
* Spell rankings (when compared to each other) are as follows (1: Lowest, 2: Highest) :-
Leech Seed – Mana Cost 1, DPS 1, DPM 2, Cooldown 1, Heal % 1
Vampiric Bat – Mana Cost 2, DPS 2, DPM 1, Cooldown 2, Heal % 2

Razor Wind / Mudslide / Flame Wave / Tsunami

* Razor Wind is Air. Mudslide is Earth. Flame Wave is Fire. Tsunami is Water.
* Straight line projectile – grows wider as it travels but also loses damage over distance travelled. (Growth is between +64px and +128px per 256px travelled).
* Piercing.
* Spell rankings (when compared to each other) are as follows (1: Lowest, 4: Highest) :-
Razor Wind – Mana Cost 1, DPS 4, DPM 4, Cooldown 1, Width Growth Rate 2, DMG Loss Rate 3
Mudslide – Mana Cost 4, DPS 2, DPM 2, Cooldown 4, Width Growth Rate 1, DMG Loss Rate 1
Flame Wave – Mana Cost 2, DPS 3, DPM 3, Cooldown 2, Width Growth Rate 3, DMG Loss Rate 4
Tsunami – Mana Cost 3, DPS 1, DPM 1, Cooldown 3, Width Growth Rate 4, DMG Loss Rate 2

Roar / Gravity Pulse

* Roar is Air. Gravity Pulse is Earth.
* Straight line projectile that deals very low damage but has massive knockback.
* Spell rankings (when compared to each other) are as follows (1: Lowest, 2: Highest) :-
Roar – Mana Cost 1, Knockback 1, Cooldown 1
Gravity Pulse – Mana Cost 2, Knockback 2, Cooldown 2

Rootburst / Dead Men’s Hands / Ground Frost

* Rootburst is Earth. Dead Men’s Hands is Entropy. Ground Frost is Water.
* For Rootburst, roots burst from the nearest ground. For Dead Men’s Hands, undead hands reach out, and for Ground Frost icicles and frost grow across the ground. The spell selects the nearest ground to the cursor / target lock, whether it is the floor, walls or ceilings, and grows out from there to the spell’s set height.
* Targets hit by the spell are also slowed (- Movement Speed).
* Flying targets can still be hurt by these spells as long as they are close enough to solid ground.
* Spell rankings (when compared to each other) are as follows (1: Lowest, 3: Highest) :-
Rootburst – Mana Cost 3, DPS 2, DPM 2, Cooldown 3, Height Reached 3, Magnitude Of Slow 1
Dead Men’s Hands – Mana Cost 1, DPS 1, DPM 3, Cooldown 2, Height Reached 1, Magnitude Of Slow 2
Ground Frost – Mana Cost 2, DPS 3, DPM 1, Cooldown 1, Height Reached 2, Magnitude Of Slow 3


Avatar Of The <x>

* Avatar Of The Winds is Air. Avatar Of The Wild is Earth. Avatar Of The Reaper is Entropy. Avatar Of The Inferno is Fire. Avatar Of The Sun is Light. Avatar Of The Waves is Water.
* First use of the spell turns it on, while the second use of the spell turns it back off (the same as Shields). Using an Avatar Of The <x> spell different to an active Avatar Of The <x> spell also turns the active spell off (so you cannot have 2 different Avatar Of The <x> spells active at the same time.)
* Huge mana costs – 140 to 175 mana a second.
* While active, the player can only use spells of the same element type to the active Avatar Of The <x> spell. (All other spells are disabled.)
* Increases damage of the spell’s element type by 42 – 70% (+7% per tier), and gives you 60 – 100% (+10% per tier) resistance to that element.
* The spell also provides additional effects while active depending on which spell is used:-
Avatar Of The Winds – You gain an additional jump (as double jump), +30 – 50% (+5% per tier) jump height and +30 – 50% (+5% per tier) movement speed.
Avatar Of The Wild – You gain +30 – 50% (+5% per tier) spell range [i.e. increased time to live and distance] and heal 12 – 20% (+2% per tier) of any damage you deal.
Avatar Of The Reaper – You deal constant Entropy damage to anyone within 128 – 384 px (+64 px per tier), and if hit a target and leave it with 50 – 150 hp (+25 hp per tier) or less, the target dies instantly.
Avatar Of The Inferno – Your attacks become piercing and can damage background objects, and on a hit they set the target on fire for 3 – 5 seconds (+0.5 seconds per tier).
Avatar Of The Sun – You emit large amounts of light. You gain +30 – 50% (+5% per tier) projectile speed, and -30 – 50% (-5% per tier) cooldown duration.
Avatar Of The Waves – Your attacks gain +30 – 50% (+5% per tier) knockback. You gain acid water immunity and are a good swimmer.
* Spell rankings (when compared to each other) are as follows (1: Lowest, 6: Highest) :-
Avatar Of The Winds – Mana Cost 5
Avatar Of The Wild – Mana Cost 4
Avatar Of The Reaper – Mana Cost 6
Avatar Of The Inferno – Mana Cost 2
Avatar Of The Sun – Mana Cost 3
Avatar Of The Waves – Mana Cost 1

Blood Moon / Blue Sun / Eclipse

* All three spells are Light
* Blood Moon starts the night (as Nightfall), while Blue Sun starts the day (as sunrise). Eclipse starts the day but keeps light levels as night. In each case, the sun / moon uses a different image to denote the spell’s effects.
* For the duration of the day or night, the spell provides certain effects. Those effects are:-
Blood Moon – Your attacks deal an additional 50% damage, but so do enemy attacks.
Blue Sun – Your cooldowns are reduced by 25%, and your mana regeneration increases by 25%, but enemies attack 25% more frequently.
Eclipse – You have -25% detection radius, but the light radius of all light sources are also decreased by 25%.
* Spell rankings (when compared to each other) are as follows (1: Lowest, 3: Highest) :-
Blood Moon – Mana Cost 3, Cooldown 1
Blue Sun – Mana Cost 1, Cooldown 2
Eclipse – Mana Cost 2, Cooldown 3

Gambler’s <x>

* All four spells are Entropy (since Entropy deals with chaos).
* Gambler’s Cards effects defences, Gambler’s Dice effects attacks, Gambler’s Reels effects miscellanea and Gambler’s Wheel effects movement.
* All four spells have a 1 minute cooldown.
* Gambler’s Cards – Draw a card from a normal deck that includes both the red and black joker. Effects depend on the card(s) drawn:-
Deuce: -20% damage reduction (i.e. you take 20% more damage)
3: -20% vulnerability to 3 random elements
4: -20% vulnerability to 2 random elements
5: -20% vulnerability to 1 random element
6: -10% vulnerability to 2 random elements
7: -10% vulnerability to 1 random element
8: No effect
9: +10% resistance to 1 random element
10: +10% resistance to 2 random elements
Jack: +20% resistance to 1 random element
Queen: +20% resistance to 2 random elements
King: +20% resistance to 3 random elements
Ace: +20% damage reduction
Joker: Draw 3 random cards. If red, discard the lowest. If black, discard the highest. Gain the effects on the other 2 cards. The 3 random cards will never draw jokers.
A club means the duration of the effect is 90 seconds for Deuce – 7 and the black joker, and 30 seconds for 9 – Ace and the red joker.
A heart or diamonds mean the duration of the effect is 60 seconds.
A spade means the duration of the effect is 30 seconds for Deuce – 7 and the black joker, and 90 seconds for 9 – Ace and the red joker.
* Gambler’s Dice – Roll 4 (six sided) dice. For every 1, you have -15% attack. For every 2, you have -5% attack. For every 3, the spell duration is reduced by 10 seconds. For every 4, the spell duration is increased by 10 seconds. For every 5, you have +5% attack. For every 6, you have +15% attack. The base duration of the spell is 60 seconds.
* Gambler’s Reels – 4 reels are spun. The reels give different effects depending on how many of a symbol is matched. In addition, the number of matched symbols determines the spell’s duration:
Match 2: Spell duration (where appropriate) is 60 seconds.
Match 3: Spell duration (where appropriate) is 90 seconds.
Match 4: Spell duration (where appropriate) is 90 seconds, and you spin again. (You keep the match 4 effect on top of whatever the new spin gives you.)
Each reel has:
Cherry – Gives you random common arcane ingredients. (Gives 1 for match 2, 3 for match 3 and 7 for match 4.)
1 Ton Weight – Heaviness. Disables anything you can get the “you are too heavy for this” notification for.
Wings - +1 extra jump (similar to those given by double / triple jump).
Warp Gate – Teleports you in a random direction. (The distance is up to 512px for match 2, 768px for match 3 and 1024px for match 4.)
Skull – Take damage. (20 damage for match 2, 50 damage for match 3 and 150 damage for match 4).
Heart – Heal damage. (20 damage for match 2, 50 damage for match 3 and 150 damage for match 4).
Miniature – As the spell, except that it’s permanent for the duration of the spell.
Eye - +1 scouting distance (+2 at match 4).
Shield - +melee resistance (body). (+10% at match 2, +20% at match 3 and +40% at match 4.)
Tornado – Summons a tornado (as the spell.) (The tornado matches the continent tier at match 2, continent tier + 1 at match 3 and continent tier + 2 at match 4).
*Higher tier versions of Gambler’s <x> start to alter probabilities, as follows-
Gambler’s Cards: Tier 2 adds a second red joker and a second ace of clubs to the deck. Tier 3 adds a second ace of heart and of diamonds, and adds a second jack, queen and king of clubs to the deck. Tier 4 adds a second ace of spades, a second jack, queen and king of hearts and a second jack, queen and king of diamonds to the deck. Tier 5 adds a third red joker, and a second jack, queen and king of spades to the deck.
Gambler’s Dice: Tier 2 reduces the chances for each dice for 1 to 11/72, and 6 to 13/72. Tier 3 reduces the chances for 1 to 10/72, 2 to 11/72, 5 to 13/72 and 6 to 14/72. Tier 4 reduces the chances for 1 to 9/72, 2 to 10/72, 5 to 14/72 and 6 to 15/72. Tier 5 reduces the chances for 1 to 8/72, 2 to 9/72, 5 to 15/72 and 6 to 16/72.
Gambler’s Reels: The number of each result for each reel for tier 1 are 2 x cherry, 3 x 1 ton weight, 2 x wings, 2 x warp gate, 3 x skull, 2 x heart, 3 x miniature, 2 x eye, 2 x shield and 2 x tornado. Tier 2 has 2 x cherry, 3 x 1 ton weight, 2 x wings, 2 x warp gate, 3 x skull, 2 x heart, 2 x miniature, 3 x eye, 2 x shield and 3 x tornado. Tier 3 has 2 x cherry, 2 x 1 ton weight, 2 x wings, 2 x warp gate, 3 x skull, 3 x heart, 2 x miniature, 3 x eye, 3 x shield and 3 x tornado. Tier 4 has 3 x cherry, 2 x 1 ton weight, 3 x wings, 2 x warp gate, 2 x skull, 3 x heart, 2 x miniature, 3 x eye, 3 x shield and 3 x tornado. Tier 5 has 3 x cherry, 2 x 1 ton weight, 3 x wings, 2 x warp gate, 2 x skull, 3 x heart, 1 x miniature, 4 x eye, 3 x shield and 4 x tornado.
Gambler’s Wheel: Tier 1 has 2 of each number and colour space combination. It has 2 of Spin Twice, 3 of Zero and 3 of Lucky Seven. Tier 2 adds a third Spin Twice and a fourth Lucky Seven, and removes 1 Zero (to a total of 2.) Tier 3 removes 1 of each of the red 2, blue 2, yellow 2 and green 2 spaces. Tier 4 adds a fourth Spin Twice and a fifth Lucky Seven, and removes 1 Zero (to a total of 1.) Tier 5 removes 1 of each of the red 1, blue 1, yellow 1 and green 1 spaces.
* All four Gambler’s <x> spells have similar mana costs.

* Gambler’s Wheel – A wheel is spun. The wheel has coloured spaces numbered 1 – 6. The colour’s effects (when selected by the spin) are:-
Red: Movement Speed. + (spun number – 3.5) x 10% movement speed.
Blue: Falling Velocity. – (spun number – 3.5) x 20% falling velocity.
Yellow: Jump Height. + (spun number – 3.5) x 10% jump height.
Green: Anti-Knockback. + (spun number – 3.5) x 20% anti knockback.
The wheel also has special spaces as follows:-
Spin Twice – Spin twice, gain both results.
Zero – Gain the effects on red 1, blue 1, yellow 1 and green 1 all at once.
Lucky Seven – Gain the effects of red 6, blue 6, yellow 6 and green 6 all at once.
The spell’s effect lasts for 60 seconds.

<x> Soul

* Thundering Soul is Air. Poison Soul is Earth. Necrotic Soul is Entropy. Burning Soul is Fire. Radiant Soul is Light. Frozen Soul is Water.
* First use of the spell turns it on, while the second use of the spell turns it back off (the same as Shields). Using an <x> Soul spell different to an active <x> Soul spell also turns the active spell off (so you cannot have 2 different <x> Soul spells active at the same time.)
* Low mana cost, but the spell also drains health constantly while active. (I’d suggest the health loss should be about 10% of the mana that would otherwise be required.)
* Provides 30 – 50% (+5% per tier) resistance to the same element as the <x> Soul used, and a 10 – 25% (+3% per tier) bonus to damage of the same element type.
* The spell also provides additional effects while active depending on which spell is used:-
Thundering Soul - +30 – 50% (+5% per tier) knockback to your spells, and enemies within 128 – 384 px (+64 px per tier) away from you.
Poison Soul – Your attacks weaken foes for 3 – 5 seconds (+0.5 seconds per tier). Enemies within 128 – 384 px (+64 px per tier) of you are also weakened for as long as they are that close. Weakening reduces the enemies’ attack damage by 30 – 50% (+5% per tier).
Necrotic Soul – Enemies within 128 – 384 px (+64 px per tier) takes constant Entropy damage. You have 7 – 15% (+2% per tier) damage reduction.
Burning Soul – Your attacks set foes on fire for 3 – 5 seconds (+0.5 seconds per tier). Your attack projectiles also emit light.
Radiant Soul – You emit light, and gain +30 – 50% (+5% per tier) movement speed.
Frozen Soul – Your attacks slow (-30 – 50 movement speed; -5% per tier) foes for 3 – 5 seconds (+0.5 seconds per tier), and reduces enemy fire rates (+30 – 50% cooldown durations; +5% per tier) for 3 – 5 seconds (+0.5 seconds per tier).
* Spell rankings (when compared to each other) are as follows (1: Lowest, 6: Highest) :-
Thundering Soul – Mana Cost 3, Health Drain 3
Poison Soul – Mana Cost 6, Health Cost 6
Necrotic Soul – Mana Cost 5, Health Cost 5
Burning Soul – Mana Cost 2, Health Cost 2
Radiant Soul – Mana Cost 1, Health Cost 1
Frozen Soul – Mana Cost 4, Health Cost 4


Not all of these spells will be available from the start of the game; some will need to be unlocked. Suggested unlock methods for those that need it are:-

* Deliver the killing blow to an overlord with an Air / Earth / Entropy / Fire / Light / Water spell.
Unlocks Electro Cannon (for Air), Gravitic Cannon (Earth), Void Cannon (Entropy), Ignition Cannon (Fire), Solar Cannon (Light) or Surge Cannon (Water).

* Finish a mission with more health than you had when you started it. (This would need to exclude Battlefield to avoid cheesing it with healing on your HQ.)
Unlocks Leech Seed and Vampiric Bat.

* Finish 3 missions with less than 10% health / less than 25% health / more than 90% health.
Unlocks Draw Upon Death (less than 10%), Blood Fury (less than 25%) or Draw Upon Life (more than 90%).

* Wear enchants that total to -40% cooldown duration or more.
Unlocks Void Fusillade and Laser Fusillade.

* Wear enchants that total to +40% mana regen or more.
Unlocks Electrokinesis, Cryokinesis and Pyrokinesis.

* Have 3 or more Rare of better enchants in the Feet and Legs / Torso / L. Arm and R. Arm / Head category(ies).
Unlocks Gambler’s Cards (Torso), Gambler’s Dice (L. Arm and R. Arm), Gambler’s Reels (Head) or Gambler’s Wheels (Feet and Legs).

* Take a total of 2,000 or more Air / Earth / Entropy / Fire / Light / Water damage.
Unlocks Thundering Soul (for Air), Poison Soul (Earth), Necrotic Soul (Entropy), Burning Soul (Fire), Radiant Soul (Light) or Frozen Soul (Water).

* Have 3 or more tier 5 Air / Earth / Entropy / Fire / Light / Water spells.
Unlocks Avatar Of The Winds (for Air), Avatar Of The Wild (Earth), Avatar Of The Reaper (Entropy), Avatar Of The Inferno (Fire), Avatar Of The Sun (Light) or Avatar Of The Waves (Water).

* Collect Citrine / Jade / Dispersia / Opal / Ruby / Sapphire from a Gem Vein in a cave system of depth 7 or greater.
Unlocks Forked Lightning (for Citrine), Grasping Roots (Jade), Reaper Blade (Dispersia), Conflagration (Ruby), Scintillating Radiance (Opal) or Flash Freeze (Sapphire).

* Cast sunrise 5 times / nightfall 5 times / sunrise and nightfall 5 times each.
Unlocks Blood Moon (for nightfall x 5), Blue Sun (sunrise x 5) or Eclipse (both x 5).
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Internal WeightFeature Suggestion


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
Jun 11, 2012 6:44 am BenMiff New Issue
Jun 11, 2012 11:30 am BenMiff Description Updated
Jun 11, 2012 12:28 pm tigersfan Internal Weight => Feature Suggestion
Jun 11, 2012 12:28 pm tigersfan Status new => considering