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IDProjectCategoryLast Update
0007957Valley 1Suggestion - Enemy IdeasJun 2, 2012 11:52 pm
ReporterBenMiff Assigned To 
Status consideringResolutionopen 
Product Version1.026 
Summary0007957: Necromancy And The Undead
DescriptionNecromancers and the undead would be magical foes; the Medieval Age seems most appropriate for these, though the Time Of Magic would also work. These are pretty much an entire region's worth of monsters, so they could also work as the contents of a new region (Boneyards?)

There's 16 normal enemies, 10 elite enemies, 3 bosses and 1 overlord here, if anyone's counting.


> Skeleton
* Humanoid skeleton
* Bone Throw attack. This attack throws a single bone arcing in a similar manner to Launch Rock. On impact, the bone “bounces”. The bone ends on the third bounce (tiers 1 and 2), fourth bounce (tiers 3 and 4) or fifth bounce (tier 5). The bone deals Entropy damage
* On death, the skeleton explodes in a burst of Bone Throw attacks. Unlike usual, these attacks do not aim for the player, but are equally spaced such that they go in every direction. The number of attacks that are made is equal to [2 + (tier x 2)]
* Damage 5 /10, Health 5 /10, Speed 4 /10
* Resists Entropy, Vulnerable Light

> Blazing Skeleton
* Humanoid skeleton wreathed in flames
* Blazing Lights attack. A burning orb is fired towards the player; the orb is slow moving. When the player moves within [1.5 + (tier x 0.5)] tiles of the orb, it explodes; the explosion has a radius equal to [3.5 + (tier x 0.5)] tiles. The orb also explodes if it is hit by the player’s attacks. The explosion deals Fire damage, and can damage background objects
* On death, a burning orb is left behind at the last location of the blazing skeleton. This burning orb behaves the same as the Blazing Lights attack (including exploding if the player gets too close or attacks it) except that it does not move, and expires after 5 seconds
* Damage 6 /10, Health 4 /10, Speed 4 /10
* Resists Fire (to the extent of healing from Fire damage), Vulnerable Water

> Stormstruck Skeleton
* Humanoid skeleton wreathed in crackling lightning
* Stormfall attack. A stream of lightning is fired directly upwards. The stream splits and turns 180 degrees 3 tiles up. The turn is a wide curve, and the split streams come down 2 tiles apart from each other. The streams deal Air damage, and are 2 tiles long
* On death, 2 tile long streams of lightning are fired in all directions. The number of streams of lightning fired is equal to [2 + (2 x tier)]. The streams deal Air damage
* Damage 6 /10, Health 4 /10, Speed 4 /10
* Resists Air, Vulnerable Light

> Skeletal Cavalry
* Humanoid skeleton with a bone spear riding a skeletal horse
* Charges back and forth across the landscape (similar to Rhinos). Once it first passes the player, it turns around to charge back whenever it gets 30 tiles away from the player
* Lance Strike attack. Melee attack with the bone spear. Deals Entropy damage, and fires the player away [10 + (tier x 3)] tiles at a 45 degree above horizontal angle
* On death, the skeletal cavalry continues to charge [2.5 + (2.5 x tier)] tiles forward as the horse collapses underneath the rider; the rider may still make Lance Strike attacks during this motion
*Damage 5 /10, Health 4 /10, Speed 8 /10
* Resists Entropy, Vulnerable Light

> Giant Skeleton
* Huge humanoid skeleton – about 20 tiles tall
* Bone Club attack. The bone club is slammed down horizontally. The club is 8 tiles long, and deals Entropy damage
* On death, the giant skeleton teeters, and then falls forward, dealing Entropy damage to whatever it falls on
* Damage 6 /10, Health 7 /10, Speed 2 /10
* Resists Entropy, Vulnerable Light

> Flying Skull
* Human skull, floating around
* Icy Mist attack. The skull breathes out a cloud of icy mist of diameter equal to [tier + 3] tiles. The cloud lasts 5 seconds. Anyone inside the cloud of icy mist takes Water damage and is slowed (-50% Movement Speed)
* On death, bursts into a cloud of Icy Mist centred on it
* Damage 5 /10, Health 3 /10, Speed 6 /10
* Resists Water, Vulnerable Light

> Inferno Skeleton (elite)
* Humanoid skeleton wreathed in flames; the flame reaches 3 tiles above the top of the skeleton (for a total height of 5 tiles)
* Burning Presence attack. The flames around the inferno skeleton flares white, and a small flame appears at the players’ location, plus one addition small flame per tier each at a random location within 5 tiles of the players’ location. After 1.5 seconds, each flame explodes into a fireburst of radius [0.5 + (tier x 0.5)] tiles, dealing Fire damage to anything caught in the fireburst
* Flame Flare attack. The flames around the inferno skeleton flashes upwards, and 2 pillars of fire travel along the ground away from the inferno skeleton, one in each direction. These pillars start at 6 tiles high, and vanish once they reach 1 tile high. The pillars lose 1 tiles of height for every [tier + 1] tiles they travel horizontally. The pillars of fire also travel faster at higher tiers, and they deal Fire damage
* Both the Burning Presence and Flame Flare attacks also damage background objects
* On death, fires Blazing Lights attacks (as Blazing Skeleton), but not aimed at the player; rather, they are fired in every direction with equal spacing. The number of shots equals [tier x 4]
* Damage 7 /10, Health 5 /10, Speed 4 /10
* Resists Fire, Vulnerable Water

> Skeleton Knight (elite)
* Humanoid skeleton with a bone spear riding a skeleton horse. The skeleton and the horse have bone plate armour
* Charges back and forth across the landscape (similar to Rhinos). Once it first passes the player, it turns around to charge back whenever it gets 25 tiles away from the player
* Lance Throw attack. These spears travel similar to the Launch Rock attack. On ground impact, the spear remains for 5 seconds, and entropic energy rises from the impact site 2 tiles high. Deals entropy damage
* Lance Strike attack. Melee attack with the bone spear. Deals Entropy damage, and fires the player away [10 + (tier x 3)] tiles at a 45 degree above horizontal angle
* On death, the skeletal cavalry continues to charge [3 + (3 x tier)] tiles forward as the horse collapses underneath the rider; the rider may still make Lance Strike attacks during this motion
*Damage 6 /10, Health 4 /10, Speed 9 /10
* Resists Entropy, Vulnerable Light

> Paranthropus (boss)
* Giant humanoid skeleton. The left hand is empty, and the right hand clutches a ball of entropic energy. The skull is filled with a raging fire that flickers out of the eye socket and mouth, and bone spikes line the back of the skeletons’ spine
* Bone Clutch attack. The left hand shoots forward towards the player. If the player dodges, the arm then swings upwards at the elbow if the player is above the arm, and is pulled back along the ground if the player is below it. The arm deals Entropy damage. If the hand makes contact with the player, it grabs the player and throws them away (still dealing Entropy damage during the grab)
* Flamethrower attack. A stream of flame pours from the skeletons’ mouth, starting at the skeleton’s feet and moving away. Deals Fire damage
* Entropic Orb attack. The ball of entropic energy is thrown along the ground (similar to how Ball Lightning / Energy Orb travels along the ground). Once the ball is 25 tiles away from the skeleton, it moves back to the skeleton’s hand by the shortest route (not necessarily travelling along the ground)
* Spine Spikes attack. This attack is only used if the player gets behind the paranthropus. A constant stream of bone spikes are fired at the player’s location from the spine. The bone spikes deal Entropy damage, and only stop firing once the player is back in front of the paranthropus or the paranthropus is in its invulnerable state
* Invulnerable State. While the player is more than 25 tiles away from the paranthropus, it crouches down. While in the crouched position, or moving into or out of the crouched position, the paranthropus is immune to all damage
* The Dead Rise attack. The paranthropus punches the ground, and [tier + 1] skeletons burst out of the ground at random positions within 20 tiles of the paranthropus
* On death, collapses into a pile of skeletons. The number of skeletons created is equal to [3 + tier]
* Damage 7 /10, Health 8 /10, Speed 2 /10
* Resists Entropy


> Zombie
* Humanoid zombie
* Lurching Surge attack. When the zombie is within [1 + (tier x 0.5)] tiles of the player, it will surge forward [1.5 + (tier x 0.5)] tiles quickly to make a melee attack. The melee attack deals Entropy damage
* Slow regeneration of health
* Damage 6 /10, Health 6 /10, Speed 2 /10

> Bile Zombie
* Humanoid zombie slick with bile, etc.
* Bile Spray attack. Short range attack – sprays bile on the area up to [2.5 + (0.5 x tier)] tiles away. Deals Earth damage
* Slow regeneration of health
* Damage 5 /10, Health 6 /10, Speed 3 /10

> Mouldy Zombie
* Humanoid zombie with mould and fungus growing all over it
* Spore Release attack. Fires a cloud of spores in all direction, which start to drift slowly towards the player when they are 3 tiles away from the mouldy zombie. The speed at which the spores move increases as they get closer to the player. The spores deal Earth damage
* Slow regeneration of health
* Damage 6 /10, Health 6 /10, Speed 2 /10
*Resists Earth, Vulnerable Fire

> Plague Zombie (elite)
* “Upgraded” bile zombie – similar design, but more decayed and diseased
* Plague Spray attack. Short range attack – sprays vile fluids on the area up to [3 + tier] tiles away. Deals Earth damage, and poisons the victim for 5 seconds; while poisoned, the victim deals – [15 + (5 x tier)] % damage
* On death, explodes and covers the area within [3 + tier] tiles of it with Plague Spray
* Slow regeneration of health
* Damage 5 /10, Health 8 /10, Speed 5 /10
* Resists Entropy, Vulnerable Light

> Vinehost Zombie (elite)
* A mouldy zombie whose mould has grown to a full-blown plant infestation
* Spore Release attack – as mouldy zombie
* Leafy Whip attack – as the spell
* Burrower – the vinehost zombie can teleport up to [5 + (tier x 2)] tiles by sinking into the ground at one location and bursting out of the ground at another
* Slow regeneration of health
* Damage 7 /10, Health 6 /10, Speed 4 /10
* Resists Earth, Vulnerable Fire


> Wraith
* Twisted spectre of the longtime dead (and the most malicious of the 3 basic spectres) – uses a green colour scheme
* Flight
* Enveloping Darkness attack. Fires shots in all directions – [6 + (2 x tier)] shots total. The shots deal Entropy damage. When the attack is used (no need to hit), the light radius of all light sources in the chunk are halved for the next 5 seconds
*Damage 4 /10, Health 5 /10, Speed 6 /10
* Resists Entropy, Vulnerable Light

> Poltergeist
* Twisted spectre of the longtime dead (and the angriest of the 3 basic spectres) – uses a red colour scheme
* Flight
* Psychokinesis attack. [2 + tier] rocks are pulled from the ground, rising to float 1 tile above the ground they were pulled from; the rocks can be pulled from any ground within 15 tiles of the Poltergeist. After 1 second of floating, the rocks are fired at the player’s position in succession, 0.3 seconds apart from each other. The rocks block projectiles, and can be destroyed (though they have decent health – it should be possible to destroy one or two of them before they are fired, but no more), and they deal Earth damage
* Damage 6 /10, Health 5 /10, Speed 5 /10
* Resists Entropy, Vulnerable Light

 > Haunt
* Twisted spectre of the longtime dead (and the most cunning of the 3 basic spectres) – uses a blue colour scheme, and is frost encrusted
* Flight
* Creeping Frost attack. The haunt creates ice within [1.5 + (0.5 x tier)] tiles of itself constantly. The ice lasts for 5 seconds after creation, resulting in a “frost trail” effect. The ice deals Water damage.
* Damage 4 /10, Health 5 /10, Speed 6 /10
* Resists Water, Vulnerable Light

> Ancient Wraith (elite)
* Similar design to the wraith, but bigger and more powerful
* Enveloping Darkness attack – as the wraith, but the light reduction lasts for 10 seconds instead the attack fires [9 + (3 x tier)] shots instead
* Draw Upon The Shadows attack. Creates [4 + (4 x tier)] orbs of darkness around the Ancient Wraith, equally spaced. Each orb of darkness starts [10 + (2 x tier)] tiles away from the Ancient Wraith, and then slowly moves towards the Ancient Wraith. The orbs can be destroyed by player shots, and are also destroyed when they reach the Ancient Wraith. Whenever one of the orbs reaches the Ancient Wraith, it immediately makes an Enveloping Darkness attack at no cost
* Damage 4 /10, Health 6 /10, Speed 7 /10

> Ancient Poltergeist (elite)
* Similar design to the poltergeist, but bigger and more powerful
* Flight
* Psychokinesis attack – as the poltergeist, but the rocks are pulled into an orbiting ring around the ancient poltergeist before firing rather than floating above the ground
* Pyrokinetic Fury attack. Throws 3 balls of flame at the player in rapid succession. On impact, the balls of flame explode into 5 smaller flames fired off at a perpendicular to surface angle, and at 30 and 60 degrees off that perpendicular on either side. The initial balls of flame are unaffected by gravity, but the smaller flames are. Deals Fire damage
* Damage 7 /10, Health 6 /10, Speed 5 /10
* Resists Entropy, Vulnerable Light

> Ancient Haunt (elite)
* Similar design to the haunt, but bigger and more powerful
* Flight
* Creeping Frost attack. As the haunt, but with a large area (affecting tiles [2.5 + (0.5 x tier)] tiles away instead), and the ice also slows anything in it for 5 seconds (-33% Movement Speed)
* Grave Chill attack. On the death of any other monster within [25 + (5 x tier)] tiles of the Ancient Haunt, they explode in a burst of ice [2.5 x (0.5 x tier)] tiles in radius; this ice lasts for 5 seconds, and deals Water damage and slows as the Creeping Frost attack
* Damage 4 /10, Health 6 /10, Speed 7 /10

> Venerable Spectre (boss)
* Similar design to the wraith / ancient wraith, but the biggest and most powerful spectre
* Flight
* Enveloping Darkness – as the wraith, but the light reduction lasts for 15 seconds instead, and the attack instead fires [12 + (4 x tier)] shots
* Psychokinesis attack – as the ancient poltergeist, but the rocks are fired 0.1 seconds apart (instead of 0.3 seconds), and [6 + (3 x tier)] rocks are pulled out instead
* Creeping Frost attack – as the ancient haunt, but [3.25 + (0.75 x tier)] tiles radius instead, and the slow effect is increased to -50% Movement Speed
* Power From Death. Whenever health orbs are created as the result of monster death in the chunk, they are drawn to an absorbed by the Venerable Spectre regardless of distance or the Venerable Spectre’s need. These stolen health orbs heal the Venerable Spectre as normal.
* Damage 7 /10, Health 6 /10, Speed 7 /10
* Resists Entropy, Vulnerable Light


> Necromancer
* Shrouded figure
* Flight – drifts around on dark energies
* Wither attack. An entropic shot is fired at the player; on a hit, the shot deals Entropy damage and –[15 + (5 x tier)] % Magic Power for 5 seconds
* Summon Undead. This spawns a skeleton, wraith or zombie within 10 tiles of the necromancer. The necromancer may only have 1 monster exist at one time via this ability.
* Damage 4 /10, Health 4 /10, Speed 7 /10
* Resists Entropy

> Bonelord
* Shrouded figure adorned with bones
* Flight – drifts around on dark energies
* Bone Throw attack – as skeleton
* Summon Undead. This spawns a skeleton, blazing skeleton, stormstruck skeleton, skeletal cavalry, giant skeleton or flying skull. The bonelord may only have 2 monsters exist at one time via this ability.
* Damage 4 /10, Health 4 /10, Speed 7 /10
* Resists Entropy

> Rotweaver
* Shrouded figure adorned with decaying flesh
* Flight – drifts around on dark energies
* Bile Spray attack – as bile zombie
* Summon Undead. This spawns a zombie, bile zombie or mouldy zombie. The rotweaver may only have 2 monsters exist at one time via this ability.
* Damage 4 /10, Health 4 /10, Speed 7 /10
* Resists Entropy

> Phantasmist
* Shrouded figure that is partially intangible
* Flight – drifts around on dark energies
* Enveloping Darkness attack – as wraith
* Summon Undead. This spawns a wraith, poltergeist or haunt. The phantasmist may only have 2 monsters exist at one time via this ability.
* Damage 4 /10, Health 4 /10, Speed 7 /10
* Resists Entropy

> Master Bonelord (elite)
* Shrouded figure adorned with bones, and wreathed in dark energies
* Flight – drifts around on dark energies
* Bone Throw attack – as skeleton, but throws 3 bones at once
* Summon Undead. This spawns a skeleton, blazing skeleton, stormstruck skeleton, skeletal cavalry, giant skeleton, flying skull, inferno skeleton or skeleton knight. The master bonelord may only have 3 monsters exist at one time via this ability, of which only 1 may be an elite
* Damage 4 /10, Health 5 /10, Speed 8 /10
* Resists Entropy

> Master Rotweaver (elite)
* Shrouded figure adorned with decaying flesh, and wreathed in dark energies
* Flight – drifts around on dark energies
* Plague Spray attack – as plague zombie
* Summon Undead. This spawns a zombie, bile zombie, mouldy zombie, plague zombie or vinehost zombie. The master rotweaver may only have 3 monsters exist at one time via this ability, of which only 1 may be an elite
* Damage 4 /10, Health 5 /10, Speed 8 /10
* Resists Entropy

> Master Phantasmist (elite)
* Shrouded figure that is partially intangible, and wreathed in dark energies
* Flight – drifts around on dark energies
* Enveloping Darkness attack – as ancient wraith
* Summon Undead. This spawns a wraith, poltergeist, haunt, ancient wraith, ancient poltergeist or ancient haunt. The master phantasmist may only have 3 monsters exist at one time via this ability, of which only 1 may be an elite
* Damage 4 /10, Health 5 /10, Speed 8 /10
* Resists Entropy

> Master Necromancer (boss)
* Cloaked figure with the hood down, revealing a withered husk of a man near death; the figure is wreathed in dark energies
* Flight – drifts around on dark energies
* Summon Undead – may spawn any Skeleton, Zombie or Spectre except bosses. 3 monsters are spawned at once each time this is used, though only 1 of the 3 monsters in each use may be an elite. There is no limit on how many monsters may exist at a time via this ability.
* Damage 4 /10, Health 5 /10, Speed 8 /10
* Resists Entropy

> Grand Necromancer (overlord)
* Similar design to the master necromancer, but inside a huge humanoid construct of spectral and necromantic energy
* Summon Undead – may spawn any elite Skeleton, Zombie or Spectre except bosses (cannot spawn basics). Spawns 2 monsters at once when used. There is no limit on how many monsters may exist at one time via this ability
* Bone Throw attack – as the skeleton, but throws 8 bones in quick succession
* Spore Release attack – as the mouldy zombie, but the spores travel faster
* Enveloping Darkness attack – as the venerable spectre
* Psychokinesis attack – as the poltergeist, but the rocks are fired 0.1 seconds apart (instead of 0.3 seconds), and [6 + (3 x tier)] rocks are pulled out instead
* Wither attack – as the necromancer, but fires multiple shots (36 shots total) in allow directions, and a hit causes a -45% Magic Power for 15 seconds debuff instead of the normal Magic Power debuff
* Damage 7 /10, Health 5 /10, Speed 6 /10
* Resists Entropy


-Unlockable Paths-

I’d suggest the following unlockables for these monsters:-

* Available from the start:- Skeleton, Skeletal Cavalry, Zombie, Haunt, Necromancer, Grand Necromancer
* Destroy 20 Skeletons:- Unlock Blazing Skeleton and Stormstruck Skeleton
* Destroy 50 Skeletons:- Unlock Giant Skeleton
* Destroy 100 Skeletons:- Unlock Bone Pile (background object)
* Destroy 20 Skeletal Cavalry:- Unlock Flying Skull
* Destroy 50 Skeletal Cavalry:- Unlock Skeleton Knight
* Destroy 100 Flying Skulls:- Unlock Skull (background object)
* Destroy 50 Blazing Skeleton:- Unlock Inferno Skeleton
* Destroy 100 Skeleton Knights:- Unlock Coat Of Arms (background object)
* Destroy 20 Giant Skeletons:- Unlock Paranthropus
* Destroy 100 Giant Skeletons:- Unlock Giant Skull (background object)
* Destroy 5 Paranthropus:- Unlock Giant Ribcage (background object)
* Destroy 20 Zombies:- Unlock Bile Zombie and Mouldy Zombie
* Destroy 100 Zombies:- Unlock Tombstone (background object)
* Destroy 50 Bile Zombies:- Unlock Plague Zombie
* Destroy 50 Mouldy Zombies:- Unlock Vinehost Zombie
* Destroy 100 Vinehost Zombies: Unlock Hangman’s Tree (background object)
* Destroy 20 Haunts:- Unlock Wraith and Poltergeist
* Destroy 50 Haunts:- Unlock Ancient Haunt
* Destroy 50 Wraiths:- Unlock Ancient Wraith
* Destroy 50 Poltergeists:- Unlock Ancient Poltergeist
* Destroy 20 Ancient Wraiths:- Unlock Venerable Spectre
* Destroy 100 Ancient Poltergeists: Unlock Necromantic Banner (background object)
* Destroy 20 Necromancers:- Unlock Bonelord, Rotweaver and Phantasmist
* Destroy 50 Necromancers:- Unlock Master Necromancer
* Destroy 50 Bonelords:- Unlock Master Bonelord
* Destroy 50 Rotweavers:- Unlock Master Rotweaver
* Destroy 50 Phantasmists:- Unlock Master Phantasmist
* Destroy 100 Master Bonelords:- Unlock Bone Chests (background objects)
* Destroy 100 Master Rotweavers:- Unlock Skull Lanterns (background objects)
* Destroy 100 Master Phantasmists:- Unlock Haunted Painting (background object)

-Background Objects-

* Bone Pile – A stack of bones. If destroyed, fires 4 Bone Throw attacks as skeletons, each in a random direction
* Skull – A small skull
* Coat Of Arms – A knight’s heraldry on a tapestry. Indoor only object
* Giant Skull – A huge skull
* Giant Ribcage – A huge ribcage lying on its back (so the ribs point upwards). If possible, one side of the ribs are in the foreground (so you walk between the ribs). Outdoor only object
* Tombstone – A tombstone. Drops granite when destroyed, and has a 50% chance to spawn a random non-boss skeleton, zombie or spectre within 3 tiles of it when destroyed
* Hangman’s Tree – As the dead tree, but with a hangman’s noose hanging from one of the branches. Outdoor only object
* Necromantic Banner – A banner similar to the monster spawners, but scribed with various arcane runes. Acts as a monster spawner but may only spawn skeletons, zombies and spectres
* Bone Chests – As normal chests (with the same rewards when destroyed), but made of bone
* Skull Lanterns – Lights affixed to the back wall; a candle inside an open-topped human skull. Inside only object
* Haunted Painting – A painting whose eyes always look at the players’ location. Inside only object
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Internal WeightFeature Suggestion



Jun 1, 2012 3:57 am

reporter   ~0025351

Hey, EVERYTHING is better with Zombies and Undead! Who's to say every human that suffers a fate worse than death becomes a vengeful spirit? Some shambling corpses would be a welcome addition, especially in areas like The Deep.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
May 19, 2012 4:16 pm BenMiff New Issue
May 19, 2012 4:35 pm BenMiff Description Updated
May 21, 2012 1:19 pm tigersfan Internal Weight => Feature Suggestion
May 21, 2012 1:19 pm tigersfan Status new => considering
Jun 1, 2012 3:57 am RetroNutcase Note Added: 0025351