Description | Sorry, but I suck at making up cool sounding names. So I'm just going to go with the ship idea. Basically I'm suggesting dual role heavy assault carrier. The "carrier" would actually just be spawned melee combat drones, setup as autofollow/autoattack with a very short range. The weapons of the spireship would be 4 XL beam-cannon style weapons, axial mounted. This gives it a very small arc of fire, to the front only. As a balancer, it should be slow to turn and maneuver. Medium armor and bare minimum shields, supported by onboard anti-missile, and anti-sniper systems. The idea is a relatively self sufficent ship, capable of thinning advancing waves, defending itself in close combat, but not in such a way to create a uber carrier. One would imagine a wide design for its class would be required to mount a carrier bay like system, as well as 4 xl beam weapons, as well as the lack of maneuverabillity, could make this a good target for targeted bomb and long range attacks. suggested weak vs units: bombers, anti armor, sentinel. Strong vs: Anything heavy structure or bigger, all mk1,2 fighters,melee ships,planes,ect. |