3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED23 TID11 Unrequested attribute 'should_never_be_captured_by_another_faction' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED24 TID17 Unrequested attribute 'should_never_be_captured_by_another_faction' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED25 TID5 Unrequested attribute 'should_never_be_captured_by_another_faction' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED26 TID27 Unrequested attribute 'should_never_be_captured_by_another_faction' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED27 TID20 Unrequested attribute 'health_change_per_damage_dealt' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED28 TID6 Unrequested attribute 'health_change_per_damage_dealt' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED29 TID16 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED30 TID23 Unrequested attribute 'should_never_be_captured_by_another_faction' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED31 TID28 Unrequested attribute 'should_never_be_captured_by_another_faction' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED32 TID12 Unrequested attribute 'should_never_be_captured_by_another_faction' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED33 TID21 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_attrition' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED34 TID20 Unrequested attribute 'should_never_be_captured_by_another_faction' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED35 TID26 Unrequested attribute 'health_change_per_damage_dealt' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED36 TID27 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED37 TID8 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_attrition' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED38 TID24 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_attrition' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED39 TID16 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED40 TID17 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_attrition' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED41 TID5 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_attrition' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED42 TID25 Unrequested attribute 'should_never_be_captured_by_another_faction' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED43 TID11 Unrequested attribute 'should_never_be_captured_by_another_faction' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED44 TID10 Unrequested attribute 'stack_damage_multiplier' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED45 TID22 Unrequested attribute 'health_change_per_damage_dealt' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED46 TID15 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_attrition' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED47 TID19 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED48 TID6 Unrequested attribute 'should_never_be_captured_by_another_faction' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED49 TID28 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_attrition' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED50 TID7 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_attrition' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED51 TID12 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_attrition' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED52 TID15 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED53 TID28 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED54 TID7 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED55 TID6 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_attrition' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED56 TID12 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED57 TID19 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED58 TID22 Unrequested attribute 'should_never_be_captured_by_another_faction' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED59 TID15 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED60 TID28 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED61 TID12 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED62 TID19 Unrequested attribute 'can_change_state_of_matter_from_weapon_effects' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED63 TID6 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED64 TID22 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_attrition' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED65 TID15 Unrequested attribute 'can_change_state_of_matter_from_weapon_effects' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED66 TID7 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED67 TID12 Unrequested attribute 'can_change_state_of_matter_from_weapon_effects' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED68 TID28 Unrequested attribute 'can_change_state_of_matter_from_weapon_effects' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED69 TID22 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED70 TID6 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED71 TID7 Unrequested attribute 'can_change_state_of_matter_from_weapon_effects' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED72 TID22 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED73 TID6 Unrequested attribute 'can_change_state_of_matter_from_weapon_effects' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED74 TID22 Unrequested attribute 'can_change_state_of_matter_from_weapon_effects' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED75 TID26 Unrequested attribute 'should_never_be_captured_by_another_faction' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED76 TID21 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED77 TID27 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED78 TID25 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_attrition' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED79 TID16 Unrequested attribute 'can_change_state_of_matter_from_weapon_effects' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED80 TID8 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED81 TID24 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED82 TID17 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED83 TID5 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED84 TID27 Unrequested attribute 'can_change_state_of_matter_from_weapon_effects' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED85 TID21 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED86 TID11 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_attrition' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED87 TID25 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED88 TID8 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED89 TID24 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED90 TID17 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED91 TID5 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED92 TID21 Unrequested attribute 'can_change_state_of_matter_from_weapon_effects' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED93 TID25 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED94 TID11 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED95 TID8 Unrequested attribute 'can_change_state_of_matter_from_weapon_effects' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED96 TID5 Unrequested attribute 'can_change_state_of_matter_from_weapon_effects' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED97 TID17 Unrequested attribute 'can_change_state_of_matter_from_weapon_effects' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED98 TID25 Unrequested attribute 'can_change_state_of_matter_from_weapon_effects' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED99 TID11 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED100 TID11 Unrequested attribute 'can_change_state_of_matter_from_weapon_effects' on node: 3/9/2022 6:14:24 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Lord Of Nothing' 3/9/2022 6:18:06 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 3/9/2022 6:18:06 PM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1420s) 3/9/2022 6:18:07 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19043) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti graphicsDeviceID: 8578 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 5991 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor processorCount: 12 processorFrequency: 3593 systemMemorySize: 16332 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 3/9/2022 6:18:07 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Game Version: 4.002 3/9/2022 6:18:07 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.2389s) 3/9/2022 6:18:07 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 3/9/2022 6:18:07 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.0210s) 3/9/2022 6:18:07 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Found 495 xml files in 134 folders in 53ms 3/9/2022 6:18:07 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (0.5801s) 3/9/2022 6:18:07 PM 4.002 SINGLEP 495 Xml Files Parsed in 521ms 3/9/2022 6:18:07 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 3/9/2022 6:18:07 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0030s) 3/9/2022 6:18:07 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0190s) 3/9/2022 6:18:07 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 3/9/2022 6:18:07 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (NOT INSTALLED) 3/9/2022 6:18:07 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Mods: AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Enabled!) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) StrategicRebalance (Disabled) StrategicRebalanceDLC1 (Disabled) StrategicRebalanceDLC2 (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) 3/9/2022 6:18:07 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0250s) 3/9/2022 6:18:07 PM 4.002 SINGLEP 495 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 9ms 3/9/2022 6:18:07 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0590s) 3/9/2022 6:18:07 PM 4.002 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 3/9/2022 6:18:07 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 3/9/2022 6:18:07 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 120 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:120) 3/9/2022 6:18:07 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.0850s) 3/9/2022 6:18:08 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1490s) 3/9/2022 6:18:08 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.1850s) 3/9/2022 6:18:08 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.3559s) 3/9/2022 6:18:08 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 3/9/2022 6:18:08 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.2511s) 3/9/2022 6:18:08 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0150s) 3/9/2022 6:18:08 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0130s) 3/9/2022 6:18:08 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0560s) 3/9/2022 6:18:09 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0300s) 3/9/2022 6:18:09 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Blowing Out Starfields (0.1060s) 3/9/2022 6:18:09 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Digitising Distant Planets (0.1040s) 3/9/2022 6:18:09 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0090s) 3/9/2022 6:18:09 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Declaring Ship Part Sovereignty (0.4451s) 3/9/2022 6:18:09 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0880s) 3/9/2022 6:18:11 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Investigating Meaning Of Life (1.5474s) 3/9/2022 6:18:11 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0100s) 3/9/2022 6:18:11 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for AIEmpowerer 3/9/2022 6:18:11 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for AIEmpowerer 3/9/2022 6:18:11 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for Chaotician 3/9/2022 6:18:11 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:18:11 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:18:11 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:18:11 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:18:11 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:18:11 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0200s) 3/9/2022 6:18:11 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0170s) 3/9/2022 6:18:11 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.1010s) 3/9/2022 6:18:11 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.3911s) 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.3601s) 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0050s) 3/9/2022 6:18:11 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID12 Info: will dump 1469 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_attrition' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP We got 24 campaign's data when deserializing 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.2952s) 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0150s) 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP 5.7 seconds total load time. Check For Extra Modules (0.6s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.3s) Declaring Ship Part Sovereignty (0.4s) Investigating Meaning Of Life (1.5s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.4s) Stimulate Modulation (0.4s) Final Checks (0.3s) 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID11 Unrequested attribute 'stack_damage_multiplier' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID7 Unrequested attribute 'count_to_spawn_on_death' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID8 Unrequested attribute 'stack_damage_multiplier' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID12 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_attrition' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID13 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_attrition' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID15 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_attrition' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID6 Unrequested attribute 'health_change_per_damage_dealt' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID5 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_attrition' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED10 TID9 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_attrition' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED11 TID17 Unrequested attribute 'health_change_per_damage_dealt' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED12 TID14 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_attrition' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED13 TID10 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_attrition' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED14 TID12 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED15 TID16 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_attrition' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED16 TID17 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_attrition' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED17 TID8 Unrequested attribute 'stack_damage_multiplier' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED18 TID13 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED19 TID14 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED20 TID5 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED21 TID6 Unrequested attribute 'health_change_per_damage_dealt' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED22 TID11 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_attrition' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED23 TID7 Unrequested attribute 'health_change_per_damage_dealt' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED24 TID8 Unrequested attribute 'stack_damage_multiplier' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED25 TID9 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED26 TID12 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED27 TID17 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED28 TID13 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED29 TID16 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED30 TID14 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED31 TID11 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED32 TID6 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_attrition' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED33 TID9 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED34 TID17 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED35 TID5 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED36 TID7 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED37 TID8 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED38 TID11 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED39 TID15 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED40 TID10 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED41 TID16 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED42 TID12 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_attrition' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED43 TID7 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED44 TID10 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED45 TID6 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED46 TID15 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED47 TID8 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED48 TID7 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_attrition' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED49 TID6 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED50 TID12 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED51 TID7 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED52 TID8 Unrequested attribute 'health_change_per_damage_dealt' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED53 TID7 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED54 TID8 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_attrition' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED55 TID12 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED56 TID8 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_electrotoxic_damage' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED57 TID8 Unrequested attribute 'multiplier_to_revenge_shots' on node: 3/9/2022 6:18:12 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Lord Of Nothing' 3/9/2022 6:27:14 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 3/9/2022 6:27:14 PM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1330s) 3/9/2022 6:27:14 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19043) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti graphicsDeviceID: 8578 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 5991 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor processorCount: 12 processorFrequency: 3593 systemMemorySize: 16332 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 3/9/2022 6:27:14 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Game Version: 4.002 3/9/2022 6:27:14 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.2409s) 3/9/2022 6:27:14 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 3/9/2022 6:27:14 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.0240s) 3/9/2022 6:27:14 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Found 495 xml files in 134 folders in 58ms 3/9/2022 6:27:14 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID11 Early error report: D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/XMLMods/LONExowarVariety/GameEntity\LON_NastierExowarUnits.xml: LoadAllFoundXmlFilesIntoMemory debugStage 4000: System.Xml.XmlException: 'priority_as_ai_target' is an unexpected token. Expecting white space. Line 316, position 81. at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw (System.Exception e) [0x00027] in <0f9699188f0c414ea6fb5557f5c16d15>:0 at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw (System.String res, System.String arg) [0x00029] in <0f9699188f0c414ea6fb5557f5c16d15>:0 at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw (System.Int32 pos, System.String res, System.String arg) [0x0000c] in <0f9699188f0c414ea6fb5557f5c16d15>:0 at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowExpectingWhitespace (System.Int32 pos) [0x00018] in <0f9699188f0c414ea6fb5557f5c16d15>:0 at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseAttributes () [0x00194] in <0f9699188f0c414ea6fb5557f5c16d15>:0 at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElement () [0x001df] in <0f9699188f0c414ea6fb5557f5c16d15>:0 at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElementContent () [0x0016f] in <0f9699188f0c414ea6fb5557f5c16d15>:0 at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read () [0x00085] in <0f9699188f0c414ea6fb5557f5c16d15>:0 at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadNode (System.Boolean skipOverWhitespace) [0x0025b] in <0f9699188f0c414ea6fb5557f5c16d15>:0 at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadDocSequence (System.Xml.XmlDocument parentDoc) [0x0001b] in <0f9699188f0c414ea6fb5557f5c16d15>:0 at System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load (System.Xml.XmlDocument doc, System.Xml.XmlReader reader, System.Boolean preserveWhitespace) [0x000b4] in <0f9699188f0c414ea6fb5557f5c16d15>:0 at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load (System.Xml.XmlReader reader) [0x0002e] in <0f9699188f0c414ea6fb5557f5c16d15>:0 at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load (System.String filename) [0x00013] in <0f9699188f0c414ea6fb5557f5c16d15>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenXMLCache+<>c__DisplayClass7_0.b__0 (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCachedXMLDocument CachedDoc) [0x0003d] in <840a78b1269f4ce59e1c34693ecb56d9>:0 3/9/2022 6:27:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (0.6081s) 3/9/2022 6:27:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP 495 Xml Files Parsed in 544ms 3/9/2022 6:27:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 3/9/2022 6:27:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0050s) 3/9/2022 6:27:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0170s) 3/9/2022 6:27:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 3/9/2022 6:27:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (NOT INSTALLED) 3/9/2022 6:27:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Mods: AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Enabled!) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) StrategicRebalance (Disabled) StrategicRebalanceDLC1 (Disabled) StrategicRebalanceDLC2 (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) 3/9/2022 6:27:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID6 ExpMod Check error report: D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/XMLMods/LONExowarVariety/GameEntity\LON_NastierExowarUnits.xml: LoadAllFoundXmlFilesIntoMemory debugStage 100: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.Universal.ArcenXMLCache+<>c__DisplayClass9_0.b__0 (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCachedXMLDocument CachedDoc) [0x0002c] in <840a78b1269f4ce59e1c34693ecb56d9>:0 3/9/2022 6:27:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0230s) 3/9/2022 6:27:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP 495 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 7ms 3/9/2022 6:27:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0590s) 3/9/2022 6:27:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 3/9/2022 6:27:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 3/9/2022 6:27:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 120 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:120) 3/9/2022 6:27:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.0920s) 3/9/2022 6:27:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1409s) 3/9/2022 6:27:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.1750s) 3/9/2022 6:27:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.3831s) 3/9/2022 6:27:16 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 3/9/2022 6:27:16 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.2490s) 3/9/2022 6:27:16 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0150s) 3/9/2022 6:27:16 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0140s) 3/9/2022 6:27:16 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0510s) 3/9/2022 6:27:16 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0300s) 3/9/2022 6:27:16 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Eating Starfields (0.0999s) 3/9/2022 6:27:16 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Destroying Distant Planets (0.1010s) 3/9/2022 6:27:16 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0100s) 3/9/2022 6:27:16 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Error happened in MOD: ExoWar Improvements. Please contact the mod author. It may cause other parts of the game unrelated to this mod not to function. Error details: Error reading GameEntityTypeDataTable: Xml parsing error on table load: D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/XMLMods/LONExowarVariety/GameEntity\LON_NastierExowarUnits.xml: LoadAllFoundXmlFilesIntoMemory debugStage 4000: System.Xml.XmlException: 'priority_as_ai_target' is an unexpected token. Expecting white space. Line 316, position 81. at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw (System.Exception e) [0x00027] in <0f9699188f0c414ea6fb5557f5c16d15>:0 at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw (System.String res, System.String arg) [0x00029] in <0f9699188f0c414ea6fb5557f5c16d15>:0 at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw (System.Int32 pos, System.String res, System.String arg) [0x0000c] in <0f9699188f0c414ea6fb5557f5c16d15>:0 at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowExpectingWhitespace (System.Int32 pos) [0x00018] in <0f9699188f0c414ea6fb5557f5c16d15>:0 at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseAttributes () [0x00194] in <0f9699188f0c414ea6fb5557f5c16d15>:0 at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElement () [0x001df] in <0f9699188f0c414ea6fb5557f5c16d15>:0 at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElementContent () [0x0016f] in <0f9699188f0c414ea6fb5557f5c16d15>:0 at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read () [0x00085] in <0f9699188f0c414ea6fb5557f5c16d15>:0 at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadNode (System.Boolean skipOverWhitespace) [0x0025b] in <0f9699188f0c414ea6fb5557f5c16d15>:0 at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadDocSequence (System.Xml.XmlDocument parentDoc) [0x0001b] in <0f9699188f0c414ea6fb5557f5c16d15>:0 at System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load (System.Xml.XmlDocument doc, System.Xml.XmlReader reader, System.Boolean preserveWhitespace) [0x000b4] in <0f9699188f0c414ea6fb5557f5c16d15>:0 at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load (System.Xml.XmlReader reader) [0x0002e] in <0f9699188f0c414ea6fb5557f5c16d15>:0 at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load (System.String filename) [0x00013] in <0f9699188f0c414ea6fb5557f5c16d15>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenXMLCache+<>c__DisplayClass7_0.b__0 (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCachedXMLDocument CachedDoc) [0x0003d] in <840a78b1269f4ce59e1c34693ecb56d9>:0 3/9/2022 6:27:16 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Finding Old Ship Parts (0.4389s) 3/9/2022 6:27:17 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1060s) 3/9/2022 6:27:18 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Wake Crew From Cryosleep (1.5598s) 3/9/2022 6:27:18 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0090s) 3/9/2022 6:27:18 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID33 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for AIEmpowerer 3/9/2022 6:27:18 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID33 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for AIEmpowerer 3/9/2022 6:27:18 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID33 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for Chaotician 3/9/2022 6:27:18 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID33 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:27:18 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID33 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:27:18 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID33 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:27:18 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID33 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:27:18 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED10 TID33 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:27:18 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0250s) 3/9/2022 6:27:18 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0170s) 3/9/2022 6:27:18 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.0990s) 3/9/2022 6:27:19 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.4001s) 3/9/2022 6:27:19 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.2701s) 3/9/2022 6:27:19 PM 4.002 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 3/9/2022 6:27:19 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0080s) 3/9/2022 6:27:19 PM 4.002 SINGLEP We got 24 campaign's data when deserializing 3/9/2022 6:27:19 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.2845s) 3/9/2022 6:27:19 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0060s) 3/9/2022 6:27:19 PM 4.002 SINGLEP 5.7 seconds total load time. Check For Extra Modules (0.6s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Finding Old Ship Parts (0.4s) Wake Crew From Cryosleep (1.6s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.4s) Stimulate Modulation (0.3s) Final Checks (0.3s) 3/9/2022 6:27:19 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Lord Of Nothing' 3/9/2022 6:28:14 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 3/9/2022 6:28:15 PM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1412s) 3/9/2022 6:28:15 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19043) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti graphicsDeviceID: 8578 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 5991 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor processorCount: 12 processorFrequency: 3593 systemMemorySize: 16332 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 3/9/2022 6:28:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Game Version: 4.002 3/9/2022 6:28:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.2303s) 3/9/2022 6:28:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 3/9/2022 6:28:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.0240s) 3/9/2022 6:28:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Found 495 xml files in 134 folders in 50ms 3/9/2022 6:28:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (0.6241s) 3/9/2022 6:28:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP 495 Xml Files Parsed in 555ms 3/9/2022 6:28:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 3/9/2022 6:28:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0030s) 3/9/2022 6:28:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0190s) 3/9/2022 6:28:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 3/9/2022 6:28:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (NOT INSTALLED) 3/9/2022 6:28:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Mods: AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Enabled!) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) StrategicRebalance (Disabled) StrategicRebalanceDLC1 (Disabled) StrategicRebalanceDLC2 (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) 3/9/2022 6:28:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0210s) 3/9/2022 6:28:15 PM 4.002 SINGLEP 495 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 6ms 3/9/2022 6:28:16 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0560s) 3/9/2022 6:28:16 PM 4.002 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 3/9/2022 6:28:16 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 3/9/2022 6:28:16 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 120 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:120) 3/9/2022 6:28:16 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.0930s) 3/9/2022 6:28:16 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1500s) 3/9/2022 6:28:16 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.1740s) 3/9/2022 6:28:16 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.3821s) 3/9/2022 6:28:16 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 3/9/2022 6:28:17 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.2511s) 3/9/2022 6:28:17 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0150s) 3/9/2022 6:28:17 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0140s) 3/9/2022 6:28:17 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0560s) 3/9/2022 6:28:17 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0290s) 3/9/2022 6:28:17 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Taunting Starfields (0.1030s) 3/9/2022 6:28:17 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Scouring Distant Planets (0.1010s) 3/9/2022 6:28:17 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0090s) 3/9/2022 6:28:17 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Remembering Lost Ship Parts (0.4431s) 3/9/2022 6:28:17 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0890s) 3/9/2022 6:28:19 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Remote Probe Programmed To Replicate (1.5437s) 3/9/2022 6:28:19 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0110s) 3/9/2022 6:28:19 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID16 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for AIEmpowerer 3/9/2022 6:28:19 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID16 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for AIEmpowerer 3/9/2022 6:28:19 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID16 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for Chaotician 3/9/2022 6:28:19 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID16 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:28:19 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID16 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:28:19 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID16 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:28:19 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID16 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:28:19 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID16 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:28:19 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0250s) 3/9/2022 6:28:19 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0150s) 3/9/2022 6:28:19 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.1020s) 3/9/2022 6:28:20 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.3911s) 3/9/2022 6:28:20 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.3571s) 3/9/2022 6:28:20 PM 4.002 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 3/9/2022 6:28:20 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0060s) 3/9/2022 6:28:20 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID10 Info: will dump 1469 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 3/9/2022 6:28:20 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Unrequested attribute 'count_to_spawn_on_death' on node: 3/9/2022 6:28:20 PM 4.002 SINGLEP We got 24 campaign's data when deserializing 3/9/2022 6:28:20 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.2901s) 3/9/2022 6:28:20 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0120s) 3/9/2022 6:28:20 PM 4.002 SINGLEP 5.8 seconds total load time. Check For Extra Modules (0.6s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.3s) Remembering Lost Ship Parts (0.4s) Remote Probe Programmed To Replicate (1.5s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.4s) Stimulate Modulation (0.4s) Final Checks (0.3s) 3/9/2022 6:28:20 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED10 TID12 Unrequested attribute 'stack_damage_multiplier' on node: 3/9/2022 6:28:20 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED11 TID10 Unrequested attribute 'stack_damage_multiplier' on node: 3/9/2022 6:28:20 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED12 TID7 Unrequested attribute 'stack_damage_multiplier' on node: 3/9/2022 6:28:20 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED13 TID11 Unrequested attribute 'stack_damage_multiplier' on node: 3/9/2022 6:28:20 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED14 TID15 Unrequested attribute 'health_change_per_damage_dealt' on node: 3/9/2022 6:28:20 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED15 TID6 Unrequested attribute 'health_change_per_damage_dealt' on node: 3/9/2022 6:28:20 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED16 TID14 Unrequested attribute 'health_change_per_damage_dealt' on node: 3/9/2022 6:28:20 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED17 TID16 Unrequested attribute 'health_change_per_damage_dealt' on node: 3/9/2022 6:28:20 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED18 TID9 Unrequested attribute 'health_change_per_damage_dealt' on node: 3/9/2022 6:28:20 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Lord Of Nothing' 3/9/2022 6:30:25 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 3/9/2022 6:30:25 PM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1420s) 3/9/2022 6:30:26 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19043) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti graphicsDeviceID: 8578 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 5991 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor processorCount: 12 processorFrequency: 3593 systemMemorySize: 16332 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 3/9/2022 6:30:26 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Game Version: 4.002 3/9/2022 6:30:26 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.2281s) 3/9/2022 6:30:26 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 3/9/2022 6:30:26 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.0240s) 3/9/2022 6:30:26 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Found 495 xml files in 134 folders in 52ms 3/9/2022 6:30:26 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (0.5911s) 3/9/2022 6:30:26 PM 4.002 SINGLEP 495 Xml Files Parsed in 534ms 3/9/2022 6:30:26 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 3/9/2022 6:30:26 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0030s) 3/9/2022 6:30:26 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0200s) 3/9/2022 6:30:26 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 3/9/2022 6:30:26 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (NOT INSTALLED) 3/9/2022 6:30:26 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Mods: AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Enabled!) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) StrategicRebalance (Disabled) StrategicRebalanceDLC1 (Disabled) StrategicRebalanceDLC2 (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) 3/9/2022 6:30:26 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0260s) 3/9/2022 6:30:26 PM 4.002 SINGLEP 495 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 8ms 3/9/2022 6:30:26 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0590s) 3/9/2022 6:30:26 PM 4.002 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 3/9/2022 6:30:26 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 3/9/2022 6:30:26 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 120 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:120) 3/9/2022 6:30:26 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.0850s) 3/9/2022 6:30:27 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1480s) 3/9/2022 6:30:27 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.1880s) 3/9/2022 6:30:27 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.3591s) 3/9/2022 6:30:27 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 3/9/2022 6:30:27 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.2551s) 3/9/2022 6:30:27 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0150s) 3/9/2022 6:30:27 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0130s) 3/9/2022 6:30:27 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0560s) 3/9/2022 6:30:28 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0310s) 3/9/2022 6:30:28 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Blowing Out Starfields (0.1040s) 3/9/2022 6:30:28 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Mapping Distant Planets (0.1020s) 3/9/2022 6:30:28 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0100s) 3/9/2022 6:30:28 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Kicking Ship Parts Down Elevator Shaft (0.4401s) 3/9/2022 6:30:28 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0890s) 3/9/2022 6:30:30 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Replicating Terminal (1.5415s) 3/9/2022 6:30:30 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0100s) 3/9/2022 6:30:30 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID14 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for AIEmpowerer 3/9/2022 6:30:30 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID14 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for AIEmpowerer 3/9/2022 6:30:30 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID14 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for Chaotician 3/9/2022 6:30:30 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID14 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:30:30 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID14 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:30:30 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID14 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:30:30 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID14 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:30:30 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID14 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:30:30 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0250s) 3/9/2022 6:30:30 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0170s) 3/9/2022 6:30:30 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.1010s) 3/9/2022 6:30:30 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.3931s) 3/9/2022 6:30:31 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.3591s) 3/9/2022 6:30:31 PM 4.002 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 3/9/2022 6:30:31 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0060s) 3/9/2022 6:30:30 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID11 Info: will dump 1469 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 3/9/2022 6:30:31 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Unrequested attribute 'health_change_per_damage_dealt' on node: 3/9/2022 6:30:31 PM 4.002 SINGLEP We got 24 campaign's data when deserializing 3/9/2022 6:30:31 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.2940s) 3/9/2022 6:30:31 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0170s) 3/9/2022 6:30:31 PM 4.002 SINGLEP 5.8 seconds total load time. Check For Extra Modules (0.6s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.3s) Kicking Ship Parts Down Elevator Shaft (0.4s) Replicating Terminal (1.5s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.4s) Stimulate Modulation (0.4s) Final Checks (0.3s) 3/9/2022 6:30:31 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED10 TID6 Unrequested attribute 'health_change_per_damage_dealt' on node: 3/9/2022 6:30:31 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED11 TID7 Unrequested attribute 'health_change_per_damage_dealt' on node: 3/9/2022 6:30:31 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED12 TID9 Unrequested attribute 'health_change_per_damage_dealt' on node: 3/9/2022 6:30:31 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED13 TID20 Unrequested attribute 'health_change_per_damage_dealt' on node: 3/9/2022 6:30:31 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Lord Of Nothing' 3/9/2022 6:35:42 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 3/9/2022 6:35:42 PM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1340s) 3/9/2022 6:35:42 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19043) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti graphicsDeviceID: 8578 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 5991 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor processorCount: 12 processorFrequency: 3593 systemMemorySize: 16332 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 3/9/2022 6:35:42 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Game Version: 4.002 3/9/2022 6:35:42 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.2466s) 3/9/2022 6:35:42 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 3/9/2022 6:35:42 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.0230s) 3/9/2022 6:35:42 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Found 495 xml files in 134 folders in 54ms 3/9/2022 6:35:43 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (0.6121s) 3/9/2022 6:35:43 PM 4.002 SINGLEP 495 Xml Files Parsed in 553ms 3/9/2022 6:35:43 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 3/9/2022 6:35:43 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0050s) 3/9/2022 6:35:43 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0190s) 3/9/2022 6:35:43 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 3/9/2022 6:35:43 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (NOT INSTALLED) 3/9/2022 6:35:43 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Mods: AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Enabled!) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) StrategicRebalance (Disabled) StrategicRebalanceDLC1 (Disabled) StrategicRebalanceDLC2 (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) 3/9/2022 6:35:43 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0220s) 3/9/2022 6:35:43 PM 4.002 SINGLEP 495 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 6ms 3/9/2022 6:35:43 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0570s) 3/9/2022 6:35:43 PM 4.002 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 3/9/2022 6:35:43 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 3/9/2022 6:35:43 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 120 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:120) 3/9/2022 6:35:43 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.0960s) 3/9/2022 6:35:43 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1410s) 3/9/2022 6:35:43 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.1750s) 3/9/2022 6:35:44 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.3821s) 3/9/2022 6:35:44 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 3/9/2022 6:35:44 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.2481s) 3/9/2022 6:35:44 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0150s) 3/9/2022 6:35:44 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0130s) 3/9/2022 6:35:44 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0560s) 3/9/2022 6:35:44 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0300s) 3/9/2022 6:35:44 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Grappling Starfields (0.0990s) 3/9/2022 6:35:44 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Combing Distant Planets (0.1070s) 3/9/2022 6:35:44 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0090s) 3/9/2022 6:35:45 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Violating Ship Part Bylaws (0.4421s) 3/9/2022 6:35:45 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0890s) 3/9/2022 6:35:46 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Engaging Dorsal Circuits (1.5375s) 3/9/2022 6:35:46 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0120s) 3/9/2022 6:35:46 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID5 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for AIEmpowerer 3/9/2022 6:35:46 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID5 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for AIEmpowerer 3/9/2022 6:35:46 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID5 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for Chaotician 3/9/2022 6:35:46 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID5 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:35:46 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID5 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:35:46 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID5 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:35:46 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID5 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:35:46 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID5 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:35:46 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0260s) 3/9/2022 6:35:46 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0150s) 3/9/2022 6:35:47 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.1010s) 3/9/2022 6:35:47 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.4061s) 3/9/2022 6:35:47 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.3631s) 3/9/2022 6:35:47 PM 4.002 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 3/9/2022 6:35:47 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0060s) 3/9/2022 6:35:47 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID7 Info: will dump 1469 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 3/9/2022 6:35:48 PM 4.002 SINGLEP We got 24 campaign's data when deserializing 3/9/2022 6:35:48 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.2836s) 3/9/2022 6:35:48 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0040s) 3/9/2022 6:35:48 PM 4.002 SINGLEP 5.8 seconds total load time. Check For Extra Modules (0.6s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Violating Ship Part Bylaws (0.4s) Engaging Dorsal Circuits (1.5s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.4s) Stimulate Modulation (0.4s) Final Checks (0.3s) 3/9/2022 6:35:48 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Lord Of Nothing' 3/9/2022 6:35:53 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Start load save: D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/FallOfRomeDERAILED\Prehack.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 3/9/2022 6:35:53 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 3/9/2022 6:35:54 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Finish load save in 644ms 3/9/2022 6:36:05 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 4002_MacrophageLive Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 3/9/2022 6:40:40 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 3/9/2022 6:40:41 PM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1420s) 3/9/2022 6:40:41 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19043) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti graphicsDeviceID: 8578 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 5991 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor processorCount: 12 processorFrequency: 3593 systemMemorySize: 16332 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 3/9/2022 6:40:41 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Game Version: 4.002 3/9/2022 6:40:41 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.2451s) 3/9/2022 6:40:41 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 3/9/2022 6:40:41 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.0220s) 3/9/2022 6:40:41 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Found 495 xml files in 134 folders in 54ms 3/9/2022 6:40:41 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (0.6131s) 3/9/2022 6:40:41 PM 4.002 SINGLEP 495 Xml Files Parsed in 549ms 3/9/2022 6:40:41 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 3/9/2022 6:40:41 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0030s) 3/9/2022 6:40:41 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0200s) 3/9/2022 6:40:41 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 3/9/2022 6:40:41 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (NOT INSTALLED) 3/9/2022 6:40:41 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Mods: AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Enabled!) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) StrategicRebalance (Disabled) StrategicRebalanceDLC1 (Disabled) StrategicRebalanceDLC2 (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) 3/9/2022 6:40:41 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0220s) 3/9/2022 6:40:41 PM 4.002 SINGLEP 495 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 6ms 3/9/2022 6:40:41 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0550s) 3/9/2022 6:40:42 PM 4.002 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 3/9/2022 6:40:42 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 3/9/2022 6:40:42 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 120 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:120) 3/9/2022 6:40:42 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.0980s) 3/9/2022 6:40:42 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1510s) 3/9/2022 6:40:42 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.1770s) 3/9/2022 6:40:42 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.3931s) 3/9/2022 6:40:42 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 3/9/2022 6:40:43 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.2511s) 3/9/2022 6:40:43 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0150s) 3/9/2022 6:40:43 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0150s) 3/9/2022 6:40:43 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0615s) 3/9/2022 6:40:43 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0320s) 3/9/2022 6:40:43 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Challenging Starfields (0.1034s) 3/9/2022 6:40:43 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Detecting Distant Planets (0.1010s) 3/9/2022 6:40:43 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0090s) 3/9/2022 6:40:43 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Finding Old Ship Parts (0.4431s) 3/9/2022 6:40:43 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0900s) 3/9/2022 6:40:45 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Integrate Leading Edges (1.5612s) 3/9/2022 6:40:45 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0120s) 3/9/2022 6:40:45 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID18 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for AIEmpowerer 3/9/2022 6:40:45 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID18 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for AIEmpowerer 3/9/2022 6:40:45 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID18 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for Chaotician 3/9/2022 6:40:45 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID18 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:40:45 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID18 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:40:45 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID18 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:40:45 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID18 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:40:45 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID18 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:40:45 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0250s) 3/9/2022 6:40:45 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0150s) 3/9/2022 6:40:45 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.1020s) 3/9/2022 6:40:46 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.4101s) 3/9/2022 6:40:46 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.3611s) 3/9/2022 6:40:46 PM 4.002 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 3/9/2022 6:40:46 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0080s) 3/9/2022 6:40:46 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID24 Info: will dump 1469 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 3/9/2022 6:40:46 PM 4.002 SINGLEP We got 24 campaign's data when deserializing 3/9/2022 6:40:46 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.2841s) 3/9/2022 6:40:46 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0040s) 3/9/2022 6:40:46 PM 4.002 SINGLEP 5.9 seconds total load time. Check For Extra Modules (0.6s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.3s) Finding Old Ship Parts (0.4s) Integrate Leading Edges (1.6s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.4s) Stimulate Modulation (0.4s) Final Checks (0.3s) 3/9/2022 6:40:46 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Lord Of Nothing' 3/9/2022 6:40:52 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED10 TID37 Update mod and expansion statuses! 3/9/2022 6:40:52 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED11 TID37 Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (NOT INSTALLED) 3/9/2022 6:40:52 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED12 TID37 Mods: AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) StrategicRebalance (Disabled) StrategicRebalanceDLC1 (Disabled) StrategicRebalanceDLC2 (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) 3/9/2022 6:40:52 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Reload All Tables That Allow For That 3/9/2022 6:40:52 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED13 TID33 Reset All Pools From Xml Reload 3/9/2022 6:40:56 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED14 TID33 Reuse And Ready (4.0078s) 3/9/2022 6:40:56 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED15 TID33 Found 493 xml files in 132 folders in 40ms 3/9/2022 6:40:57 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED16 TID33 Clear And Reload Xml (0.5029s) 3/9/2022 6:40:57 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED17 TID33 493 Xml Files Parsed in 462ms 3/9/2022 6:40:57 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED18 TID33 Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0050s) 3/9/2022 6:40:57 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED19 TID33 493 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 4ms 3/9/2022 6:40:57 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED20 TID33 Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0000s) 3/9/2022 6:40:57 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED21 TID33 Prep Tables (0.0110s) 3/9/2022 6:40:57 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Tables Are Prepped (0.0020s) 3/9/2022 6:40:57 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 3/9/2022 6:40:57 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Initialize Tables (0.4701s) 3/9/2022 6:40:57 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Do Table Post-Init (0.0030s) 3/9/2022 6:40:58 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Re-inverting All Vacuum Chambers (0.4704s) 3/9/2022 6:40:58 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0090s) 3/9/2022 6:40:58 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED22 TID72 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for AIEmpowerer 3/9/2022 6:40:58 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED23 TID72 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for AIEmpowerer 3/9/2022 6:40:58 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED24 TID72 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for Chaotician 3/9/2022 6:40:58 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED25 TID72 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:40:58 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED26 TID72 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:40:58 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED27 TID72 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:40:58 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED28 TID72 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:40:58 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED29 TID72 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:40:58 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0130s) 3/9/2022 6:40:58 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0120s) 3/9/2022 6:40:58 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.0230s) 3/9/2022 6:40:58 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.1570s) 3/9/2022 6:40:58 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.1040s) 3/9/2022 6:40:58 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED30 TID62 Info: will dump 1444 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 3/9/2022 6:40:58 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0030s) 3/9/2022 6:40:58 PM 4.002 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 3/9/2022 6:40:58 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 3/9/2022 6:40:58 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 120 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:120) 3/9/2022 6:57:53 PM SINGLEP Current directory used: D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 3/9/2022 6:57:53 PM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.1440s) 3/9/2022 6:57:53 PM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19043) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti graphicsDeviceID: 8578 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 5991 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor processorCount: 12 processorFrequency: 3593 systemMemorySize: 16332 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 3/9/2022 6:57:53 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Game Version: 4.002 3/9/2022 6:57:53 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.2417s) 3/9/2022 6:57:53 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 3/9/2022 6:57:53 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.0220s) 3/9/2022 6:57:53 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Found 495 xml files in 134 folders in 52ms 3/9/2022 6:57:53 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (0.5871s) 3/9/2022 6:57:53 PM 4.002 SINGLEP 495 Xml Files Parsed in 529ms 3/9/2022 6:57:53 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 3/9/2022 6:57:53 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0070s) 3/9/2022 6:57:54 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0200s) 3/9/2022 6:57:54 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 3/9/2022 6:57:54 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (NOT INSTALLED) 3/9/2022 6:57:54 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Mods: AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) StrategicRebalance (Disabled) StrategicRebalanceDLC1 (Disabled) StrategicRebalanceDLC2 (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) 3/9/2022 6:57:54 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0250s) 3/9/2022 6:57:54 PM 4.002 SINGLEP 495 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 10ms 3/9/2022 6:57:54 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0620s) 3/9/2022 6:57:54 PM 4.002 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 3/9/2022 6:57:54 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 3/9/2022 6:57:54 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 120 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:120) 3/9/2022 6:57:54 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.0880s) 3/9/2022 6:57:54 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (0.1460s) 3/9/2022 6:57:54 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.1830s) 3/9/2022 6:57:54 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.3601s) 3/9/2022 6:57:54 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 3/9/2022 6:57:55 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (0.2791s) 3/9/2022 6:57:55 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0200s) 3/9/2022 6:57:55 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0310s) 3/9/2022 6:57:55 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.0560s) 3/9/2022 6:57:55 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0310s) 3/9/2022 6:57:55 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Stabbing Starfields (0.1040s) 3/9/2022 6:57:55 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Verifying Distant Planets (0.1010s) 3/9/2022 6:57:55 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0100s) 3/9/2022 6:57:55 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Offending Sentient Ship Parts (0.4631s) 3/9/2022 6:57:56 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.0910s) 3/9/2022 6:57:57 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Reticulate Splines (1.6859s) 3/9/2022 6:57:57 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0100s) 3/9/2022 6:57:57 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID24 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for AIEmpowerer 3/9/2022 6:57:57 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID24 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for AIEmpowerer 3/9/2022 6:57:57 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID24 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for Chaotician 3/9/2022 6:57:57 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID24 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:57:57 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID24 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:57:57 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID24 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:57:57 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID24 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:57:57 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID24 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/9/2022 6:57:57 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.0260s) 3/9/2022 6:57:57 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0160s) 3/9/2022 6:57:57 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.0990s) 3/9/2022 6:57:58 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.4081s) 3/9/2022 6:57:58 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.3591s) 3/9/2022 6:57:58 PM 4.002 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 3/9/2022 6:57:58 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0050s) 3/9/2022 6:57:58 PM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID12 Info: will dump 1444 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 3/9/2022 6:57:58 PM 4.002 SINGLEP We got 24 campaign's data when deserializing 3/9/2022 6:57:58 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.2876s) 3/9/2022 6:57:58 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0030s) 3/9/2022 6:57:58 PM 4.002 SINGLEP 6.0 seconds total load time. Check For Extra Modules (0.6s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (0.3s) Offending Sentient Ship Parts (0.5s) Reticulate Splines (1.7s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.4s) Stimulate Modulation (0.4s) Final Checks (0.3s) 3/9/2022 6:57:59 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Lord Of Nothing' 3/9/2022 6:59:21 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Start load save: D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/FallOfRomeDERAILED\Not so relentless.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 3/9/2022 6:59:21 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 3/9/2022 6:59:21 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Finish load save in 696ms 3/9/2022 7:14:23 PM 4.002 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 3/10/2022 1:56:33 AM SINGLEP Current directory used: D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/ PlayerDataDirectory used: D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/ 3/10/2022 1:56:33 AM SINGLEP Boot up FleetOS (0.2501s) 3/10/2022 1:56:34 AM SINGLEP graphicsDeviceType in use: Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVersion in use: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMultiThreaded: False graphicsShaderLevel: 50 operatingSystem: Windows 10 (10.0.19043) 64bit graphicsDeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti graphicsDeviceID: 8578 graphicsDeviceVendor: NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID: 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize: 5991 maxTextureSize: 16384 npotSupport: Full processorType: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor processorCount: 12 processorFrequency: 3593 systemMemorySize: 16332 supportedRenderTargetCount: 8 supportsComputeShaders: True supportsShadows: True usesReversedZBuffer: True 3/10/2022 1:56:34 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Game Version: 4.002 3/10/2022 1:56:34 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.7132s) 3/10/2022 1:56:35 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Warning: skipped mod "_Vanilla" in XMLLoadingOrder.txt because we couldn't find any mod with that name 3/10/2022 1:56:35 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Inspect Aft Hatches (0.8582s) 3/10/2022 1:56:35 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Found 495 xml files in 134 folders in 352ms 3/10/2022 1:56:40 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Check For Extra Modules (4.7969s) 3/10/2022 1:56:40 AM 4.002 SINGLEP 495 Xml Files Parsed in 4,440ms 3/10/2022 1:56:40 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Gather Ancient Lifeforms (0.0010s) 3/10/2022 1:56:40 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Eject Trash Into Hyperspace (0.0060s) 3/10/2022 1:56:40 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Bring Cloaking Systems Online (0.0790s) 3/10/2022 1:56:40 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Update mod and expansion statuses! 3/10/2022 1:56:40 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Expansions: The Spire Rises (Installed And Enabled!) Zenith Onslaught (Installed And Enabled!) The Neinzul Abyss (NOT INSTALLED) 3/10/2022 1:56:40 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Mods: AMU (Disabled) CapturableDreadnoughts (Disabled) ExoticShips (Disabled) ExtendedShipVariants (Disabled) FrigatesFocus (Disabled) FromSpireFrigateToDreadnought (Disabled) LONExowarVariety (Disabled) LostHumans (Disabled) MacrophageHistiocytes (Disabled) MicroModCollection (Disabled) MoreFrigates (Disabled) MoreStartingFleets (Disabled) MoreSystemDefenders (Disabled) PowerfulCommandStations (Disabled) RaisingTheFloorMultiAIAdjustment (Disabled) SKCivilianIndustry (Disabled) StrategicRebalance (Disabled) StrategicRebalanceDLC1 (Disabled) StrategicRebalanceDLC2 (Disabled) SuperchargeRaid (Disabled) TameDarkSpire (Disabled) 3/10/2022 1:56:40 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Check Nearby Stellar Masses (0.0520s) 3/10/2022 1:56:40 AM 4.002 SINGLEP 495 Xml Files Checked For Exp/Mod Status in 5ms 3/10/2022 1:56:40 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Pruning Excess Brain Cells (0.0960s) 3/10/2022 1:56:41 AM 4.002 SINGLEP No resolution change was required. 3/10/2022 1:56:41 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Applied graphics settings: AntialiasingMode:x2 UseSoftParticles:False BillboardsFaceCameraPosition:False AnisotropicMode:ForceEnable TextureQuality:Full 3/10/2022 1:56:41 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Applied Framerate Type: 120 FPS (vsync: 0 targetFPS:120) 3/10/2022 1:56:41 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Remembering Alamo (0.6762s) 3/10/2022 1:56:42 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Calculate Odds Of Success (1.0755s) 3/10/2022 1:56:42 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Briefly Panic (0.8722s) 3/10/2022 1:56:43 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Install Confidence Routines (0.4161s) 3/10/2022 1:56:43 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Warning Only: No entries found for table 'ExtraDamageModifiers'. 3/10/2022 1:56:46 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Late Axionic Computations (2.9151s) 3/10/2022 1:56:46 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Acquiring Towel (0.0230s) 3/10/2022 1:56:46 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Inhibiting Visual Scans (0.0560s) 3/10/2022 1:56:47 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Ejecting Tactical Core (0.7192s) 3/10/2022 1:56:47 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Grouping Flow Fields (0.0310s) 3/10/2022 1:56:49 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Scattering Starfields (2.4835s) 3/10/2022 1:56:51 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Combing Distant Planets (1.8090s) 3/10/2022 1:56:51 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Calculating Firing Cones (0.0100s) 3/10/2022 1:56:51 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Discontinue Your Favorite Ship Parts (0.4701s) 3/10/2022 1:56:52 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Re-Aligning Objectives (0.1120s) 3/10/2022 1:57:14 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Ensure Ordnance Functional (22.5538s) 3/10/2022 1:57:14 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Post-Proton Surge (0.0130s) 3/10/2022 1:57:14 AM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED1 TID30 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for AIEmpowerer 3/10/2022 1:57:14 AM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED2 TID30 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for AIEmpowerer 3/10/2022 1:57:14 AM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED3 TID30 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for Chaotician 3/10/2022 1:57:14 AM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED4 TID30 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/10/2022 1:57:14 AM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED5 TID30 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/10/2022 1:57:14 AM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED6 TID30 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/10/2022 1:57:14 AM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED7 TID30 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/10/2022 1:57:14 AM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED8 TID30 Could not find a faction with name that is eligible to be random for NeinzulAbyss 3/10/2022 1:57:14 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Background Radiation Taste Test (0.1020s) 3/10/2022 1:57:14 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Shuffling Chairs On Command Deck (0.0210s) 3/10/2022 1:57:14 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Windshield Wiping (0.1580s) 3/10/2022 1:57:15 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Last Organizational Modeling (0.4501s) 3/10/2022 1:57:15 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Stimulate Modulation (0.2971s) 3/10/2022 1:57:15 AM 4.002 SINGLEP ArcenAssetBundleCache.InstantiatedObjects: 0 3/10/2022 1:57:15 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Order Cores By Seniority (0.0080s) 3/10/2022 1:57:15 AM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED9 TID55 Info: will dump 1444 rows for GameEntityReferenceData.csv and GameEntityStrengthList.txt. 3/10/2022 1:57:16 AM 4.002 SINGLEP We got 24 campaign's data when deserializing 3/10/2022 1:57:16 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Final Checks (0.8152s) 3/10/2022 1:57:16 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Load Historical Documents (0.0060s) 3/10/2022 1:57:16 AM 4.002 SINGLEP 43.0 seconds total load time. Boot up FleetOS (0.3s) Check System Logs For Rogue Intelligence (0.7s) Inspect Aft Hatches (0.9s) Check For Extra Modules (4.8s) Remembering Alamo (0.7s) Calculate Odds Of Success (1.1s) Briefly Panic (0.9s) Install Confidence Routines (0.4s) Late Axionic Computations (2.9s) Ejecting Tactical Core (0.7s) Scattering Starfields (2.5s) Combing Distant Planets (1.8s) Discontinue Your Favorite Ship Parts (0.5s) Ensure Ordnance Functional (22.6s) Last Organizational Modeling (0.5s) Stimulate Modulation (0.3s) Final Checks (0.8s) 3/10/2022 1:57:16 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Hello Steam user 'Lord Of Nothing' 3/10/2022 1:59:11 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Start load save: D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/FallOfRomeDERAILED\2.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 3/10/2022 1:59:11 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 3/10/2022 1:59:12 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Finish load save in 757ms 3/10/2022 2:00:07 AM 4.002 SINGLEP DELAYED10 TID73 built a city 3/10/2022 2:12:18 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 4002_MacrophageLive Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 3/10/2022 2:12:19 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 3/10/2022 2:12:21 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Start load save: D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/FallOfRomeDERAILED\Prehack.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 3/10/2022 2:12:21 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 3/10/2022 2:12:21 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Finish load save in 265ms 3/10/2022 2:21:25 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 4002_MacrophageLive Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 3/10/2022 2:21:25 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 3/10/2022 2:21:27 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Start load save: D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/FallOfRomeDERAILED\Prehack.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 3/10/2022 2:21:27 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 3/10/2022 2:21:27 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Finish load save in 299ms 3/10/2022 2:27:26 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 4002_MacrophageLive Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 3/10/2022 2:27:26 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 3/10/2022 2:27:29 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Start load save: D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/FallOfRomeDERAILED\Prehack.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 3/10/2022 2:27:29 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 3/10/2022 2:27:29 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Finish load save in 278ms 3/10/2022 2:46:38 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 4002_MacrophageLive Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 3/10/2022 2:46:38 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 3/10/2022 2:46:41 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Start load save: D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/FallOfRomeDERAILED\3.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 3/10/2022 2:46:41 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 3/10/2022 2:46:41 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Finish load save in 272ms 3/10/2022 2:46:58 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Exception in entity tooltip text generation at stage 6050:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x1155f] in <75d536c604b04641852191e40f05f82b>:0 at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenLog_InnerOnMainThreadOnly (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.DebugLogDestination Destination, System.Boolean IncludeStackTrace, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity, System.DateTime Timestamp) [0x00000] in <840a78b1269f4ce59e1c34693ecb56d9>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog (System.String Message, Arcen.Universal.Verbosity Verbosity) [0x00000] in <840a78b1269f4ce59e1c34693ecb56d9>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Fleet FleetToUseOrNull, System.String AltTextColorIfUsed, System.String AltTextInPlaceOfFleetAndOwnerOrBlank, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in <75d536c604b04641852191e40f05f82b>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo.GetTextForEntity (Arcen.Universal.ArcenCharacterBufferBase buffer, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntity_Squad relatedSquadOrNull, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FleetMembership MembershipBase, Arcen.AIW2.Core.GameEntityTypeData TypeDataOrNull, System.Int32 OptionalCountToShow, Arcen.AIW2.Core.Faction ForFactionOrNull, System.Byte OptionalForMarkLevel, Arcen.AIW2.Core.FromSidebarType IsFromSidebarType, Arcen.AIW2.External.ShipExtraDetailFlags DetailFlags, System.Single PositionScaleMultiplier, System.Boolean IsBeingDrawnInPopupWindowRatherThanTooltip) [0x00000] in <75d536c604b04641852191e40f05f82b>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo+bPanel.GetTextToRender (Arcen.Universal.ArcenDoubleCharacterBuffer buffer) [0x00000] in <75d536c604b04641852191e40f05f82b>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.External.Window_InGameHoverEntityInfo+bPanel.UpdateContentFromVolatile (Arcen.Universal.ArcenUIWrapperedUnityImage Image, Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Image+SubImageGroup _SubImages, Arcen.Universal.SubTextGroup _SubTexts) [0x00000] in <75d536c604b04641852191e40f05f82b>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_ImageButton.OnUpdateVolatileDataFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <840a78b1269f4ce59e1c34693ecb56d9>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI_Window.OnUpdateVolatileDataFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <840a78b1269f4ce59e1c34693ecb56d9>:0 at Arcen.Universal.ArcenUI.OnUpdateVolatileDataFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <840a78b1269f4ce59e1c34693ecb56d9>:0 at Arcen.Universal.Engine_Universal.OnUpdateEngineUniversalFromMainThread () [0x00000] in <840a78b1269f4ce59e1c34693ecb56d9>:0 at Arcen.AIW2.Core.ArcenGameControllerBase.BaseUpdate () [0x00000] in <72c5c87e2a7e4f629085b0e967b53d8a>:0 at ArcenGameController.Update () [0x00000] in <63e17e5173fc4267999e44b49e187469>:0 3/10/2022 2:48:52 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Memory Profile Debug Data On Game Exit: Game Version: 4002_MacrophageLive Multiplayer Status: SinglePlayerOnly ========================================== ========================================== 3/10/2022 2:48:53 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 3/10/2022 2:49:16 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Start load save: D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/AI War 2/PlayerData/Save/FallOfRomeDERAILED\3.save Source1: AnythingElse Source3: LoadingSaveGame 3/10/2022 2:49:16 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Clearing player accounts. 3/10/2022 2:49:16 AM 4.002 SINGLEP Finish load save in 269ms