using Arcen.AIW2.Core; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using Arcen.Universal; using Arcen.AIW2.External; using UnityEngine; namespace Arcen.AIW2.ExternalVisualization { public static class UtilityMethodsFor_GalaxyMapDisplayMode { public static void BasePickGalaxyMapOtherThingsToShow(Planet planet, GameEntity_Squad EntityToSkip, GameEntity_Squad[] ArrayToFill, GameEntity_Squad.EvaluatorDelegate evaluator) { bool canSeeEnemies = planet.HumansHaveCurrentBroadIntel; int newOtherGimbalIndex = 0; planet.DoForEntities( EntityRollupType.DrawsInGalaxyView, delegate( GameEntity_Squad entity ) { if ( EntityToSkip != null ) { if ( entity == EntityToSkip ) return DelReturn.Continue; } if ( !evaluator( entity ) ) return DelReturn.Continue; if ( !canSeeEnemies ) { if ( entity.PlanetFaction == null ) return DelReturn.Continue; if ( entity.PlanetFaction.Faction.GetIsHostileToLocalFaction() ) return DelReturn.Continue; } ArrayToFill[newOtherGimbalIndex] = entity; newOtherGimbalIndex++; if ( newOtherGimbalIndex >= ArrayToFill.Length ) return DelReturn.Break; return DelReturn.Continue; } ); } } public abstract class BaseGalaxyMapDisplayMode : IGalaxyMapDisplayModeImplementation { public virtual Color GetColorForLinkBetweenPlanets(Planet FirstPlanet, Planet SecondPlanet) { ProjectedMultiPathData pathData = SpecialFaction_Human.NonSim_PlanetsInvolvedInPathToCurrentHoverPlanet_LocalFactionOnly; if ( pathData != null && pathData.GetAreConnected( FirstPlanet, SecondPlanet ) ) return World_AIW2.Instance.GetLocalPlayerFaction().TeamCenterColor.TeamColorHighlighted; Faction FirstFaction = FirstPlanet.GetFactionWithSpecialInfluenceHere(); if ( FirstFaction.Type == FactionType.NaturalObject ) FirstFaction = FirstPlanet.GetControllingFaction(); Faction SecondFaction = SecondPlanet.GetFactionWithSpecialInfluenceHere(); if ( SecondFaction.Type == FactionType.NaturalObject ) SecondFaction = SecondPlanet.GetControllingFaction(); if ( FirstFaction == SecondFaction ) return FirstFaction.TeamCenterColor.TeamColor; else if ( FirstFaction.GetIsFriendlyTowards( SecondFaction ) ) return; else if ( FirstFaction.GetIsHostileTowards( SecondFaction ) ) return; else return Color.gray; } public virtual void WriteNameText( Planet planet, ArcenDoubleCharacterBuffer buffer ) { if ( planet == null ) { ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog( "Warning: WriteNameText found planet == null", Verbosity.ShowAsInfo ); return; } Faction faction = planet.GetFactionWithSpecialInfluenceHere(); if ( faction == null ) { ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog( "Warning: WriteNameText found faction == null", Verbosity.ShowAsInfo ); return; } if ( faction.TeamCenterColor == null ) { ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog( "Warning: WriteNameText found faction.TeamColor == null", Verbosity.ShowAsInfo ); return; } if ( faction.Type == FactionType.NaturalObject ) faction = planet.GetControllingFaction(); bool haveIntelAndNotSetup = planet.HumansHaveCurrentBroadIntel && !World_AIW2.Instance.InSetupPhase; if ( haveIntelAndNotSetup || faction.Type == FactionType.Player ) buffer.Add( "" ); buffer.Add( planet.Name ); if ( World_AIW2.Instance.InSetupPhase ) { List controllingPlayers = planet.GetControllingFaction().ControlledByPlayerAccounts; if ( controllingPlayers != null && controllingPlayers.Count > 0 && controllingPlayers[0] < World.Instance.AllPlayerAccounts.Count ) buffer.Add( "\n" ).Add( World.Instance.AllPlayerAccounts[controllingPlayers[0]].Username ); } if ( haveIntelAndNotSetup || faction.Type == FactionType.Player ) buffer.Add( "" ); if ( haveIntelAndNotSetup && faction.Type == FactionType.AI && !Engine_AIW2.Instance.IsTestChamber ) buffer.Add( " " ).Add( planet.MarkLevel.MapDisplayWithColor ); } public virtual float GetThicknessMultiplierForLinkBetweenPlanets(Planet FirstPlanet, Planet SecondPlanet) { ProjectedMultiPathData localFactionOnly = SpecialFaction_Human.NonSim_PlanetsInvolvedInPathToCurrentHoverPlanet_LocalFactionOnly; if (localFactionOnly != null && localFactionOnly.GetAreConnected(FirstPlanet, SecondPlanet)) return 3f; return 1.0f; } public virtual void WriteLeftRightText( Planet planet, ArcenDoubleCharacterBuffer LeftBuffer, ArcenDoubleCharacterBuffer RightBuffer ) { if ( World_AIW2.Instance.InSetupPhase ) return; int threatStrengthInt, hostileStrengthMinusThreatInt, myTotalStrength, myMobileStrength, myAndAlliedTotalStrength, myAndAlliedMobileStrength; Faction hostileFaction; string myOrAlliedColor; Window_InGameHoverPlanetInfo.GetPlanetFactionalData( planet, out threatStrengthInt, out hostileStrengthMinusThreatInt, out myTotalStrength, out myMobileStrength, out myAndAlliedTotalStrength, out myAndAlliedMobileStrength, out myOrAlliedColor, out hostileFaction, false ); //LEFT if ( myAndAlliedTotalStrength > 0 ) { LeftBuffer.StartColor( myOrAlliedColor ); LeftBuffer.Add( ArcenExternalUIUtilities.StrengthTextIcon ); ArcenExternalUIUtilities.WriteRoundedNumberWithSuffix( LeftBuffer, myAndAlliedMobileStrength, true, true ); LeftBuffer.Add( "\n" ).Add( ArcenExternalUIUtilities.StrengthTextIcon ); ArcenExternalUIUtilities.WriteRoundedNumberWithSuffix( LeftBuffer, myAndAlliedTotalStrength - myAndAlliedMobileStrength, true, true ); } //RIGHT LINE 1 if ( hostileStrengthMinusThreatInt > 0 ) { if ( hostileFaction != null ) RightBuffer.StartColor( hostileFaction.TeamCenterColor.ColorHexLinearBrighter ); else RightBuffer.StartColor( "ffffff" ); RightBuffer.Add( ArcenExternalUIUtilities.StrengthTextIcon ); ArcenExternalUIUtilities.WriteRoundedNumberWithSuffix( RightBuffer, hostileStrengthMinusThreatInt, true, true ); if ( threatStrengthInt > 0 ) RightBuffer.Add( "\n" ); } //RIGHT LINE 2 if ( threatStrengthInt > 0 ) { if ( hostileFaction != null ) RightBuffer.StartColor( ( hostileStrengthMinusThreatInt > 0 ? hostileFaction.TeamBorderColor : hostileFaction.TeamCenterColor ).ColorHexLinearBrighter ); else RightBuffer.StartColor( "ffffff" ); RightBuffer.Add( ArcenExternalUIUtilities.StrengthTextIcon ); ArcenExternalUIUtilities.WriteRoundedNumberWithSuffix( RightBuffer, threatStrengthInt, true, true ); } } public abstract void PickOtherThingsToShow(Planet planet, GameEntity_Squad EntityToSkip, GameEntity_Squad[] ArrayToFill); public void WriteEntityPlanetViewText( GameEntity_Base entity, ArcenDoubleCharacterBuffer Buffer) { int debugLine = 0; try { debugLine = 1; bool debug = false; if ( entity == null ) return; debugLine = 2; if ( entity.TypeData.OtherSpecialType != OtherSpecialEntityType.Wormhole ) return; GameEntity_Other wormhole = (GameEntity_Other)entity; debugLine = 3; Planet currentPlanet = entity.Planet; debugLine = 4; Planet wormholeDestPlanet = wormhole.GetLinkedPlanet(); debugLine = 5; if ( wormholeDestPlanet == null ) return; debugLine = 6; bool shouldBeSelectedColorOnText = entity == GameEntity_Base.CurrentlyHoveredOver; debugLine = 6; Faction faction = wormholeDestPlanet.GetControllingFaction(); debugLine = 7; if ( debug ) ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine( "currentPlanet " + currentPlanet.Name + " wormhole to " + wormholeDestPlanet.Name + " figuring out colour", Verbosity.DoNotShow ); debugLine = 8; if ( faction != null && faction.Type != FactionType.NaturalObject && wormholeDestPlanet.HumansHaveCurrentBroadIntel ) { debugLine = 9; bool isWaveIncomingThroughWormhole = false; debugLine = 10; Faction controllingFaction = currentPlanet.GetControllingFaction(); debugLine = 1001; if ( controllingFaction != null && controllingFaction.Type == FactionType.Player && faction.Type == FactionType.AI ) { debugLine = 11; //check whether this wormhole has a wave going to come through it, //and if so then show that if ( faction.Type == FactionType.AI ) { debugLine = 12; List localList = faction.GetWaveList(); debugLine = 13; for ( int i = 0; i < localList.Count; i++ ) { debugLine = 14; PlannedWave wave = localList[i]; debugLine = 15; if ( wave.playerBeingAlerted ) { debugLine = 16; Planet warpGatePlanet = World_AIW2.Instance.GetPlanetByIndex( wave.planetWithWarpGateIdx ); debugLine = 17; Planet targetPlanet = World_AIW2.Instance.GetPlanetByIndex( wave.targetPlanetIdx ); debugLine = 18; if ( targetPlanet == currentPlanet && wormholeDestPlanet == warpGatePlanet ) { debugLine = 19; isWaveIncomingThroughWormhole = true; debugLine = 20; i = localList.Count; debugLine = 21; } } } } } debugLine = 22; if ( isWaveIncomingThroughWormhole ) //not a AI wave coming, so just show the faction team colour { debugLine = 23; if ( debug ) ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine( "currentPlanet " + currentPlanet.Name + " wormhole to " + wormholeDestPlanet.Name + " showing incoming wave colour", Verbosity.DoNotShow ); debugLine = 24; Color incomingWaveColour = ColorMath.Red; debugLine = 25; Color colorToShow = ColorMath.GetTimeLerpedColor( incomingWaveColour, faction.TeamCenterColor.TeamColor, 3000 ); debugLine = 26; Buffer.Add( "" ); debugLine = 27; } else { debugLine = 28; if ( debug ) ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine( "currentPlanet " + currentPlanet.Name + " wormhole to " + wormholeDestPlanet.Name + " showing faction colour " + faction.TeamCenterColor, Verbosity.DoNotShow ); debugLine = 29; Buffer.Add( "" ); debugLine = 30; } } else { debugLine = 31; if ( debug ) ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine( "currentPlanet " + currentPlanet.Name + " wormhole to " + wormholeDestPlanet.Name + " showing showing no owner", Verbosity.DoNotShow ); debugLine = 32; Buffer.Add( "" ); debugLine = 33; } debugLine = 34; Buffer.Add( wormholeDestPlanet.Name ); debugLine = 35; Buffer.Add( "" ); debugLine = 36; } catch ( Exception e ) { ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLog( "Warning: WriteEntityPlanetViewText encountered exception on debugLine==" + debugLine + "\n" + e.ToString(), Verbosity.ShowAsInfo ); } } } public class GalaxyMapDisplayMode_Normal : BaseGalaxyMapDisplayMode { public override void PickOtherThingsToShow(Planet planet, GameEntity_Squad EntityToSkip, GameEntity_Squad[] ArrayToFill) { // UtilityMethodsFor_GalaxyMapDisplayMode.BasePickGalaxyMapOtherThingsToShow( planet, EntityToSkip, ArrayToFill, // delegate(GameEntity_Squad entity) { return ArcenStrings.ListContains( entity.TypeData.Tags, "ShowsOnNormalDisplayMode" ); } ); //As a stopgap during the UI upheaval, "Normal" now just does the most critical gameplay elements UtilityMethodsFor_GalaxyMapDisplayMode.BasePickGalaxyMapOtherThingsToShow( planet, EntityToSkip, ArrayToFill, delegate( GameEntity_Squad entity ) { return ArcenStrings.ListContains( entity.TypeData.Tags, "ShowsOnNormalDisplayMode" ) || ArcenStrings.ListContains( entity.TypeData.Tags, "ProgressReducer" ) || ArcenStrings.ListContains( entity.TypeData.Tags, "Capturable" ); } ); } } }